
Is Joe Biden the opinion editor—or news editor—of the New York Times? Why does Biden have to do anything to put all the extremely newsworthy facts in this paragraph into heavy rotation at the top of the homepage? Why say "of course" Trump should drop out when you haven't written that he should?
wtf? no, this is a question pundits entertain themselves with. the question confronting voters is who they prefer to be president. They should not be walking into the voting booth and casting a vote for the candidate they think will win!
Oh god, this is becoming so nonsensical I feel like my brain must be breaking. None of these people seem to really care what voters think at all.
I want so bad for some mid-level journalist there to get so sick this bullshit that they snap and go public with how the Times got to this place and how they enforce the discipline need to keep their political journalism this uniformly awful.
Would be a best seller if they could publish by October.
Bad enough that the media has tricked voters into voting in primaries based on "electability" if they started voting that way in general elections it would be the most recursively stupid thing imaginable.
Lmao they're implying it would be hypocritical for biden to call for Trump to drop out without dropping out himself??
Possibly the truest, purest expression of Murc's Law in American history
“By dropping out he can make the points we could be making but won’t for some completely mysterious reason”
"By dropping out of the race he can say the things he should say in the race!"
I love this fantasy like he has said 100% he is staying in and the times is like “yeah but dems should make him drop out” like how? How will they do this? That’s what a primary was for and they blocked it. Just complete wishcasting from a dogshit rag
Biden should quit is a multi day story with lots of columns, Trump should quit is a sentence. Great job everybody, balance achieved. The paper’s official stance is that both of the leading candidates for president should quit, which is a great use of the Times’ credibility.
Do you think they’ll endorse RFK Jr. or Cornell West?
Their very first editorial calling for Biden to get out conceded that they’d support him over Trump if he stayed in!
Can such a brilliant move really work twice? I guess we’ll see!
I just don’t understand how or why The NY Times would be so consistently sloppy, and yet always sloppy in a way that favors Trump. I cannot think of any reason why they would do that. I am stumped.
Trump era pushes New York Times to new heights in digital Roughly 6.7 million people are now digital subscribers.
"We want Biden to drop out so he can tell you why Trump should drop out and then we can tell you not to listen because Biden is irrelevant since he's no longer the candidate."
I can't see who wrote this. Because I cancelled my subscription.
It's the Editorial Board, the richest anonymous cowards in the business.
Trump is exactly the man he was 4 years ago. The idea he was sharp and coherent and policy focused in 2020 or even 2016 is straight up ludicrous.
I mean, he is clearly going downhill, but in his case becoming more incoherent has just made him more like himself.
The extremely rich owners of the FTFNYT don't actually want Trump to drop out. They want him to win. Encouraging chaos on the Democratic side helps that goal.
Not to mention it’s not the reason that Trump should drop out! He’s a convicted felon!
It's hilarious that people at the Times think of Democrats as a monolithic block and not as a herd of cats.
The trouble with opinion writers is the only person who thinks their opinions matter..are the person who write the opinion. For example,Conrad Black writes opinion pieces for the Globe and Mail up here. No one cares what a convicted fraud thinks. Not even, I suspect, his wife.
I am reaching a white heat with this and believe they underestimate how much this angers some voters. I think by week's end they will have come up with a list and worked out the logistics of a quickie primary
lol - if they called for Trump to drop out it would just increase his support
Very cool that even the "of course" doesn't mention the crimes or promises to destroy the government.
When Nikki Haley dropped out of the GOP primaries, why didn’t it “focus public attention on Mr. Trump’s capacity to perform the job as President” in a way the Times found compelling?