Howard Ashman stan account

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Howard Ashman stan account

gay as hell | queer as fuck | perpetually thirsty | DILF connoisseur & himbo enthusiast | pronouns: any/all/whatever/idk

(spoiler warning, fascism is bad)
I can't imagine what it must be like to be a top of color in the Milwaukee area right now, I hope they're staying hydrated and protecting their heart
Kids these days don't even know about Barney Schreiber, C.P.A., smdh
The Apartment rules, and not just because it gave us "Turkey Lurkey Time" from the Burt Bacharach musical Promises, Promises
more millennials need to watch The Apartment (1960) to find relatable content like what if you hated too many ads before your shows what if you had to rent your place that was too much of your paycheck out to your bosses so they could have affairs, and they kept promising to put in a good word
Do you ever listen to Freedom '90 by George Michael fifty times in a row
Oh, it turns out I figured out what to do with all of my anger! It’s a huge, free essay on whiteness and boundaries and why I spent all of yesterday bopping white liberal racism on the head.
I’m actually still very angry about this and I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with it, but absolutely none of my coping strategies will include bullying white marginalized people because I’m actually interested in progress
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
Was wondering why I don’t see Vance’s Marine background played up much relative to his childhood and then I realized it’s because he has the worst Private Pyle vibes I’ve ever seen
Silicon Valley tech guys are pivoting rapidly to fascism because capitalism and wealth inequality is the source of all of their wealth and power and is being challenged by the resurgence of labor unions and Biden's institutional support of the NLRB. Fascists are the attack dogs of capitalism.
AOC was very right to say house dems who have resigned themselves to a trump presidency should resign. Like “sorry constituents but it’s fascism for you” like what fucking spineless cowardice. Wild that more politicians and newspapers and news channels aren’t calling it out for what it is
i’m sorry but it’s clear we are never going to heal as a country until we invade and dismantle Yale Law
Thinking about how Hannibal Buress came out as a landlord and then completely disappeared from popular culture
Just remember that it’s how he likes women, no periods
My view at this moment in time is that America's political pundits are extremely stupid and we should not be listening to them because they absolutely do not know more than anyone else about what should be done and it's a real shame that interacting with op-eds fuels so much social media engagement
Maybe the lesson here is that the people who built a political movement out of the vigilante revenge fantasies of socially maladjusted and heavily armed people overestimated their own ability to control where, when, and at whom the violence they encourage would be directed.
This guy kind of sounds like he had the same politics as most attempted assassins, “maybe shooting someone will make me less of a fucking loser”
Community -> Parks and Rec -> The Office -> 30 Rock was GOATed when having a laff was the vibe
Need all the irrelevant details about the would-be Trump assassin so I can speculate what type of music Sondheim would have based his song off of
tbh I would not be surprised if Trump became agoraphobic after this, for a guy whose driving motivation at literally all times is self preservation I think being almost sniped in the head in public while supposedly under the protection of the USSS is probably gonna fuck with your head
At times like these I find it best to consult the scriptures for guidance
*swanning into the discourse 18 hours after the assassination attempt* Kinda seems like the Secret Service doesn't really give much of a shit about keeping Trump alive, huh
Okay now to be fair I hate Katy Perry and have for a very long time (I cannot stand her voice and vastly prefer her songs when sung by literally anyone else) but holy FUCK does "Woman's World" suck complete ass. And the video is so bad that the entire thing reads like satire.
Watching My Adventures with Superman season 2 and thinking that Clark should top Lois' Dad probably isn't the usual reaction but it certainly was mine
why would anyone quit cold turkey, one of the best deli meats
I could see myself using a variant of this line on a single dad tbh
i was watching porn the other day and the setup was it’s a babysitter coming onto the single dad and she pulled off his pants and said something like “let’s see it, 3 kids, there must be a lot of sperm in there” i cannot stop thinking about this
Sometimes my husband sends me photos of him snuggling with our cats on bed while I'm at work and it is an unfathomably cruel thing to do imo
SomeBODY once sold me Some baby shoes and told me The little things had never been worn
Self-described “gay furry hackers” breached the Heritage Foundation in an attempt to undermine Project 2025, so of course an executive director at the right-wing think tank threatened them as “degenerate perverts” who would face God’s punishment and the FBI.
Heritage Foundation Exec Threatens ‘Gay Furry Hackers’ in Unhinged Mike Howell of Heritage Foundation went at gay furry hacking collective SiegedSec after data breach motivated by Project 2025.
OK but what if the gay furry hackers released transcripts of their text conversations with Heritage Foundation Director and massive pissbaby Mike Howell?