
I thirst for the fall of Elon Musk because he represents a new escalation in total idiot billionaire impunity and lawlessness. I do not want to live in a world where Elon Musk is the highest power.
There are so many huge problems in the world that need solving so I have no idea why seeing Musk crash and burn is my visceral favourite. All I know is I feel an irrational rage every time I see his latest dim-witted, bigoted post.
I get it and agree with you. But WE (and I mean ‘we’ in the collective sense) made him ‘the highest power’. We use PayPal, bot Teslas (and use his superchargers), watch his rockets takeoff & land, use satellite services launched from said rockets, use his solar panels, etc. WE created this monster
no I am not taking personal responsibility for Elon fucking Musk
neither, for that matter, is Musk himself
don't you know that Elon Musk - like climate change and all other demons that plague us - was caused explicitly and exclusively from the consumer choices of women
Whenever I see shit like this I immediately think “we who, mfer? You’d better have a mouse in your pocket, ‘cuz there ain’t no ‘we’ here. Just you and your wrongness.”
Ain't nobody got a big enough lug wrench for that job.
That's entirely on me. I'm really sorry, but they asked me and I said "yes" because I thought that it would be funny.
Again??? After all the hassle when you did it with the orange guy a few years back?
It'll be hilarious the third time though.
It's not like you are Linda Yaccarino
it turns out it’s not hard to avoid buying a Tesla
i’ve also never watched his rockets i don’t use “x” anymore except for work and starlink is dumb. (also he didn’t invent paypal)
there’s also this idea that everyone used to love him and excuse me I absolutely never did
yeah i remember telling a friend during the gawker shit that Actually, musk is more evil than thiel and that’s hard
i barely knew who he was before 2017 tbqh
I’m not one to say “I told you so” but gosh I sure think it hard these days wrt Musk and all the old “genius” talk that so many got so enthralled in. 
I used to feel neutral when I had no information about him, back in 2010.
fair play. i was busy hating zuck and sandberg in 2010, i was their hate hipster
Yeah, I think Inwas over him by the time he showed up in Iron Man 2. 😂
He was at best a crazy rich dude that was pouring capital into interesting research areas, I never understood the musk hype train even before mask off he was still barely tolerable
I first started hating him when he was suing car reviewers for saying obviously true things ("it can run out of power", "the chargers are hard to find") and I looked him up and found he was a self-aggrandizing ass. I think that was in like 2012?
I appreciated that he was sinking a ton of money into space tech and thought that somehow excused some eccentricity. I was 132% wrong about that, and he should have been drawn and quartered in the town square.
The first time, several years ago, I said he was a dumbass to a group of friends, a few of them pushed back pretty hard and I will never let them forget that
I started to actively dislike him over the monkey torture
years ago, I remember hearing that he fired interns at spaceX for fun if he caught them, like, getting a snack in the kitchen. i've hated him since then.
Starlink isn't dumb. Ask the Ukrainians. (Yes I know about the limitations imposed.)
let’s save people with corporations!! (i get that it helped, that doesn’t make it an inherently good idea and watch Palestinians denied it in real time)
I’m happy for Ukrainians and also think capitalist solutions are bad
They may still get some. Hopefully. It's an expensive solution which is most useful in crisis situations or very remote locations. Like satellite phones.
Who makes HIMARS, F-16s, etc? The stuff we and Ukraine use for defence. Corporations. You could say "it should be all produced by the state" but even the Soviet Union maintained competing weapons production bureaus.
Every damn time I pop an Ambien I come to with another new Model X in my driveway
It is, in fact, remarkably easy! In Seattle you can't cross the street without being hit by a Tesla. We managed to buy our electric car without ever darkening their showrooms or website.
There's plenty of other good EV brands now
Hard to find a place less inclined to have supported Elon Musk than Bluesky. It's literally why most of us are here
except that asshole in faine’s mentions who let’s be real is probably paid by muskrat
Oh they walk among us. The people here who got seriously sucked in try to tread carefully now, pretend that they only really liked Tesla and were never actual Musk fans, that kind of thing. People who spent 2017-2020 in the most psycho Tesla stock forums, amplifying and remixing Elon's brain worms.
If by WE you mean the taxpayer funds he found ways to exploit, then I suppose, yes.
also musk rat was booted from paypal fast
Are they in the same room with us, at this very moment ?
Seriously. I don't even *drive*, I'm as detached from PayPal as it's possible to be on the modern internet (sigh!), no way in hell would I use the Fuck Astronomers In Particular service, and so on. And I haven't touched Xitter in months now.
Truly he formed blameless, the Frankenstein’s monster of my sins. Come on 🫠
I wish I could properly express how much delight this brought to my cold, black heart.
I'm the one who gave him the emerald mine. Sorry about that
Nope. 1) Tesla's inflated share price is a creation of investors, not consumers. 2) SpaceX is a creation of the US government, by a decision process far removed from voters (and totally disconnected from non-USians). 3) Elon didn't invent PayPal. 4. Lots of non-Musk solar panels out there.
PayPal was a whole different company which bought his for a patent and who then shitcanned him. Using PayPal has no benefit to him.