
there is a deep irony in this passage, because "economic anxiety" is the argument that simply will not die, no matter how much evidence accumulates against it, precisely because it is so convenient for the anti-liberal left to believe it
news flash: the orange man is bad and we should stop him. i'm sorry if this means admitting your mom was right all along. get over yourself
Mom extremely right.
Mom called the cops on the neighbors and got their dog shot
Been getting my local government election guide from my mother for years, 10/10, would recommend
my mother tried asking me, who lives three states away, and I told her "why don't you ask someone who actually lives in your city" and gave her my HS friend's number.
Political narratives being really simple means there’s no big way to feel smarter and more theory brained than all of your friends
Yeah there's a ton of weird "smarter than thou" nerd complex stuff with the fake online leftist set "You need to read theory" no dude I need to not watch my entire queer community get made illegal
I’m trying to teach them it was always republicans winning the house or senate or both that made stuff like lowering food stamps happen
You'll notice capitalists never tell each other that they need to read 300 page books.
Either the Left is powerless and can be safely ignored, as Biden has largely done, or they are powerful enough to actually impact the election, in which case concessions should be made, and could easily be done irt the genocide in Gaza. You don't get to have it both ways.
you think biden has ignored the left
He straight up told us not to vote for him!
Objectively yes. His government is doing literal fascism domestically to suppress the left whilst funding a genocide overseas on behalf of right wing economic and ultra-right wing religious interest groups.
Biden routinely ignores the 'left'. Or anything that doesn't conform with the democratic ideal of the left which is the problem.
Why won’t Biden reach out to people whose primary political identity is that they hate him and will never accept anything good from Dems? Truly a mystery.
This is odd because because you're blaming the cause on the effect. That he has explicitly said he wouldn't reach out and listen is why there's a whole bloc that hates him, not the other way around.
This is a false dichotomy that requires assuming that “the left” is a coherent, organized, and reliable voting bloc making a demand for a specific and enforceable exchange of promises. In other words, extremely unlikely if not demonstrably false
Like this only works if politicians are going to a bazaar where they can reliably purchase votes by spending a limited supply of political capital to assuredly win a definable collection of votes and they win by purchasing more votes with their efforts. But this market has never and does not exist
Biden has already done things for that wing. He is mostly losing center.
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orange man bad old man also bad they're both bad and we should stop them both
How? One of them is going to win in November. There is no third option
Maybe they are not a person, but time. Maybe you are communicating with a decade worth of time here. A decade worth of time dead set on getting them both...
That's fair. I'm sure the conservatives will stop their attacks while we get it together and find a candidate we really really really really like.
I think most people would settle for one that isn't committing genocide, actually.
I'll settle for a candidate who, at the very least, is anti-war and anti-genocide if a candidate can't pass that very basic humanity test, they can get fucked (derogatory)
My mom is probably to the left of yours (generic), but she's voting for Biden If I'm too old to be cynical about politics, she definitely is
The left are so awful man. Both utterly irrelevant and entirely to blame for whenever neoliberalism fails. Those guys suck so much.
Frustrating thing, there's a GERM of truth in what they're arguing. But it's JUST a germ! It's not the whole ball of wax!!!
The idea that Clinton's & Obama's policies stand on their own of their own preference rather than being the product of tension between the preferences of the raging white rurals & deplorables & the preferences of others isn't just pathetically wrong, it's fucking un-Marxist
Nothing like blaming Obama for shit that happened in the '70s.
The claim that the economic policies a man who hasn’t been president for 24 years are more to blame for people voting for trump this year than racism is so transparently idiotic no one would take it seriously who didn’t (bizarrely) hate liberals more than fascists already.
Still kinda stuck on the bit where Steinmetz-Jenkins claims that where were black nazis at the Unite The Right Rally
yeah that's really a different level of brain worm
Aaaand there it is--blaming Clinton and Obama and strangely enough not bothering to look at Reagan, both Bushes, and Trump--the four who really did the most to put the country in the s#@tter while Clinton, Obama, and Biden had to pull the country out. Seriously, to hell with those fools.