
Really wish we'd start calling UBI "proven results-oriented efficient method" and start referring to flooding a place with hundreds of cops as "experiment, no proof that it works and may be counterproductive, should consider discarding."
But there are fare evaders in NYC, I think, maybe, so we need cops to prevent them from becoming the mafia or communists, probably
oh no, fare evaders, we are losing $2.90 per instance, perhaps we should spend a million dollars
I'm vaguely remembering some guy who owed NYS like $450 MIL, and the NYS SC just cut down the bond he had to pay to $175 MIL...was this recent? Perhaps the same logic applies to one person over $2.90, but what do I know?
That rings a bell… maybe that guy had some kind of trump card? That’s what I’m remembering.
GRRRR. There are SO many cops on subway platforms now. Most looking at their phones.
It's such a misuse of funds! Just...stop worrying about fare evasion!
broken windows policing strikes again, except even more ridiculous this time because there isn't some physical reminder left behind by fare evasion
I know you know, but it's most often BIPOC and teens that evade fares, which is why there's such a fear about evasion.
Do we even know that? Or do we know that it’s mostly BIPOC and teens that get caught?
What, and make it difficult for cops to buy their third home? They gotta put in that overtime somewhere
it wold be so much cheaper to just fund the subway with the extra subway-policing budget and make the rides free
Stop making sense. You know they don't like it when you make sense.
Excuse me, but I think I saw yesterday that solving the extremely grave problem of fare evasion in NY is costing $150 million, which I’m sure we can all agree is reasonable and necessary, not to mention effective /s
Just close more libraries!
I saw one analysis that showed that if all kids under 18 got free fares and the fair fares and reduced fare metro cards were easier to get, the system would save millions. The bureaucracy of distribution of student cards and opaque fair fare system is *expensive*.
For our local train system, it could be as high as almost *$16* per fare evasion. (Or as little as $2.30.) I'm sure a dozen or two of those per day justifies several hundred hours/week of cop salaries. I mean. It's math. Those are all numbers, so it must be a valid use of taxpayer money, right?
What if we give them a $2.90 UBI each time and call it even?
At the very least the "experiment" should be "how do we scale up the program" and not "does UBI work"
Same with Housing First initiatives for tackling homelessness!
these things have fairly simple solutions! l'm from Portland where we are opening vast new horizons in "wasting money on stupid bullshit" instead of doing, y'know, things that are proven to work
“What if we made it so that nobody could rest in public ever again by designing hostile architecture”
we are apparently going to be "concentrating" homeless people in "camps" surrounded with barbed wire
An oldie but a… what’s the opposite of a “goodie”? A “terriblie?”
l'm sure they'll come up with a cheery name for it tho
“Isn’t someone needing to urinate somewhere other than their single-family house a thing we should be working to prevent?”
No, you see it’s fine if they can go spend money somewhere, then they can have a single use bathroom pass.
I think the fundamental problem is what you mean by “it works”. For those in power that phrase means “someone can make a profit” something UBI does not do.
or "funnel public money to shady companies whose employees sell drugs to and assault homeless people"
The experiment is to see how many times this can be done before there’s a negative result that the economists and policy makers can refer to that prove it’s a bad idea
How about an experiment where cops found with ANY evidence of violating the law *including things like not having cameras on* are shot on sight? Sure... maybe in the foot or hand... but something to actually make THEM follow the damn laws.
That sounds very cruel. What if we just preemptively made them not cops instead?
Not having cops would actually make me feel safer. One of those idiots almost ran me over in the walk zone in front of the grocery store.
I would agree with that... but we still gotta have punishments that would actually scare them. While I DO believe there are some who become cops to do good.... way to many do it because of power. And a few of those would still slip through the cracks.
I don’t understand. If they’re just not cops in the first place, how would they abuse the power we didn’t give them?
It's amazing that the weak arguments against UBI manage to stand up at all. Literally everyone in a community would benefit. Small businesses would benefit from more customers, and more people willing to work for the wages small businesses pay since they're topping up the basic UBI.
And nobody getting UBI is hoarding that money so much of it goes right back into the local economy. Amazon and other companies will siphon some of it off, but that's why we then tax the shit out of them to pay for UBI.
Some people might draw certain conclusions from the fact that there were 6 cops in the E. Harlem station where someone was pushed onto the tracks yesterday.
pretty remarkable that people need to be convinced in the first place that electing to give ourselves a bit of money would be nice
I tried explaining this to my dad, but he just couldn't get past the idea of people getting "something for nothing" and it would "teach people to be lazy." ~sigh~
Here is also a recent report from the Minneapolis Fed, which is conducting the independent evaluation of a UBI study in the Twin Cities - 18 month data just came out this week!
In Canada, CERB was the proof of UBI. Now, to make it *truly* universal.