
It is actually not great when wealthy elites try to have this much influence on the nominee, whether or not you think Biden is fit to serve.
Many wealthy Democratic donors are trying to pressure President Biden to abandon his re-election campaign and help lay the groundwork for an alternate candidate.
Major Democratic Donors Devise Plans to Pressure Biden to Step The president appears intent on remaining on the ballot, while wealthy donors are discussing plans to put their money elsewhere.
The ones threatening to withhold funds from down-ballot Democrats and nonprofits are particularly scum.
It’s probably important to remember that Biden wasn’t getting the money from most of these people in the 2020 primaries, so their pulse on the party’s desires should be taken with a grain of salt.
If you can’t bring yourself to write the check to Biden, the correct response is to hunker down and redirect funds to races you think are winnable. Hope for reverse coattails! Don’t throw a tantrum.
I don’t think any of these idiots knows how bad “rich guys try to push out President” looks.
Yeah, but that doesn't matter to them. They don't care if the peasants don't like them so long as they are lords and we are peasants.
“Rich people pressure Democrats to ignore the votes of millions of primary voters”
I'm shocked that a Disney heiress may be out of touch
got a nice big helping of go fuck yourself, media conglomerate heiress whoever tf you are
This is, and I don’t say this lightly, purest malarkey
What percentage of these "wealthy Dem donors" also give shitloads of money to Republicans and trump? My guess is more than 75 percent of them.
Oh no the guy with a huge war chest he’s not stealing feom might lose a donor or two
I just unfollowed the New York Times. No point in paying attention to them any longer.
This was destined to happen considering the level of wealth consolidation we're experiencing. Money, even with strict safeguards, is powerful influence and now the richest few Americans have such a disproportionately massive effect on politics that grows still.
Yeah, we need publicly funded campaigns and a much, much shorter campaign window. Members of Congress should be able to actually do their jobs instead of having to dial for donors every night.
When this news cycle passed, as they all do, they’ll all be scrambling to climb back aboard, the way Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio all did with Trump. Don’t let them forget their cowardice.
They have more influence than the rank and file. Those of us in California already went through this recently with Diane Feinstein, really don't want to do it again, and there are a lot of us. Even retired Sen Barbara Boxer, who worked with Biden for 25 years, says he has to resolve this fast.
Yeah, I feel like I'm coming across as inconsistent, but I'm trying to thread a needle that is critical of Biden and his campaign response, trying to leave open space for the possibility that the concerns are legitimate, while absolutely hating how elite media and party people have handled this.
The party people (meaning electeds) have been OK. They haven’t been convinced he’s fine, but they could be. The media and the donors…it’s bad. Nothing can convince them.
How about that, the STOCK MARKET IT another HIGH - BIDEN'S THIRD ONE. Sure you want Biden to give it up? How'd Trump do for that bottomline? So, so or barely there?