
I am biased because the site's existence is pretty much the signal achievement of my professional life, but this was an excellent week of posts at Defector. I am proud of how good and how varied it was, and that we're still getting better. If you want to subscribe, you should:
Defector |
I was so upset to see Deadspin collapse… and so thrilled when Defector started! So happy to see you all thriving!
You guys will always be the best thing that happened in the worst year
i'm not unbiased but i don't financially benefit from the site existing and i'd say that it's one of the best websites out there. just behind wikipedia and all the ones with porn i like
High praise indeed, thank you.
yeah all the websites with a Roth cutout are great
I’ve been a subscriber from the beginning. I didn’t follow deadspin back in the day but when I saw what happened and how you all responded to it, I knew I had to support y’all.
That's awesome of you, thanks very much.
Even when I disagree with a post I appreciate the care put into the argument. I can’t say that about a lot of sites.
I think it’s valuable to have a site comprised of “writers who are not hacks”
I’ve been a subscriber since the beginning and truly appreciate the work you and your comrades do.
Thanks very much for all of that.
It has been an experience in spite purchase for me. I would have spent $90 to just say fuck you to all that G/O Media represented and never read the thing if necessary. As it stands I won't challenge the autobill until it hits around $175. Still not going to read about soccer or the National League.
And I would never ask you to do those things.
Oh sure soccer and the NL go straight under the bus when the money's right, eh? Shameful. Hope you can sleep at night in your golden bed made out of money (the money is the stuffing part, the gold is the frame, obviously) knowing what a total sellout you are.
How can an OMalley not read about the NL?
I’m still hoping for a Defector Disc Golf shirt. I feel like there are some real ironic possibilities there. Along with some, uh, non ironic possibilities for at least one person.
as a returning defector subscriber (subscribed from launch until 2022, when i went back to grad school and Stopped Having Money, came back this fall bc i could afford the winback price) i am astonished by how, somehow, the site is even better than it was when i left two years ago!!
should also note that i am a Non Sports Person strictly and i still find myself spending at least half an hour on defector every day reading the arts+culture/politics/Takes articles and backlog
That's great to hear, and obviously thanks for coming back.
i'm not sure what your internal metrics say about the winback rates, but i have to assume that my data point of "oh, wow, i can get a year of defector for the cost of three falafel wraps from the fancy falafel place on lyndale? i will do that" is common!! it's an incredible product for the price!
Yeah, that was more or less the idea and the campaign did well. I want the cost to remain in the "calculable in numbers of nice falafel experiences" range.
they were good blogs they are always good blogs
They're good blogs, Brent
Bre'nt goob dlogs, T'hey re.
A great blend of grabass and soul-crushing analysis of the world.
This is what we strive for.
"Come for the grabass, stay for the articulate despair!"
You can have that one for nuthin, on the house.
[it's fucking good ham dad voice] it's a fucking good website dave
I thought the same. One of the best values out there! I am probably not your expected demographic. I don’t even really follow sports and signed up for the politics and culture but I read everything. The writing is excellent!
That's awesome to hear, thank you.
I love what you guys are doing. It’s my favourite annual subscription I have. May I make a request? As a deranged Mets fan, can you do a weekly John Gibbons update?
Well I'll be monitoring that situation all year
As a deranged Blue Jays fan I can tell you, Gibby the best
now all you have to do is make sure neither you or any other founders sell it to some fuckheads someday
I promise we're good there.
Davey my boy, let's make a deal. It's time to cash in
You can pry my subscription from my irradiated, bloated corpse simply because I firmly believe this will never, ever happen. Defector is as close as we'll get to a genuine media partnership of just some fuckheads who write for the sake of writing and nothing else
Co-sign. We can have nice things if no one is greedy!
It's amazing that a business model involving having the revenue column higher than the expenses column can not only survive but improve. Some big MBA school should do a case study on this.
still waiting on my damn shirt
Did the store screw it up or are you waiting for me to buy it?
the roth store is mismanaged is all i'm saying
The first time I ordered a defector shirt the fulfillment got screwed up and they sent me a DSA shirt instead. Feels a little bit like stolen valor to wear it but, what, I’m going to laundry before I have to?
Never was a Deadspin person but liked your work with Jeb on Christmastown and wanted to support what I felt was an important step in a move to new models for journalism. 3+ years later I am still subscribed and read it every day.
I catch up on Sundays. Can’t wait to read! Heard there was a good one about Kate Wagner’s shelved article, which of course I have saved.
Yeah, Patrick got the one good/"good" quote from the editor who pulled it on that one.