
i'm stuck on the "bloodless if the left allows it to be" phrasing like "we won't kill you if you just let us do what we want" is what terrorists say
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Yup. That's the part that got me, too. It's also a lie. If they get their way, it won't be bloodless at all. They'll just be killing us more quietly.
and then they kill you anyway
It always goes down that road, and then they end up turning on one another too, just a downward spiral that ends in total self-implosion 😑
Fascism is a death cult and all are forced to join whether they want to or not
They're gonna die happy that we were taken to the camps first
*narrator voice* it will not be bloodless
Not even bloodless now
…we are the opposing army, not the hostages. Get that straight. Just because we're not terrorists doesn't make us automatic victims, we've got agency and a plan.
Exactly. Do as we say and nobody dies threat. Right out in the open. They don't even try to veiled anymore. Project 2025 is fully prepared to kill anyone that stands in their way at this point.
"Just give me your wallet and nobody will get hurt".
"you made me punch you" these fascists are all undescended children
And of course it’s usually a lie then too. Fucking hell.
Oh it's definitely a lie, they want too many people dead on principle for it not to be
The usually was for the terrorists. These guys DEFINITELY want us dead.
Sounds like Putin. “Why Ukraine no allow us to just take over? Nobody gets hurts. If you resist, it’s your fault if someone is bloodied”.
From a Lincoln speech "You say, you will destroy the Union; and then, you say, the great crime of having destroyed it will be upon us! That is cool. A highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth, "Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a murderer!"
To quote Al Swearingen, then, “tell your god to ready for blood.”
"I got a bank full of hostages! It's upto you if I kill them or not! Their blood is on your hands!"
They really expect us to believe they haven't been spilling blood all along?
Of course I’m sure what he “really means” is as long as leftists don’t use violence. Which is also the justification they’ve been using to talk themselves into preemptive use of force.
Remember that time a couple of years ago when a Republican candidate for House said if a r*pe is inevitable, the woman should just lie back and let it happen? Ahhh, yes, those were the days. Simpler times when we couldn't have possibly seen this coming...
Translation: We expect you to roll over and beg. I hope there are enough veterans who remember that their oath was to defend THE CONSTITUTION against all enemies FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.
It is very literally the language of abusers. "you made me hit you"
It's on a show called "War Room" on Real America's Voice so I'm not surprised. Of course it's terrorism. These assholes want to lock us in the house and burn it down. The good news is they think it's another revolution, so maybe they'll bring muskets and tea bags.
Why would you even bother to say such a thing. If they're going to rampage why not just do it. Oh, right, because if they don't get surrender, they DON'T have the numbers and they don't WIN. It's all a desperate ploy to force a surrender rather than get beat like a drum, rightly.
I hope the authorities see this for what it is; a permission structure to allow them to commit acts of violence. Real "stop resisting" energy 😔
Uhm, the point they are making, rather effectively I'll add, is they have become "the authorities."
I’m referring to the FBI’s counterterrorism division. We haven’t lost EVERYTHING yet.
Also two bit bank robbers, to be fair.
That seems to have struck a nerve with a few folks. Which suggests to me that it was intended to strike said nerve.
the left may have to do unpleasent things starting with this goof
I'll personally make it bloody.