
Here’s my Trump at LP convention wrap, as LP presidential candidate Chase Oliver takes the stage and denounces “the neocon war criminal” and “charlatan grifter” who just spoke
Trump promises Libertarians a cabinet slot — and clemency for a notorious drug In a highly unusual speech to a third party gathering, Trump offered to release Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht.
“Trump sold gold high-tops at SneakerCon; maybe he can sell us gold dildos to f— ourselves with,” said Thomas Knapp, 57, a delegate from Florida. Incredible reporting; thank you for this
Tom Knapp! I've been reading his stuff off and on for years.
It's funny because his only form of negotiating is a quid pro quo
I love the shamelessness of just coming out and saying “I’m a criminal, so now I’m a big time libertarian!”
Absolutely. Always was, always will be. He's shameless and thinks everyone else is too
Precisely why he keeps saying Biden is after him. He was after people through doj.
Did you catch the Starchild vs. security vs. MAGA melee?
Much more interesting than the speaker
The man in the dress and wig is Starchild, a longtime... fixture? mascot? eccentric?... well-known party member, I guess. Sex worker and decrim activist who always wears tutus and lingerie and things like that at conventions, going back decades. So not just some rando, all the LP regulars know him.
They really manhandled him
Yeah, I don't know why the guard went after him or was so aggressive. I think maybe because he was standing on the chair? Way over the top, for sure.
Trump got booed, now if Oliver gets nominated, they can turn this plane crash onto, like, a train derailment.
Great summary, sir. "People who will spend years of their lives and thousands of dollars of fiat money on a third party ..."? Priceless!
I get why Libertarians would want Ulbricht (and anyone else) pardoned on the drug dealing charges, but isn't facilitating computer hacking and the distribution of fake IDs a violation of other people's property rights? And didn't he get the heavy sentence because ...
... there was also evidence that he solicited murder for hire? I suppose, though, I'm not surprised that former guy, who wants to pardon people who beat cops on Jan 6, is fine with pardoning the guy who probably attempted to commission murders (but was actually convicted for other things).
Yes and yes. He did both of those things, and the attempted murder-for-hire in particular was one of the acts that wound up helping the feds find him and nail him because he was so damn sloppy about it. But freeing him has been one of THE go-to LP pet issues of the last several years.
He is into freeing criminals bigly
I used to work with Chase at a pizza place haha
Become Ungovernable, featuring the dude who tried to nullify my vote
🎶🎵Paranoia strikes deep. Into your life it will creep.🎶🎵