Renee Perry

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Renee Perry

I will figure out a new quote soon, promise.
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Dumbest fuckin’ idea I’ve ever heard. “The proposal is work of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in Obama and Clinton administrations and as a volunteer policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020, and Ted Dintersmith, a venture capitalist…”
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If for no other reason, turn out to vote to spite the “men who have never done anything but sniff their own farts” club.
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You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
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I once wandered in there during the Stripping and it scarred me in ways I cannot describe. I , taught from birth to fear the sun when it is VERY FUCKING HOT OUTSIDE was forever changed by this. They are strange, these people of this exotic land. A proud, tribal, quaint people. But oh so strange.
a charmingly goofy thing about portland is that it’s dark here half the year so once the temp hits 90, every white person in town strips down and becomes a reflective surface bright enough to be seen from space
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Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
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he’s done at least two rallies, he had a meeting with dem governors today, he’s doing an interview with ABC on friday, if none of these professionals can hold it until then, they should buy some fucking diapers
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The NYT call for Biden to step down would seem momentous if not for the fact the NYT has been absolutely beclowning itself on Biden v. Trump for several years now.
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I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
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"There was a dead body found a few blocks from my house, passed away from the heat. Everyone was acting like it was normal, but I knew that person was someone’s mother … and that it could be mine next,” said Mi’Kah West, a 17-year-old Detroit high school organizer, in a statement.
In all seriousness, Batman
without saying beetlejuice, fav michael keaton film?
Sugar is not a poison. Your body is going to turn a lot of things into glucose because glucose is what you need to make ATP and without ATP, you're dead buddy.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
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It's increasingly clear that the people who make generative AI don't like films, don't like books, don't like art of any kind, and don't understand why anyone else does.
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Terrific analysis and affirmative thinking here from! (And how did I not know he’d worked for a time at The Village Voice, one of my fave alt-weeklies (and one of my fave alma maters?) 👏🏾
The New Alt Media and the Future of Publishing - Anil A blog about making culture. Since 1999.
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Pretty sure lots and lots of people South of the Mason-Dixon line were very much against slavery. You probably got confused though because they were only considered to be 3/5ths a person at the time.
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The absolute political ignorance on display just about trumps the attempted revision.
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hey cis friends, I really need you to please share this. the cis people who really need to see it are much more likely to listen to you 🩷
Welcome to #TransTuesday! This week we talk CIS SPOUSAL AND PARTNER SUPPORT DURING TRANSITION. Let's talk about what it looks like, and why it's so important... and what happens when we don't get it. CIS FRIENDS I NEED YOU TO SHARE THIS WITH *YOUR* CIS FRIENDS.
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"...when I wrote pieces critical of Trump, members of the alt-right pounced, and they attacked us through our daughter. They pulled pictures of her from social media and photoshopped her into gas chambers and lynchings." The headline does this a deep disservice
Opinion | The Day My Old Church Canceled Me Was a Very Sad There is a difference between peace and capitulation.
Reskeeting for that insane picture.
reskeet if u love sandwiches
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Gift link. It's not just that they're aggressively marketed to Black women. It's the expectations about what constitutes "looking professional" (per the article, it's hard for Black women to meet military hair requirements without using straightener), the lack of research, and so much more.
The Disturbing Truth About Hair They’ve been linked to reproductive disorders and cancers. Why are they still being marketed so aggressively to Black women?
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"Tell me you’d never join a cult and I’ll tell you you’ve been lucky. That the savviest representative of the most appealing group didn’t reach you on the worst day of your life. In your thirst on your lonesome road, no one offered you water from a poisoned well."
On Cults, Part 2: Follow the Jim Jones preaching at the Peoples Temple What’s the loneliest you’ve ever felt? The most scared? The most despairing? Was it a period of depression, or...
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Not only does Martha-Ann Alito fantasize about making flags to own her neighbors, she also falsely believes that Robin Givhan’s 2006 Pulitzer for criticism was won in part for a column on her clothing. It was not—I checked.
Martha-Ann Alito Fantasizes About Flag Designs to Piss Off Her Since 2007, Jezebel has been the Internet's most treasured source for everything celebrities, sex, and politics...with teeth.
Make a movie milder: Spite Club
make a movie milder: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Looms
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Gambling is causing an occupational health and safety crisis for athletic workers and the leagues they work for and sports media complex are entirely responsible because, as always, in capitalism value comes first and the worker might as well be dead at the end of the day.
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One of the things TNC wrote on his blog which holds true is that people have a hard time accepting the idea there are people who are earnestly working in opposition to the things which you’d like to see in the world. A lot of our political culture depends on the assumption we agree on ends.
"He endorsed what his interlocutor described as a necessary fight to “return our country to a place of godliness.” And Alito offered a blunt assessment of how America’s polarization will ultimately be resolved: “One side or the other is going to win.”"
Justice Alito Caught on Tape Discussing How Battle for America ‘Can’t Be Compromised’ Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in a new recording says the battle for America "can't be compromised," and that one political party will "win."
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Can’t wait to submit crafts donations to this. Questions: What colors of handknit shawls are you most likely to bid on? Are you interested in machine washable handknit socks custom-knit to your specific foot size? Would you be interested in a lap quilt? What colors?
AUCTION DONATIONS ARE OPEN!!! We're accepting: books/comics from all genres, prizes, goodies, crafts, and more! (You must be a US Citizen to avoid election crimes.) Fill out the form as many times as you want! http://form.romancin...