
this is sort of important to note, i think, the kind of person who thinks AOC is too centrist is a genuine fucking weirdo, and while you might encounter dozens or hundreds or even thousands of them online, it’s a country of 330M people, they basically don’t exist
like, i am not going to even bash “leftists” here, any person who thinks AOC sold them out has politics and ideologies that are too fucking weird and nonsensical to even fairly categorize
just keep that in the back of your mind next time you encounter someone like this in the wild, they don’t matter, they don’t exist electorally, don’t fool yourself into thinking they’re worth arguing with
they also don't vote and if they did vote it'd be a coinflip if they'd vote for GOP or Democrats
Some may vote for the PSL or Workers World candidates, who get a tiny number of votes
Kshama Sawant served for 10 years on Seattle's City Council. I mean, obviously let's think proportionally but it's not that they're never a problem.
Sawant was doing electorialism which these people rail against.
Wait, you mean I shouldn't debate HoChiMinh420 about whether AOC is a liberal neolib moderate shitlib? I have to think about that for a second.
but have you considered that if you don’t engage with them you are silencing them? That if you ignore them you are actively ripping out any semblance of a soul they have? That by not engaging you are, in fact, censoring them, like it was in the USSR (which was actually good?) Lots to consider!
Also AOC is a realist. Biden is the only option right now - what's she going to do? Support Trump? Tell people not to vote at all? She's doing her job.
I'm an anarchist with end goals far to the left of AOC's. But anyone who refuses to take advantage of the currently existing means to keep an actual fascist out has drunk some accelerationist kool-aid and has extremely unrealistic standards for what electoralism can accomplish.
In the end, electoralism is about getting the least bad possible background environment in which to construct a post-capitalist society by other means.
Yeah it's awfully hard to build a new world in the shell of the old world when the shell is Gilead.
Exactly. And in any case, I don't understand the logic of 1. Let fascists win election 2. The worse, the better 3. ??? 4. Revolution(TM) Or maybe 1. Let Trump win 2. Democratic Party collapses and is replaced by Greens 3. Somebody from Chapo Trap House gets elected and institutes Real Socialism
I am an actual-factual anarchist who would prefer a radically different society than the one we live in, and *I* think AOC is, in fact, a good representative.
“This is the best we’re gonna get for now, does some good and she’s also gotta make sure Chuck hand picking her for his senate replacement goes through” is kinda my viewpoint
I think there's a solid case that there are more American Satanists per individual subtype of Satanism than Americans who think AOC is a centrist sellout.
it's the real-life equivalent of "hammer & sickle in handle or bio," just forget about them and move on.
They’re just speedrunning what they did to Nancy Pelosi (I remember when she was the firebrand who was way left of the party mainstream, too). One almost might begin to suspect a pattern to this stuff.
They’d be the most fervent pro lifers if they were born in Tyler,Texas instead of NYC and deep down they know it.
I kinda think Bloomberg meant it as praise, anyway
I was amused that the spokesperson for the Columbia protest before their quotes came out was banning AOC from the area because she was a Zionist.
ppl will talk their shit about AOC and still go openly vote for her regardless and thats fine!!!!
Imagine being Jamaal Bowman, dude who was one of the first 10/7 Hamas-mass-rape-doubters and getting put on blast by activists for being a shill for Israel. And we wonder why the cop became mayor
Oh man, I was reading that & thought "Bowman???" Sorry, "guy who's publicly said the two state solution is no longer an option", but you need to be a little more direct about wanting to wipe Israel off the map.
Like honestly I would be tempted to call the "progressive" protestors an AIPAC op, like I'm sorry but the timing is too good
Kinda reminds me of the KKK guy who endorsed Hillary. If these people are opposing Bowman, he can;t be that radical, right?
This is an appropriate corollary to the old phrase, "Twitter is not real life."