
the thing about being a leftist and being always right is that there is actually no feeling of "i told you so" satisfaction because the things we're right about tend to be things like "ratfucking for joe biden in 2020 will give us trump in 2024" which sucks and everyone got mad at us for saying that
the people who supported forcing this mess on us in 2020 are very upset you think they're stupid & making fun of them
i feel like the party was relying on all of us memory holing 2020 to the point we’d forget bernie winning all those primaries until they ratfucked him
i will never forget the stereo despair of watching the democratic primary context close rank around joe biden while covid had its first surge it was one of the worst few weeks of my life
i actually get a pit im my stomach thinking about it
I generally agree with this sort of take, but Bernie was viable against Trump in 2016, not 2020. Trump campaign was organized in 2020 and wanted desperately to run against “socialism.” The argument you’re making is effectively that it would have been better to lose to Trump in 2020, which, maybe.
we had a candidate running on one of the strongest public health platforms this country has ever seen during a public health crisis that was being mismanaged to a catastrophic degree. You’re Fucking Wrong, Go Home.
your brain is filled with lead
all this argument over Sanders and nobody talking about how Sanders had said that he would support an Elizabeth Warren candidacy, but instead he ran against her hi, it’s me again to say all our choices suck and i hate it (my brain might also be filled with lead, idk)
There were literal leaks that Trump thought he was sure to lose in 2020 if Bernie were the nominee. The only reason Biden was able to beat Trump was bc of his disastrous pandemic response
Literally any democrat would have won in 2020, with Biden being one of the weakest in the general election. People were not voting because they wanted Joe, they wanted not Trump. A soggy ham sandwich with a D next to it could have won in 2020, and probably would have aged better than Biden as well
What's the difference this year? I'm on record saying I'd rather vote for a bucket of shit than vote for trump, so I might not be the most reliable indicator. Did people change their mind about trump and now they like him?
When he won Nevada, the Dems freaked. We remember.
Republicans call literally every person they have ever run against a raging communist, people don't care
ah yes the pragmatic needed to avoid the electoral baggage of socialism (the highest approval rating of any politician in the US, most donors of any candidate, and leading the democratic primary polls)
incorrect, if anything the opposite is true where 16 would have been more of a tough sell but the guy who's whole thing was public works programs and healthcare would have destroyed Trump during fucking Covid are you kidding me
Bernie was the last slim chance to avoid violence on significant scales.
oooh it’s been a few years since i saw this one
There were so many bad takes. Chris Matthews and the public executions. Chuck Todd and the brown shirts. Anything James Carville said.
who needs a candidate successfully campaigning on healthcare during one of the worst plagues in modern history, really?
(so far, heyoo biden what about that birb flu!)
Bernie telling people to stay home because he cares about them and eugenics/crime-bill Joe telling his geriatric base to go to the polls in person because he cares only about himself and his direct immediate personal interests
Ppl are now up in arms about the NYT. They have been horrible for a long time. They loved the NYT when they helped tank the Sanders campaigns.
It is hilarious I cancelled my times subscription after they hired Stephens and published his climate denial nonsense and have seen no reason to regret that decision ever since but they’re upset about one thing they got right
the literal only thing that kept me sane during that was I was visiting my husband at the time and he kept me distracted from the looming 'hey that virus seems like a real problem actually' and 'hey did everyone but Warren just drop out at once to support Biden? That's weird right?' dual barrels.
The ideal democratic primary voter is one of these guys that comes back up and hits the vote button every time the donor class punches it
Or just depending on useful idiots to repeat the party line of "what ratfucking?" so hard as to drown out the truth.
I voted for Sanders in the primary, for all the good it ended up doing 😩
my favourite American politician in the longest time.
My dad voted for him too. We used to joke that Dad liked him because he was also a nonreligious, liberal, old Jewish guy. And I voted for him because I like my dad 😂 (obviously SO much more than that, but my dad died recently and I'm enjoying the memory.)
I looked it up cause I didn’t remember that and that doesn’t seem that accurate