
[email protected] is one of the few noting there are *also* serious risks w/nominating alternative to Biden. As I suggested, we also can't be sure an alternative would fare better against Trump! Still, I lean toward thinking Bidens should take Q of whether he should withdraw a lot more seriously
Unlike many others On Here, I don't think there's a way for Biden to bow out without it leading to extreme risks of a very different kind. We need more of an acknowledgment from the replace-Biden camp that this is not a remotely easy dilemma.
I don’t know where I stand on “Biden should step aside.” I think there is one way to get this right — Biden delivers a national address as president stating that he believes his highest duty is defending the Constitution and the best way to do this is to step aside and hand the baron to Harris.
You move to a convention where Biden presents Harris as his successor and they nominate Andy Beshear as her veep. (My preference.)
Yeah. And it won’t happen in part because folks like Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker, etc want an open field in 2028.
This is why the governors are towing the party line. Not because they believe in Joe. Because they believe they're better set up to win in '28.
I like the optimism in the tacit assumption that, should they manage to fuck it up this year, there is going to be an election in '28.
You've gotta accentuate the positive!
as if elections will be held in 2028 lol
Trumps said it himself he just needs one day to be a dictator. That day he destroys anything left of democracy and installs a new government.
Honestly, at this point they probably don't need to worry, regardless.
And the Republican oppo team goes into hyper drive defining them both a wild-eyed leftists who torture kittens and trump wins 47 states….
Do you live in a universe where Republicans don't call every democrat a wild eyed leftist regardless of what they say or do
Defining a candidate isn’t about gaining support of the extremes, it is about winning, or suppressing, undecideds.
What is your point, Republicans do this with every Democrat
I’d substitute Roy Cooper for Beshear because NC is a swing state, but I’m otherwise here for it.
I feel if you’re gonna make a swing state governor the VP on a Harris ticket it should be Josh Shapiro.
Only two years in the governor’s mansion makes that tough, but if he’s down, I don’t hate it.
On paper, I think he’s probably the most promising young star the Democrats have, even more so than Whitmer. Plus PA is probably the most valuable swing state. You’re not wrong though that the idea of Harris + a 2-year gov would (prob unfairly) get affixed with the “inexperienced” label.
Beshear has governed Kentucky since 2019
Is this your preference for the scenario where Biden drops out of the race, or your preference for the best path forward overall?
All of my endorsement right there
Curious why Beshear and not Shapiro (swing state and all)
what about mark kelly for vp?
I’d like to see a Harris-Raskin ticket in which Raskin focuses on democratic reforms ( esp scotus and gerrymandering)
Immediately strikes me as a pretty workable and good idea.
You may be right, but I don't think there's any reason to entirely rule out an open convention scenario, provided we're clear eyed wrt immense downside risks it entails. I also think we need genuine assurances that the Bidens are taking seriously the Q of whether he has the fight in him to do this.
I really think an open convention is an unacceptable risk and undermines the message of “I’m doing this to defend the Constitution.”
Very possible, but I can see an argument along the lines of, "we're doing this questionable thing because it's an emergency," which it might be. Still, to me the most important thing is the Bidens and the campaign need to send a signal that they've taken the Q of whether he's up to this seriously
What I means is, if the rationale is that the nation faces an all hands on deck emergency and I, meaning Biden, am taking a drastic and unprecedented step, then it undermines the message to say “and who knows who will be the person to lead the effort?!?”
It could be something like, "The nation faces an emergency, and I have regretfully concluded that I may not be the person to save us from it. I am absolutely confident that there are many Dems who can meet this moment, and that the party will choose the right one." (still, lots of other probs, tho)
"i chose her for a reason - this is why"
The only imperative right now is that Biden make it over the finish line in Nov. Rather than a convention shakeup, assurances should take the form of “I’ve got a deep bench of brilliant advisors and strong VP. You’ll be electing the stability of my entire competent administration.”
How are people still seriously considering doing this
How do you think a Harris/Biden ticket would go over?
I think another underlying issue to your point is the dearth of black pols who are popular with progressive white libs and older black voters, such that finding a 1:1 replacement to Kamala seems impossible—someone in the coalition will be left in the cold.
I guess, but “emergency” is kind of always the justification for short circuiting democracy.
The grand theatrics of defense of the Constitution has an earnestness that floats above the political machination of open convention. I think that is vital for him to come out of this looking strong, almost saint-like
Yes. “I love this country, I gave my son to this country and I’ll do anything to save it from Trump.”
Exactly. Save the political machinations bit for Harris picking a VP.
Oh wow. I hadn't really thought about how he could frame his exit as a heroic act. It would be in such contrast to Trump.
The idea of a magical unicorn is a DC/NY brainworm. Seriously. Harris has to be the nominee or the coalition falls apart and the vast majority of those who want Biden to step aside picture Harris doing the same. It's like debating how many angels can fit on the head of a pin. Complete wankery.
Black women have been the absolute bedrock of the actual-voter coalition the democrats have and the insult to them of bypassing Harris for an open convention is brain dead ridiculous to me.
my piece is primarily concerned with the need for the Bidens to seriously grapple with whether he has it in him to avoid making any more mistakes of this magnitude in the future
So basically his mistake is being old. Whereas his opponent, also old, is a compulsive lying rapist, fascist who quite plausibly could change the Republic. But, yeah, Biden being old and not as quick to respond is what we should be worried about.
For the next FOUR AND A HALF YEARS. Not just through November.