
this dude is basically the nation’s leading expert on legal ethics, we are so cooked.
uh yes my leading theory is that when Alito put the flag up, he was inadvertently standing upside down
I refuse to believe he's that fucking dense and instead he's acting in incredibly bad faith. I'm not sure which is worse or if there's even a real difference.
'I find it impossible to believe he knew the flag was flying upside-down.' You mean that flag? The one on the tall flag pole? The pole in his front yard? The flag that was upside-down for days? Impossible, you say?
"Okay sure maybe he knew, but he couldn't know the relationship to the current conservative hobbyhorse"
The upside-down flag is literally intended as a highly visible distress signal that will be recognized at a glance and inspire questions and concern, has been so forever. But, sure.
This is absolutely bad faith. There is no effort whatsoever to explain his reasoning and he undercuts it fully before desperately trying to get us to believe the excuse is more plausible. This is 1984-level fuckery.
Fedsoc contributor if you're looking for proof one way or the other
Which truths people hold so dear that they will bend their perception of reality around to prevent those truths from being wrong says a lot about what they truly believe.
You can't cure someone's hypocrisy if it's motivated by a deeply held belief just by pointing it out ☝️ but it's an opportunity to illustrate how a few people with so much to lose if it's not true structure the world to avoid keeping that from happening 👇
Marx pointed out, and both Lenin and Mao amplified, that it is very important to pay attention to contradictions in society. When the ruling class is being contradictory, they're exposing a flaw in their rule, one that can be exploited by revolutionaries. It makes sense strategically to expose this.
If they didn’t have bad faith they’d have no faith.
Absolutely bad faith. These people will twist every word to fit their purpose/needs from one event to another
Oh it’s much worse that he’s acting in utter bad faith
Usually I'd go with, Hanlon's Razor, but the amount of stupidity to explain this would be so huge that the only plausible explanation would be malice.
Gillers is also acting in bad faith, or is indeed incredibly credulous. Reminds me of Turley.
As will all GOP politicians, they're lying or they're stupid, nothing in between.
He didn’t even say in his own explanation either that he didn’t know about it or that he didn’t know what it meant, did he? If either of those things were true, why wouldn’t he have said that?
Exactly. It's not some ontological mystery. He said they flew it upside down intentionally!
The defense here is basically "Alito hadn't heard of Stop the Steal [embarrassing ignorance if so] but then flew a flag upside down [why, exactly?]"
Nah man, the guy appointed by the president, working at the place that appointed the last republican president, doesn't follow presidential politics...
Your honor, my client couldn't have been driving drunk - he knows it's a crime!
The upside down flag is flown in times of distress. Maybe his wife was signaling for help after one of Alito’s “stop the steal” dinner rants got too intense.
It is impossible to believe because it would be really upsetting if it was true that is all the 'evidence' under consideration I think.
This is the purest essense of American Elite Thinking that I've ever seen. Once someone has reached a sufficient level of elite respectability in American society, they are then ABOVE REPROACH. It's INCONCEIVABLE that a Senior Elite Person would do something wrong; they're a SENIOR ELITE.
It's inconceivable that Alito would do something that sounds like EXACTLY THE SORT OF THING ALITO WOULD DO, because that would mean he was a bad person who's unfit to hold the elite job he holds...which would strike against every faith belief American elites hold dear.
The rule is: Once a conservative becomes elite enough, anyone who speaks or writes about him or her becomes incredibly stupid during the period of time they are speaking or writing
I mean, there is another possibility, and that this man, like Alito, is lying through his teeth.
To be fair, if they did something wrong, Gillers would be obligated to do something about it. So it’s far easier than look the other way and assume Alito’s fucking clueless.
... It's implausible to him that a married couple who seem completely pickled in the fox news universe would understand what an upside down flag was in January 2021? Is he a dumbass?
While the witness lacks credibility, he does have quite a bit of power so let’s just move on
(while hanging a symbol i have seen in it's correct orientation every single day of my entire life) ah, whoops. oh well, i'll get it right tomorrow.
I’m pretty skeptical that Alito is doing Reveille/Retreat every day!
Narrator: He did not get it right the next day. Nor the day after that. Or the one after that.
Much like how sometimes squirrels steal all the seed out of your birdfeeder, sometimes mysterious flags just get hoisted up in your yard. Every homeowner understands this.
Doesn’t sound like the squirrel I know, even though there are sunflower seeds scattered on the porch, and I’ve seen him stick his head in the feeder. That’s just a natural response to the birds accusing him of thievery.
Flying it upside down at that particular time without knowing its meaning would be quite the coinkydink. What share of days was it accidentally flying upside down in the years before? In the years since? I'd bet 0%.
I love that gillers believes Alito would put it upside down and not notice once he was finished. or he did and shrugged his shoulders.
Classic case of "so obviously bad it could not have been intentional" soon to be followed by "oh, it was intentional, but is no big deal."
Any other scenario would be unreasonable to believe
Sam Alito just thought he was lowering the flag down into Hell. Honest mistake.
That’s a very reasonable explanation.
He puts his clothes on backwards all the time.
I think he's so colorblind he can't tell the stars from the stripes is all. He also wasn't planning for anyone to notice.