Rob MacWolf, Werewolf Hitchhiker

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Rob MacWolf, Werewolf Hitchhiker

Award winning furry writer and poet, apparently. Cohost of podcast. Gay, He/Him.
BC people: BC hydro is offering free portable air conditioners to low-income households. Deets in link.
Free portable air
Also, like...if you enjoyed one of the books you read, let the author know. Sometimes it feels like we're screaming our stories into the void, and a few words of encouragement can go a long way.
It is scary as fuck right now for trans authors and prospects for us being able to continue telling our stories get bleaker every day. Please, buy & read as many of these folks' books as you can. I'm not exaggerating when I say you may not always be able to.
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
This is just going to create a supply gap that will see a generation of Indigo Cow junkies.
DEA Classifies Molly Moon’s as Schedule 1 Drug:
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
For my entire life, the single most consistent fact in American politics has been "Democrats don't fight for anything." If this is what it sounds like, that might finally be changing.
I sincerely never thought he would get to this point and I am delighted to see it even if he cannot enact it himself this changes the conversation about what’s possible within the Democratic Party, which has been badly needed for years fantastic news
They are really like this. Once I said that I think kids should learn the proper terms for their anatomy and some Glem Greenwald/Libs of Tik Tok followers emailed me employer to try to get me fired
According to Project 2025, which is the heart of Trump's campaign and platform, if you teach or talk about the existence of LGBTQ people then you are a sex offender and should be imprisoned.
There's no real distinction between "furry" and "scaly" as communities or cultures. That's always the first assumption I hear (non-hostile) non-furries make, the "oh, the Furries aren't into Godzilla, because that'd be the Scalies," but that's not a division you actually see in actual practice.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
lrt: I grew up in an era where two men showing ANY homosexual relation was considered obscene and pornographic. This included two men holding hands, being tender, dating. It didn’t have to be sexual. There are places in the US that STILL does this.
This has 42 reposts and we’ve only gained 5 signers. Please take a second to do this if you live in CA. It’s important.
Speaking of, if you live in California, please text “Sign PGHZOY” and “sign PHQICF” to 50409 to encourage your reps to join calls for an independent investigation with public disclosure into allegations against BH city officials colluded with antiabortion extremists to prevent a clinic from opening.
How Beverly Hills became an unlikely battleground for the future of abortion The campaign by an antiabortion group to block the opening of a specialized clinic in Beverly Hills may offer a playbook for similar efforts in other cities and states.
Pretty much all the people I have anything to do with anymore are furries or furry adjacent, so I don't think it'd be so much a matter of "convincing them" as "fielding increasingly frantic questions about how it happened and whether they can do it too."
You have just been transformed into your fursona, or barring that an anthropomorphic version of your favorite animal. How would you prove your identity to friends/family/society? Do you even try to keep continuity, or start anew? Happy #TFTuesday you beasts
It's not even the fact that a presidential campaign is running on the promise of outlawing me and everyone like me. It's that every time I mention that that's in fact bad I get tone-chided but some asshole for "living in a bubble" and "not hearing both sides."
Local MAGA Man Just Wants More Freedom to Take Away All Your Freedoms:
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
I've frankly still a little baffled I managed to do this at all.
Ricky Rex is a dinosaur hiding in plain sight on a children’s television show, but he has crush on his human co-star. Today’s story, read before a live audience at 2024, is the first of two parts of “A Different Kind of Make-Believe” by #FurryLit
“A Different Kind of Make-Believe” by Renee Carter Hall (part 1 of 2, Live) - The Voice of Ricky Rex is a dinosaur hiding in plain sight on a children’s television show, but his biggest problem is his crush on his human co-star.Today's story...
Ricky Rex is a dinosaur hiding in plain sight on a children’s television show, but he has crush on his human co-star. Today’s story, read before a live audience at 2024, is the first of two parts of “A Different Kind of Make-Believe” by #FurryLit
“A Different Kind of Make-Believe” by Renee Carter Hall (part 1 of 2, Live) - The Voice of Ricky Rex is a dinosaur hiding in plain sight on a children’s television show, but his biggest problem is his crush on his human co-star.Today's story...
First politics post that I am actually glad to have seen.
“No law shall Congress make that these infringe: religion, speech, assembly, then the press, and all complaints to government address.” Hear you me now, upon your trunkless henge?
“No law shall Congress make that these infringe: religion, speech, assembly, then the press, and all complaints to government address.” Hear you me now, upon your trunkless henge?
Shark Week on the Discovery Channel hosted by John Cena came to a close yesterday. In reflection, I present you with a little quiz! What do you think is responsible for the decline in shark populations over the past 50-60 years?
A Shark Week Shark Week on the Discovery Channel hosted by John Cena came to a close yesterday. In reflection, I present you with a little quiz! What is responsible for the decline in shark populations over the…
I will carry on, until I am forcibly stopped, the things I am meant to do with this life: telling stories and helping people tell stories, taking care of my husbands, and being as gay as I can. And then I will go singing to my god. But man. I am tired of using determination instead of hope.
A selfish young man becomes self-ish
Man is advised to try unconventional self-improvement exercises in the wake of a heartbreak.
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: A band lives in a haunted apartment because they can’t afford to move out.
Fav bands/musicians? — In general I like things with folk influences, things that ordinary people could play or sing along with, things written from the idea that 'everyone ought to be singing.' So... The Decemberists, The Mountain Goats, The Crane Wives, The Wailing Jennys, Lord Huron, Florence...
WerwolfHitchhikr answered: Fav bands/musicians? In general I like things with folk influences, things that ordinary people could play or sing along with, things written from the idea that 'everyone ought to be singing.' So... The Decemberists, The ...
Do you have any upcoming works planned that feature Setirov or the other gods in his pantheon? — I try to put at least a mention of at least one of them in everything I write. But that said, there is a novel just over the horizon in which you'll meet the one who I consider most important to me...
WerwolfHitchhikr answered: Do you have any upcoming works planned that feature Setirov or the other gods in his pantheon? I try to put at least a mention of at least one of them in everything I write. But that said, there is a novel just over the horizon in which you'll meet the one who I consider most important to me, p...
Reminder that nothing changes the fact that Project 2025 is still a thing, it is still the embraced goal of Republicans and their leadership, and it is a Christo-fascist horror show that absolutely will ruin some aspect of whatever life you're trying to live. Nothing should distract from that.
Submissions for Ghost of Dog are officially open! #FurryLit
Instead of supporting trans people by harassing strangers, support trans people by supporting trans people. For instance, buying their books and reading their stories. Hey look, a thread!
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
so uh on top of decimating HUD... project 2025 is proposing to kill the 30 year mortgage. good luck ever buying housing again