Viral Persistence (🍉)

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Viral Persistence (🍉)

really don’t love raw dogging a serious neurological disease. fund research and clinical trials for long COVID and me/cfs now, and furthermore provide clean energy-powered hotel cold on demand for free for everyone.
I’ve understood that I’m not the main character of the united states since I was pretty young but will I ever feel like the protagonist of my own life again?
Returning briefly to say that the ICJ ruling is significantly better than even I expected. Not only was the occupation ruled illegal, but the Court said it constitutes a racial segregationist and apartheid system. The Court advises the world to act. The Court ruled we are entitled to reparations.
ultrasound imaging isn’t just used for pregnancy! it can be used for all kinds of things like image guided surgery, high resolution imaging of small blood vessels and even cancer diagnosis
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
I think there are lots of ppl that have lingering issues from covid, recover and never have to worry about it again. but it seems like the more fucked up you are, the less likely you are to recover and the more susceptible you are to decline w additional immune challenges.
I don’t believe most ppl have lifelong immune damage from covid but it sent my personal immune system straight to hell (purgatory? I’m not that severe)
Cold, Flu Virus Can Trigger Long COVID Those who treat and research long COVID warn that viral persistence and reactivation are real risks for some patients.
research for infection-associated chronic diseases is disability justice. #LongCovid
I don’t believe most ppl have lifelong immune damage from covid but it sent my personal immune system straight to hell (purgatory? I’m not that severe)
Solo homers, the famously reliable way to win ball games
The very best VFX can't make our brains accept a cat driving a motorcycle (the proportion problem would be especially apparent in motion), but a drawing can do this easily
Comics are the superior form of media and this is proof.
My hissing fauna embroidery that took me 2 months 🥴
in case ppl outside of texas don’t know, abbott etc. hate houston as well as the other big cities, they love when we suffer, it’s fun for them.
“A cat 1 hurricane shouldn’t knock out your power system,” said Kerry Emanuel, a veteran hurricane researcher and professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology. “I think you’ve got a problem with the power company, frankly.”
Hurricane Beryl Was a Warning Shot for Houston - Inside Climate The category one storm dealt the city disastrous damage. Houston’s first direct hit from a hurricane in decades showed how vulnerable the nation’s energy capital remains.
Page A1: BREAKING NEWS: ASHLEY JUDD SAYS BIDEN SHOULD STEP DOWN Page B16: City of Houston has no power for a week and its 105 degrees there and no one's doing anyting to help them boring boring boring
The fourth largest city in America is still in crisis under a deadly heatwave & the power company can't get hundreds of thousands of households back online, but you'd barely know it from our national news.
850K CenterPoint customers remain without power after Hurricane More than 850,000 CenterPoint customers were without power four days after Hurricane Beryl hit the Texas coast.
gov. abbott seems very uninterested in preparing for and responding to storms for someone who was paralyzed by a tree toppled by a storm
I know Greg Abbot is a bad person but independent from that he seems to be an extremely bad governor even in ostensibly non-partisan parts of the job
I feel so bad for people in Houston, man
hot singles in your area want to know if your power is out too
coworker did a (great) presentation on potential molecular signatures for sjogren's disease and stated that over the past few years, our understanding of this disease has massively improved. this is the perception in industry of sjd right now. may it happen for us soon #LongCovid #mecfs
Hello #PortfolioDay I make peculiar little paintings
that kurt vonnegut quote about artists being against the vietnsm war having the power of dropping a custard pie from 6 feet but it’s about long covid patients and the fucking recover initiative
another thing about the nih...a few years after my mom was diagnosed w MS in the 90s, a doctor told her that most patients have defective t cells whereas she had defective b cells. it sounds like leading researchers knew for years, even decades that treating b cell dysfunction could improve MS 1/
yeah it is absolutely fuck the nih, it's a real problem when angry patients are backed up by senators from both parties but no one can actually make the nih change course and do pharmaceutical trials instead of "brain retraining" (???). idk what the answer is, it's dangerous times for sure.
A Cure for Multiple Sclerosis? Scientists Say Within Our A generation ago, a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was a guarantee of a debilitating disease that would leave the patient wheelchair bound, and worse. Follow UCSF’s role in what some call the golden ...
I’m glad ppl are masking but I don’t want masks to be necessary forever for anyone. I want reliable prevention of severe acute disease, deep understanding of and powerful treatments for #LongCovid and #mecfs, a world where the pandemic ends at long last.
The perception of an inevitable fascist victory in Europe is largely just the wishcasting of mainstream media publications saying that fascist victory is inevitable. See how the BBC spins National Rally's loss.
So the questions isn't "does posting matter" but they might be "if I want to tie this to activism, how do I do this consistently and with a useful return on the time invested, and how can we make it more effective, is it worth building up?"
manifesting: within the next 3 years, I will have my name on a good paper about lc and/or mecfs
why did I have to read the word “cancerphobia” with my face eyes. simon wessley is that your dumb ass again???
“Learn to live with it” cope expanding to cancer
More anti-democratic thoughts from 2018 the NYT allowed this writer to exclude from his current piece. Delivered with an air of detached irony, as if he miiight be joking or exaggerating. But is he?
Dog I am not ready for the “Labour’s success proves Biden must get more transphobic” takes
a thing about holidays is they make me miss the beforetimes