
grooming industrial complex in shambles
A church can buy insurance coverage for sexual abuse claims? What?
how pissed off do you want to be for the rest of the day because whether you learn the truth hinges on that
lol. Day is already ruined. Sheesh.
Yes. Same as schools, day cares, summer camps, and bus companies. It feels sketchy, but the alternative is that when a victim sues them they don't have much in the way of assets or just declare bankruptcy. I don't think lack of insurance coverage has stopped many predators before.
Thinking about it that way, saying “oh, we just won’t ever have any abuse at this institution where adults have close contact with and power over minors, a thing that attracts abusers” would be ridiculous.
Also, insurance companies don't like to pay out. If they cover an organization, they're going to make sure there are basic processes in place to prevent claims--background checks, procedures on interacting with minors, etc. Obviously not foolproof, but better than many orgs would do on their own.
Yes, like every other organisation but like other insurance policies there are terms and conditions, exclusions etc
Yes. Insurance for negligence is pretty frustrating but it's better than no insurance and no money for victims
Is sexual abuse ever negligent or is it actually criminal...
we're talking about institutions. Of course sexual abuse is criminal but the institutions can be considered negligent in terms of recruitment, response etc. It's not either/or
and sexual abuse victims actually do better under negligence than criminal due to different burdens of proof..
megapastors can’t sexually abuse their parishioners anymore because of woke
actuarial tables only slightly stopped jimmy saville
*woke actuarial tables. We all know math has a severe liberal bias. It'll try to tell you "1=1" without even *attempting* to determine which digit was written in darker-coloured ink.
Just had to look up Terrence Howard. Dude’s Hollywood Kyrie Irving
“What do you do for a living?” “Oh, I sell sex abuse insurance to churches”
And here I thought the DUI lawyer I saw advertising on my game app was bad enough... 😬
Every part of this story is a confession
I don't think sex abuse should be something that is insurable...
After giving it some thought, there is a good argument that a lot of abuse is covered up due to fears of people losing their jobs/livelihoods... However, the premium for institutions that refuse to make changes to avoid abuse (like religion) would be high and create the same disincentives...
So perhaps the best solution is to make it mandatory and expensive for institutions that have historically resisted any sort of accountability for this type of abuse.
It feels like you speedran some enlightenment here, pretty cool
Was sincere. Made sense to me, saved me some thinking
One way to look at liability insurance is, "If you do something wrong, it will probably not bankrupt you." Another way to look at it is, "If you do something wrong, your victim will get paid by someone with deep pockets."
it’s not, it’s the institution, whatever that is, public or private, having liability insurance. you can’t run a public space/place or have employees or volunteers without it. it doesn’t cover “sexual abuse” it covers the attorney who has to read the claim against the org
my "I can't operate my organization without sex abuse insurance" t-shirt is raising questions etc etc
the announcement on their website is a masterpiece of doublespeak
I dunno how much cash they had to pull from the collection plate to fund that statement but everyone involved got hosed
Just throwing this out there: if a institution can afford sex abuse insurance, they can afford to pay taxes
TIL that churches can buy "sex abuse coverage" and now believe that if a claim ever gets paid out, they should permanently lose their tax-exempt status* *they should all lose this status anyway, to be very clear
Holy shit, they have to carry sex abuse insurance? Amazing that people still fall for organized religion.
Tha shit's plainly evil. The problem is it's socially expected that you groom your children into believing whatever they say or you'll burn in hell forever. Th deeplingrainfear keeps people in, and from even questioning things
"Welcome to your first day working in insurance. We need you to work on sexual abuse coverage." Can you even imagine?
I'm no insurance insider, but knowing how commission sales works in other industries I expect for institutional sex abuse premiums top tier agents with seniority hog it all for themselves because it's both really complex and somehow incredibly lucrative
I would immediately quit. Just straight "I'm sorry, could you repeat that...? You're serious about this....? Ok, no. I'm leaving. Fuck you and the people you "insure"."
I will bet you any amount of money that women are not allowed at the top levels of leadership there
So the freedom convoy types gonna pause their attacking drag shows to protest these churches, right? Right?
The fact that this crap even exists is insane.
Every single person defending the abuse of the church is a sack of shit.
Wait, wait, abuse insurance is a thing?! Imagine if we had murder insurance? "Okay just in case any of you rascals try to kill anyone, the organization will be protected financially!"