Sewercroc / Winterowl

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Sewercroc / Winterowl

•I draw nasty things.
•I post my art here and at
•I'm published in multiple zines
•I drink coffee and tell funny stories
•Find me at California furcons
•Polyglot but also poly
•Ex-military, patriotic but not the shitty kind
"This will be the 6th time we have had this discourse, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it"
There are a lot of resentful milquetoasts in the world who fantasize being some snarky guy who can mouth off to their boss. From the 2016 GOP primary days...
Some of my drawings of power lines around Detroit from the first half of this year #PortfolioDay
right wing propaganda's greatest success is seeding the lie that our overwhelmingly center-right corporatist press is somehow "too liberal" in reality, anything vaguely resembling progressivism is defunded and marginalized (ask me how I know)
Been saying for years now: media trips over themselves to cater to Republican messaging/perspective because Republicans labeled 'the media' as being liberal; the only way to show they're not liberal? Carry water for Republicans.
The Menu but I'm one of the guests and I'm just LOVING it, having the time of my life, I'm clapping the moment The Mess happens, I'm actively asking Chef Slovik if I'm meant to die yet
There are a lot of reasons to hate the NYT but right now my top one is that they’ve convinced me to defend Joe Biden and that really sucks
another interesting look at polarization asymmetry dynamics: I have some takes that I hope to one day write up in research that "polarization" is a symptom of other things going on, and researchers need to distinguish proactive vs reactive polarization among other lines
so there's a problem with "polarization" as a term, in that people tend to conflate various different dynamics (i think this is fairly decent: From this descends the asymmetry: ideological polarization is not symmetric in the US--
I, your friendly neighborhood far-right researcher/political scientist-in-training, am here to let you know that if academic research/media coverage of "polarization" feels weird to you, that's for good reason. Polarization research is, generally, fundamentally flawed and based on assumed symmetry
It's important for you to know that a chunk of conservative dark money has recently been lobbed at academic research on "polarization," and it bears reflecting on why a framing of the US's contemporary crisis that automatically suggests there's blame on all sides would be favored by them
javascript was the mistake a web browser should not be an application platform it should be a document viewer
The web browser and the mistake of modern society
France out here proving that actually you can tell the far right to go to hell even when it looks like they’re on track for a big victory are we going to let ourselves be shown up by the French?
French exit poll news and which seems a good sign
Be a WEIRD DUDE (awesome, queer, layered, fun, cool as hell) Don't be a WEIRD DUDE (shitty, judgmental, mean, derogatory, a bigot)
Got into a debate with my dad about furries and he dropped this brick on me without warning; "People were wanting to fuck wolf people since Ireland had kings you shites aren't original." Apparently Irish werewolves weren't monsters, and kings would invite them for '100 kisses' in bed. Huh.
There actually is the German term "Halbwissen" ("half-knowledge") that describes what those people have. Often "gefährliches Halbwissen" ("dangerous half-knowledge") is used to describe someone making a bad decisision based on this level of being informed
Wait, wait, wait, you mean sometimes it's OK to vote for the lesser evil? Like, you can get less evil when you do that?
MARGE: Assassin | Stealth Mode ステルス暗殺者
And much like in Dark Souls, it's still a dead kingdom of abject misery.
The fact they're simultaneously running don't vote campaigns and trying to undermine the dem candidate is proof that the moneybags who own these publications are united in realizing their robber baron days are drawing to a close under a guy who is the most pro labour president of the 21st century
As a reminder to those who follow me for the occasional political snark: I normally don't apologize for posting filth that would make John Waters raise an eyebrow, but I certainly hope you won't feel too uncomfortable. I'm still proudly a furry smut artist, though.
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Just to be clear: Right wing ELECTED Congress members blocked Obama's scotus picks and packed the courts with Trump's picks. Every horror and fascist we are seeing was put there by rightwing lockstep mobilized voters. Voting works and it is working very very well for the right.
"no politics" always ends up being "just my politics and my positions", but with a thin veneer of "impartiality" and oh hey how often does that end up just meaning "no minorities"
Posting my badge again, cause I can properly credit now!
Ya know what, fuck it. I'm gonna see what seat I can run for in my city.
Just had a friend I shared this with jump down my throat about how it’s accessibility. If you chew up a fancy meal and spit it into my mouth, you haven’t given me accessibility to haute cuisine. You’ve betrayed that you don’t understand art and that you hold me in contempt.