did:plc:moejpt72sm743idbk3xc46mx followers

Jon Green
Jon Green
Rabble rousing county supervisor
David Kaib
David Kaib
Political education, socialism, abolition, unions, cats
Katherine Ward
Katherine Ward
•desert archaeologist, semi-retired
•rainshadow farm
•scanning horizon for hope 🌿
Marthine Satris
Marthine Satris
Bay Area words & book person.

Steve Pheley
Steve Pheley
Person with a phone and occasional comments.
Likes: archosaurs, robots, space samurai wizards.
Dislikes: authoritarianism, injustice, ketchup.
Leaving a trail of abandoned hobbies in my wake.
Lisa Wines
Lisa Wines
Bisbee, AZ Democrat. Collage artist. Webmaster at www.panterragallery.com
Sparrow / Liz
Sparrow / Liz
angry mast cells (HaT and MCAS) + POTS + neurodivergent. ♿ queer. white. emperor of typos. brain fog zone ⚠️. they/them

🎶 iii'm still masking 🎶

working on porting more of my body science infodumps and such to:
Jenna Beet
Jenna Beet
Not actually a beet. Proud to be Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Fiction writer of no renown. She/ her/ y'all
Bridget Copley PhD
Bridget Copley PhD
Parisienne Buffalonian semanticist spoonie mom. http://bcopley.com "The line separating good and evil passes...right through every human heart." -Solzhenitsyn
Shawndra HB
Shawndra HB
*Teensy* bit geeky. Raised to love music. Do a bit of 📷 Adore living in the UK but still have a heart full of Colorado. ❤️🐝s Hella-progressive. 🏳️‍🌈
NickyHW (she/her) 🦋🐛🌵🌱🌿🪴🐈‍⬛🐈
NickyHW (she/her) 🦋🐛🌵🌱🌿🪴🐈‍⬛🐈
I propagate native plants and raise butterflies; madre de dos; kitten fostering; ball thrower for large dog
Shawn Wiemann
Shawn Wiemann
Family and career in Central New York.
Cat photography
Cat photography
Kevin Gannon
Kevin Gannon
Educational developer, historian, abolitionist, purveyor of fine doggo content | Higher ed, critical pedagogy, technology and teaching, 18th-19th century history | Wrote: https://wvupressonline.com/node/823 | Fueled by coffee and spite.
🏳️‍⚧️ Minority Report from my Right Boob 🏳️‍⚧️
🏳️‍⚧️ Minority Report from my Right Boob 🏳️‍⚧️
Opinions are my own and not to be taken seriously.

Transfluid, she/he/we, ASD, moonlight as empath, citizen scientist, geekasuarus, lifetime book lover, senior hippy who is old enough to no longer have any phuques to give.
James carderwood
James carderwood
God Fearing man 🙏with kind heart, 💘dog lover ❤️ spread love , Blessings to you all ..
Maya R
Maya R
dog jogger, e-bike rider, appellate public defender

📍seattle, wa
Animal lover…..
I enjoy Fine Dining, love to Travel, HATE to Pack (LOL) love Beautiful Things (particularly Oriental Art, Furnishings etc.); as well as Scenery, especially "Water Views
PE PhD Environmental Engineer specializing in disinfection. University professor and wind enthusiast.
J. Chris Pires
J. Chris Pires
Professor passionate about student success and team science #firstgen #Brassica enthusiast walking with Dogs of the Plant World
Following the #Science exodus from the other place
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
This Emad after 3 times blocked from Blusky why because I'm Palestinian and looking for the safety for my family

Please support me and my family I feel like I lost the hope😔😞 I only have you now


Thank you for understanding
James Feldman
James Feldman
Person living in Brooklyn who does stuff, much of it enjoyable
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
Musik, IT, Beton machen, liebt den Pudel, Ruinenrestauration, #wirsindmehr, fucknazis, fuck'a'fd, eattherich, Maskenultra
Dave Mazella
Dave Mazella
so how does this thing work? eighteenth-century scholar hiding away in Heatdome, TX. aspiring flaneur. street parliamentarian
M. G. Daskivich
M. G. Daskivich
James Gettys Elementary School, Class of 1985

Pirates | Eagles I Sixers | Penguins

“When I was a child, I played Subbuteo, won…”
Eric Blair
Eric Blair
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross, and the New York Times Opinion section will say we are all overreacting.”

Longer-form: https://deepnarrative.io
Bidusao cabra da peste
Bidusao cabra da peste
Professor esquerdista, anarquista, socialista, comunista, antifacista, super a favor das CEB'S, amo minha esposa, filhas, netas/os , sobrinhas/os, o Bidu, os animais, as pessoas e a natureza! 🌹💮♟️📿🪬🧿🕉️☯️🛐
Phil Dyess-Nugent
Phil Dyess-Nugent
Artist, dog-lover, and avid reader
Erik Nordman
Erik Nordman
Consultant in climate resilience, environmental econ & policy • Author: The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom • Speaker • Fulbrighter (Kenya)
Just thinking out loud.
N C Irving
N C Irving
Lost soul.
Becky W
Becky W
Permanent beverage goblin 🥤🧃🍵