
“leftists who have hated Biden for years and opportunistic pundits who have hated Biden for years quickly agreed that the key to beating Trump is to relentlessly attack the duly nominated Democrat until he’s totally unelectable.” with all due respect do people not realize this is extremely bad
it’s different groups of people whose political commitments are governed by memes all coalescing around a panicky meme plan where barely anyone has fleshed out anything past step one, and step one is “override the voters to force a democratic president out against his will”
One reason for relative optimism is that unlike the GOP, D's aren't governed by their dank memers
I guess we will see about that. Hopefully tomorrow's interview shuts up this particular discourse for a while
Stop trying to salvage a fatally wounded candidacy. You cannot turn this around by insisting it’s all a conspiracy to take Biden down. He is not capable of this campaign as we saw with our own eyes — the debate and also the lack of a showing in the week since that the debate was an aberration.
The question is no longer should Biden step aside — that decision is in his hands and I pray he rises to the occasion. The question is what to do now and how to do it in such a way as to field the strongest possible ticket in the fall.
One of the first times i said, “the complainants are way too online pundit sorts who by nature have bladder control issues that give them something to talk about constantly”
What responsible political party would run a candidate that the overwhelming majority of voters believe is already mentally incapable of serving in office? You can go on about hallucinated media driven narratives, but if the candidate can’t *show* voters they are wrong, this view will not change.
the will of the voters was already trampled when the dnc played reanimator with biden and forced a lagging candidate plus a vp who never secured a single delegate across the finish line. and the debate nailed to the wall every doubt people have had about biden's fitness to govern. he needs to go.
Ahh yes, the DNC forcing a candidate who actually won majority support from the actual base of the party to be the nominee. Thanks for broadcasting loudly that no one should listen to anything you have to say
everyone who doubted biden should feel extremely vindicated by the current timbre of discussion, because we saw it coming in 2020. unfortunately, we all have to live with the fallout that's unfolding in real time. this is rbg/weekend at feinstein's cranked up to 11, and it should have been avoided.
So, people who were wrong before and are wrong now should feel vindicated? You appear to have confused the word "vindicated" for the word "humbled" Your candidate lost. They didn't win the support of the actual base of the party, who isn't you. Suck it up buttercup
lost and ratfucked have very different connotations. we're in the 'find out' phase of a party only concerned with crushing its left flank to the point where the one thing standing between authoritarian rule is a mumbling cadaver who spent 50 years courting republican favor to boost his own prospects
Can you make a credible argument that this is the wrong course of action, please?
It's almost as if they really really really want to get the orange man reelected 🤔
Personally I am terrified OF him getting re-elected, and this is why I think it would be good to have a competent candidate.
I am sure you do - like I do too! But I am not sure certain people's intentions are as honest as ours.
Trump will win because most Americans don’t vote, and he has a dedicated voting block in a lot of states. The 5 leftists on Bluesky aren’t going to cause Biden’s downfall. There isn’t even a leftist political party to organize leftists to vote, so what does that tell you about their power?
Considering how razor thin are the majorities necessary to win in places like Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona, the people shouting nonsense about genocide Joe do wield some power.
Yeah, it’s called the first amendment. They have right to petition their government because it pressures leadership to change course. Biden ought to be a better president, so folks don’t have to take to the streets. Razor thin margins are because Biden doesn’t care about winning.
Biden is entirely responsible for the Gaza protests. He’s out of step with what most Americans want on the issues. That ain’t even the issue, though. People think he’s sundowning. Go convince your neighbors he isn’t, and he may win. Online leftists aren’t the problem. The centrists not working are.
first of all, Biden is one of the most ethical and empathetic president we have had. He is a good person, so anyone who says they are a Democrat but have hated Biden for years is NO DEMOCRAT. F that guy.
He is absolutely ethical and empathetic. He is also not a good candidate at this point. Both things can be true.
He IS our candidate and to remove him right now would be disastrous for the US IMO, and many others.
Yes, he is the candidate, and it is also not too late for him to step down and pass the baton to Harris. I think him continuing to pretend like everything is fine would be much more disastrous. But hey, I hope you are right.
There is a way for all of the sensible people to turn off the sensibility and turn on the blue maga part of their brain for the Biden administration. remember its KING Biden now and princess Kamala the future queen. Become insufferable. Get on their level, and stop doing the work for them.this vibe:
Sorry, no. The stakes are too high to turn off our brains. The Dems need to run the candidate that gives them the best chance to defeat trump, and I do not believe that is 2024 Joe Biden.
I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure running a candidate that the majority of people now see as senile is also extremely bad.
It's not even about Trump losing, it's just relitigating hurt feelings from the 2016, 2020, 2024 primaries. Their candidate finally gets to be the nominee and they can have that moment of "winning" they've been chasing all these years
I don’t think Thursday (and, as we’re now finding out, the previous 6 months) can be blamed on “leftists who have hated Biden for years.” But people gotta go thru the anger phase, and for Democrats that means hating leftists. “the dirty hippies were right but wrong” is not a very unique take.
Its extremely good actually Will, largely because its forcing you to pretend to everyone Biden is fit to lead the nation, which in turn ruins your own credibility and weakens your future political prospects.
Will, he's just actually unwell and if he stays in he's going to have more episodes after it's too late to switch anymore.
Leftists know exactly what they're doing and they rejoice in it. They don't want better government, they want a machine to rage against.
The problem is that Republicans fight dirty and in this day and age being a good old honest guy doesn't cut it. Democrats need someone who can stand up to and face off against powerful people with no integrity who can tap into and appeal to the most primitive instincts of ordinary people.
Republicans just wield the power the constitution provides them. It isn’t fighting dirty, is the point of a political party. The Dems just choose to be ineffective as they are there to take up space so an actual opposition to the GOP can’t gain ground.
Good/Interesting point. Points towards the current way each party "sees" the purpose and function of political structures and discourse. Either way, democrats need to toughen up if they want to protect a more balanced democracy
as soon as i see “leftist” in a sentence i know it is safe to ignore any assertions, ideas or arguments that follow
You live in a sad little ignorant world then
ok. change my mind. show me a sentence or phrase where the speaker uses “leftist(s)” that will give me a glimpse of the happy, knowledgeable world you live in.
“Popular front” does not describe a few people who professionally have opinions about things.
Navel-gazing buffoonery at its finest.
People are speaking what they perceive to be truth. Do you actually wanmt to ADDRESS THE THINGS THEY'RE SAYING? The media narrative is what it is because it speaks to people. That doesn't mean it is, but make the argument for why its not!
It’s almost like a lot of people don’t care about actual justice or the actual well being of the population so much as the pleasures of exercising power and influence
Is talking about how biden sucks more or less problematic to his election chances than the democrats deciding not to pass the voting rights stuff they promised to pass?
Yes, the condition of the country, the election, the threat of fascism and the mental faculties of the candidate which the DNC proposes to combat the fascist — are all bad. As well as the genocide which that Dem candidate has enabled for the past year. Are not supposed to notice?
realize, care, prefer--so many options
Go knock on doors. Wasting energy scolding online leftists and the NYT won’t get voters in the booth.