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Tired. He/Him.
At first I thought you were talking about your outfit. Stay cool, shaded, and hydrated!
I would love to hear about nice things. I'm already talking to a super cool trans person 😘
They are probably also harbouring their own guilt at letting you slip away.
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
If you use #Firefox, which is very sensible of you, uncheck this new ad tracking setting they silently added:
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
The simmering rage against tech is partly because what they are doing is impeding the really cool shit that happens online. The internet rocks, I have made incredible friendships online that have lasted 15+ years, built a business, made art, and I hate how badly they've hurt being online.
fwiw I don't hate him, I just find him a bit meh.
Nice stage. Disappointed by the finish.
It's time!
ah, we are done looking at medium screen. time to look at large screen for a while. then later we'll look at small screen mostly! love to look at screens.
Amazing! Congratulations! Love your little rider ❤️
Glad you're at least getting a new experience out of it then!
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
As long as she’s allowed to insert five swear words per minute I’m completely up for this.
need this so bad
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
Fun thermodynamics fact: if you want your house to be 75F and the outside temperature rises from 96F to 100F, your air conditioner will consume 42% more power.
Is that around the normal level for proofs? Or is this time anomalous?
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
Some say the wind isn’t a reliable source of energy in New Zealand. The wind:
Sorry to hear you were careless with your mails (e). Click this link to restore from our AI backups.
I have no idea if the rest of the season will hold up but that episode was beautiful. I watched it tonight and immediately turned the TV off so I could think about it and let it sink in. I'm going to watch it again tomorrow.
Season 3 Episode 1 of The Bear has just rocked me to the core. This is one of the most beautiful pieces of contemporary filmmaking I have ever seen. Just stunning.
It's connected to his mouth.
For use when people are ordering a custom limited edition hand bound by the author in human skin tattooed with various wards and/curses?
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
Bon voyage to the weird, the unexpectedly elegant, the orthogonally sympathetic characters who came out of his encounters with otherwise broken stories. No actor, however amazing, can save a script from being bad. But some actors can find something in scripts whose good qualities are buried deep.
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
Everyone’s mourning Donald Sutherland by naming really great movies, and I want to point out that he was also the best thing, often the single redeeming thing, in some lousy movies that people still love because Donald Sutherland.
omg that's EVERY time I come home from the office! Wait 30 mins for the bus to show up, or walk 40 mins home. I like my walks.
My Kia Rio does similar work. A hatchback for all seasons.
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
Holy fuck they brought up a Magic 8 Ball! 😭😭😭
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
It's increasingly clear that the people who make generative AI don't like films, don't like books, don't like art of any kind, and don't understand why anyone else does.
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
Reposted byAvatar DanDubb
"The way we currently count carbon stores risk creating incentives to plant new trees rather than protect existing forests. Yet old-growth forests store vastly more carbon than young saplings, which will take decades or even centuries to reach the same size" theconversation.com/ending-nativ...
Ending native forest logging would help Australia’s climate goals much more than planting treestheconversation.com Two states have banned native forest logging, but it’s still happening in the others.