
I for one am sick of all these chemo patients and organ donation recipients wearing their fancy masks, glad to see legislators take action.
Courts don't always care what legislators say but telling people "don't worry, we'll selectively enforce this law based purely on the defendant's viewpoint" doesn't seem like a great way to make prosecutions stick.
Yep, just asked my rep if they were ready to pay for the lawsuits, and why they insisted.on making us look stupid.
Meaning *white* grannies at Wal-Mart
Hey, if Granny is white and has a “Black Lives Matter” or “Free Palestine” sticker on her car, they’ll be happy to rough her up a little.
Who could argue with this logic...
good thing there's not a common finding of immunity for police doing their jobs even when it crosses moral, ethical or legal boundaries. phew, we can all relax - sounds like it's all taken care of.
Sitting in an NC cancer clinic right now, wearing a mask, and knowing that the Rs passing the bill don’t actually know what the cops will do with it, so maybe I’m breaking the law?
Then that should be outlined in the legislation, those cowards.
Even in the unlikely event that police are somehow able to avoid abusing this new power, it will still lead to people being acosted by folks who just heard "masks are illegal" and take it upon themselves to enforce it.
they're gonna have to arrest every lawn guy pollen season will be arrestin' season
I deleted the original post because it wasn’t specific enough about where the bills status was at. That said, this will obviously reduce the number of people who can mask. People of color in public spaces, people who look visibly different in other ways will all be targeted by this bill in practice
Feels like they could write the law so that the penalty only applies to people wearing a mask while committing another crime, rather than just making mask-wearing illegal.
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Some southern states already have laws against masks at protests, but those are originally anti KKK laws, not exempting the KKK
Sorry, deleted original that said "you". Didn't want to be misunderstood.
*watches Walmart security crack their knuckles*
If we have any generally applicable constitutional rights left this will be overturned.
New thread
New thread on the NC medical mask ban: North Carolina senate passed a bill that will ban medical masks in public spaces. The Assembly majority supports the bill. I hope this is a wake up call to folks on the left who don’t care There IS still time to stop this bill.
NC bill removing health and safety exception for wearing masks passes The “Unmasking Mobs and Criminals” bill passed the NC Senate on Wednesday.
"As Republicans have shrugged off Democrats' concerns, they've said they trust police officers not to abuse the power to arrest anyone for wearing a surgical mask out in public." Wait...I thought Republicans were supposed to be the party of government distrust?
Funny how the “the guv’ment can’t make me wear a mask” crowd turns into “the guv’ment can make you not wear a mask” crowd.
I always thought it was weird how some of the "the guv'ment can't make me wear a mask" crowd turns into the "the guv'ment should force you to have a baby" crowd.
Side note. Your avatar is a painting of one of my college art professor’s father. (Father/son both named Byron McKeeby.)
Correction: The American Gothic subject was my professor’s grandfather. All named Byron McKeeby (but with different middle names).
I would assume the most famous male subject in American art.
I rarely, agree with Rs on anything. However Being a recent victim of a lunatic that almost ran me off the road, brake-checked me, stopped his car, got out & raised his hands in a shooting gesture- while wearing a neck gaiter over his face & his hoodie down over his eyebrows- I support this meaure.
That is not a problem that this law would solve.
Probably not. But it seems a lot of bad actors that probably refused to wear a mask during COVID are now wrapping up their entire face to hide their identity. Sad state of affairs- whether they are doing it out of fear of being attacked or so they can get away with doing the attacking.
And yet the bill is written to make mask-wearing — EVEN FOR HEALTH REASONS — illegal.
Yeah... like I said, I rarely agree with anything Rs do. Why I somewhat agree with the concept is something I've thought since the lunatic far-right fringe started dressing in uniforms including gaiters, ball caps & dark glasses to hide their identities during their hate rallies- modern-day hoods.
I am sorry for your experience, but the lunatic did several illegal actions already. Would they honor the law saying they couldn't wear a mask?
Probably not. It's unfortunate we're mixing up medical masks with identity concealing masks... Used to be some thug in a ski mask in central Texas in 90 degree weather was way out of place. These days with a variety of face coverings, anything goes.
Did he mask his license plate number too? 🤔
Nope. Gave it to the 911 operator. At most I could only identify his eye color. Whoever owns that car could always claim they weren't driving it & there'd be no proof to the contrary.
What if Granny doesn't like the Wal-Mart?
and there's an explicit exception for klan members
Yeah, that's how the law worked before covid. It's not an actually new law.
This message is meant for the next airborne disease with a significant death rate: Now is the perfect time to have a go at it! If you wait too long, people might forget that "masks are bad".
Alright, fellow grannies, let's level Walmart in the name of all that is good and fair
Next version of the bill will require a permit for medical excuses to wear a mask, maybe the wearers can get some sort of badge to wear so we know they are allowed. (Also, after last year maybe the use of masks for wildfire smoke should be considered?)