🇵🇸Martin “Doomsday” Pfeiffer🏳️‍🌈

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🇵🇸Martin “Doomsday” Pfeiffer🏳️‍🌈


Anthropology PhD Candidate.

nukes, cats, semiotics, FOIA, existential threats, secrecy, etc.

gonzo journo


RT/Fave/etc ≠agree




Good night Bluesky. Together is the only way we build liveable todays and tomorrows.
I mean. If you’re on Grindr, period. It is absolutely morally acceptable to out closeted fascists. I encourage it!
I mean. If you’re on Grindr, period. It is absolutely morally acceptable to out closeted fascists. I encourage it!
if you are in Milwaukee and you are gay and on grindr you have the opportunity to change this country forever
And they exist, but the ones who disappoint you are so bad it only feels safe to celebrate any after they're dead and gone. Example: Angela Lansbury had so many guests on Murder, She Wrote because she found out other older actors weren't getting enough jobs to meet union requirements for insurance.
Fuck yes, way to go Angela Lansbury!
And they exist, but the ones who disappoint you are so bad it only feels safe to celebrate any after they're dead and gone. Example: Angela Lansbury had so many guests on Murder, She Wrote because she found out other older actors weren't getting enough jobs to meet union requirements for insurance.
Real talk: If I knew right now that a moderately entertaining show had a behind-the-scenes humanitarian angle as strong as this, I'd feel a duty to tune in. Oh, your show has weekly guest actors who come from marginalized backgrounds breaking into SAG? They wouldn't have to worry about ratings.
And they exist, but the ones who disappoint you are so bad it only feels safe to celebrate any after they're dead and gone. Example: Angela Lansbury had so many guests on Murder, She Wrote because she found out other older actors weren't getting enough jobs to meet union requirements for insurance.
Part of what annoys me about this is that it’s improper significant digits (pedantic). More broadly, is stuff around the indexing of hyper precision and such with the 5:29:45. Which is emblazoned, for example, on exhibit panel at the nuclear museum here (& also mentioned in smaller text IIRC).
I fear I would do a distressingly large range of things if that cat asked me to.
Tired (and an existential threat to humanity): Republicans refusing to admit anthropogenic global warming is real & urgent. Wired: The Taliban admitting the reality & urgency of anthropogenic global warming and the necessity of deniers to stop that bullshit.
Fascinating. "...the government affirms that climate change is real, that it’s destroying God’s work and that those in the world who reject the truth of climate change need to get on board. The Taliban has asked imams...to emphasize during Friday prayers the need for environmental protection.
Taliban tries reconciling science and religion in facing climate changewww.washingtonpost.com Afghanistan’s rulers, cut off from foreign assistance, are tackling climate change on their own while debating whether it is God’s doing or a foreign plot.
#NukeSky Hey, yall. So, here's a link to my dissertation: "Tritium Matters: Constructing Nuclearity and Navigating Ambivalence of a Unique Material" I haven't had a chance to breathe because I'm planning a nuke energy workshop with CSR for next month and starting my 2-year Carnegie-funded postdoc.
VTechWorks Homehdl.handle.net This dissertation surveys the history of tritium beginning in Ernest Rutherford's lab in 1934 with its discovery and ending at the Fukushima Daiichi disaster site in 2023 when TEPCO began releasing tr...
I believe this cat can absolutely move things with their mind.
Here's a Doyle to help
IDK who the first person to express this sentiment was, but: "When people talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
so the dude with full AK-47, ski mask, ammo, etc., gets arrested after approaching the RNC, but an unhoused Black man well away from even the vehicle perimeter for the RNC, all the way across a major highway, gets shot to death by five cops. got it.
This was agreed to back in May to deal with the fact that the convention is after the Ohio deadline and the GOP had made noise about him not being eligible for the ballot! What are we doing here!
This is the story they're linking to, which describes a plan to accelerate the confirmation of the nomination by holding the vote via video call by the end of July (imo, making a move like this to staunch the silly alternatives and just close off the discussion isn't a terrible move)
D.N.C. Aims to Push Biden Toward Nomination Next Week, Despite Doubtswww.nytimes.com Leaders of the Democratic National Committee are aiming for a process that would formalize the nomination by the end of July, even as Democrats remain fiercely split over his candidacy.
DNC to virtually nominate Biden and Harris to bypass Ohio ballot issuesabcnews.go.com The DNC will move to conduct virtual party proceedings to certify President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party nominees.
Incidentally, this is the rationale (“I was told the USA was cheating so we had to also”) proffered by Ken Alibek for working on Soviet bioweapons post ban-treaty. That stuck with me.
This is part of why every right wing accusation in the USA is projection. That the “enemy” does it creates a moral equivalence and means the only response is to do the bad thing too (or else capitulate to the evil leftists).
less so than it used to be (multiple half lives of Sr-90 & Cs-137 going by helps) and yeah it’ll do that.
This is part of why every right wing accusation in the USA is projection. That the “enemy” does it creates a moral equivalence and means the only response is to do the bad thing too (or else capitulate to the evil leftists).
I think the "everyone does it" rationalization is important here. Most people develop their views of the world, including values, based on what they perceive that their near-peers believe. If you believe "everyone does it," you're much more likely to believe it's OK for you to do it, good or bad.
Compassionate Migration Policy is the only moral and winning counter to far-right parties braying for harsher and harsher border policies. There's no enacting some atrocity and getting them to back off; you've got to do something in the opposite direction. internationalpolicy.org/publications...
Compassionate migration policies are also the right call politically - CIPinternationalpolicy.org Politicians responding to these arrivals should resist the temptation to invoke overly restrictive measures, not only because they trample on the human rights of Venezuelans in desperate situations, b...
Enabling the right for mass human migration is the only humanity-preserving way that we are going through the challenging times ahead. It’s either that or we collectively abandon all of our humanity, and we are currently marching down that second path.
Compassionate Migration Policy is the only moral and winning counter to far-right parties braying for harsher and harsher border policies. There's no enacting some atrocity and getting them to back off; you've got to do something in the opposite direction. internationalpolicy.org/publications...
Compassionate migration policies are also the right call politically - CIPinternationalpolicy.org Politicians responding to these arrivals should resist the temptation to invoke overly restrictive measures, not only because they trample on the human rights of Venezuelans in desperate situations, b...
Ah, Ulysses the Orange Cat with no personal boundaries, I know and love!
omfg, right?!? Party conventions are boring and unpleasant to watch even if its your team. To watch the RNC (other than for work or school reasons) seems discordant with self-care?
I’m getting evidence that other people are watching the convention and plz don’t hurt yourselves like that 🥺
sorry, I'm not badgering you. I'm nervously tracking down the citations to be sure they're correct and say what they are claimed to say and are credible. Graduate school interacts with raging anxiety in some ways for me.
The full article was paywalled so I emailed you a copy. Seismology is mostly magic to me, honestly. Ground elves and badgers.