long john curry

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long john curry


coco melonist, phd candidate (he/him)
everybody involved in running jbouie off the platform needs to drink some water and go sit in the corner to reevaluate their life choices, fucking hell 😔
great read! when it comes to policy, the simplest answer is rarely the correct one. this is most useful not as a defense of biden (those aiding and abetting genocide do not deserve to be defended) but rather a course correction on how to tackle mass incarceration in the us
My latest is up now in Slate. It’s an election year where crime is an issue, so essential to raise this issue sooner than later: THE 1994 CRIME BILL DID NOT CAUSE MASS INCARCERATION. It didn’t. It. Just. Did. Not.
Joe Biden’s Most Infamous Law Still Haunts Him. For All the Wrong Reasons.slate.com Thirty years after it passed, it’s still totally misunderstood.
Israel's purposeful destruction of Gaza's economy has been going on for years. A thriving agricultural exporter since antiquity, Gaza was known for its citrus crops, as was neighboring Jaffa. Israel's occupation in 1967 destroyed that, using bulldozers, herbicides, and water and trade restrictions.
Opinion | What lemons and oranges prove about Israel’s occupationwapo.st Palestinians’ economic plight is not the result of failed aspirations or a lack of effort.
When I say I'm anti-Zionist, I mean I'm anti-Zionist. I am opposed to the creation and maintenance of an apartheid ethnostate in historic Palestine, or anywhere else in the world.
pride was started by black trans women. pride was a riot. no cops at pride. pride was started by black trans women. pride was a riot. no cops at pride. pride was started by black trans women. pride was a riot. no cops at pride.
"We see the hierarchies of traditional rural society, and because it’s alien and exotic, we see it as natural and idyllic, instead of merely a different system for organizing labor and wealth." good analysis on the political economy of pastoral fantasies nathangoldwag.wordpress.com/2024/05/31/t...
The Moral Economy of the Shirenathangoldwag.wordpress.com Who paid for this? There's a certain meme that I see making the rounds on Facebook every so often about the bucolic nature of life in the Shire, from Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, an...
the thing about the nazi comparisons when many better comparisons exist is that at the root is always at least one of two things a) decontextualized generic "bad thing" ignoring nuance for an argument b) ah! the tables have turned! - both in varying degrees antisemitic
James Baldwin made a similar point about white racism: "You give me a terrifying advantage. You never had to look at me. I had to look at you. I know more about you than you know about me. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
"You just don't understand Christians" LOL excuse me but I live in America. I have no fucking choice. Frankly, as the people who fantasize about by death, I understand you better then you do.
Just a reminder that today is a good day to pick a family or org in Gaza to help promote- Operation Olive Branch has a whole spreadsheet full of vetted fundraisers to choose from- some people want to evacuate, some people want to rebuild, some are providing aid on the ground linktr.ee/opolivebranch
Operation Olive Branch | Instagram, TikTok | Linktreelinktr.ee Grassroots movement to support & amplify aid requests of Palestinian families.
with the icc and icj being hot topics of discussion again, like to point out that every us official involved in the decades long american occupation of afghanistan (and iraq) belongs in the hague www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/w...
America’s Monsterwww.nytimes.com How the United States backed kidnapping, torture and murder in Afghanistan.
“Dentures were thrown away and coping isn’t something I can do. It’s made me feel ugly, unworthy, can’t go get a job with no teeth.”
The city has violated a court order and its own policies by discarding the personal property of thousands of homeless people, who have lost medications, birth certificates, IDs, treasured family photos and the ashes of loved ones. www.propublica.org/article/albu...
Albuquerque Is Throwing Out the Belongings of Homeless People, Violating City Policywww.propublica.org The city has violated a court order and its own policies by discarding the personal property of thousands of homeless people, who have lost medications, birth certificates, IDs, treasured family photo...
Have not spoken to a single person at UCI who saw anything besides kids sitting around chanting. Some of that chanting moved into a lecture hall, when no classes were in session, at which point the Chancellor decided it was now a "violent protest" and called in the goon squads to knock heads.
*looks directly at camera*
UNC trustees voted this morning to reallocate the university's $2.3 million DEI budget to campus police. Budget vice chair: “I think that DEI in a lot of people’s minds is divisiveness, exclusion and indoctrination. We need more unity and togetherness, more dialogue, more diversity of thought.”
UNC-Chapel Hill BOT votes to divert DEI funding, redirecting it to campus public safetywww.wunc.org The UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees voted to divert millions of diversity, equity and inclusion funding to public safety and campus law enforcement