BREAKING: SCOTUS halts tonight's scheduled execution of Ruben Gutierrez in Texas, highlighting another question of whether the Fifth Circuit is ignoring Supreme Court precedent.
recharging my phone using the friction between all of the people i follow who hate each other
This book is an absurdly adorable accounting of the plot of Alien. They had no right making this horror story so cute. 😭
The old lady next to me showed me her phone and was like “if we don’t take off soon, we might get hit by a tornado” and IMMEDIATELY went to sleep. Her leopard print sleeping mask matches her leopard print leggings. I’m impressed and jealous. Old people really don’t give a fuck.
I knew I should’ve stopped by the McDonald’s next to my gate before boarding. But no, there was no time. I didn’t want to miss my flight.
you could almost feel the deflation in the atmosphere.
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
Something I just saw come up in a TikTok: Folks really do fixate on racist systems being driven by "hate" without ever reckoning or even learning about the many ways those systems economically profited the oppressors. Segregation and Jim Crow and White Riots were all VERY profitable to oppressors.
Secretarybird vs lappet-faced vulture!!! I just got back from a reporting trip to the Masai Mara. These were two of the birds I most wanted to see and never did I imagine I’d see one kicking the other in its lappety face. (Also, hello. Get ready for a month of Kenyan wildlife pics.)
I love it when he has to try to pray. That is the torment he deserves. Some megachurch dipshit with Roger Clemens hair up there saying "father lord" a bunch of times and he's sitting there with his eyes closed thinking about how Billy Andrade was rude to him in 1993.
some people on here really don’t get how intersectionality works and instead think of it like some sort of pokémon type strength/weakness chart and i really wish that we could collectively acknowledge that there can be multiple important things to address happening all at the same time
Frustrating to me that now we have ended up in a position where talking about anti black racism is seen as taking a position against trans people and vice versa
Also, if trolls are trying to pit different marginalized groups against each other on this platform, let’s work together to root those fuckers out. I have to believe that at the end of the day we all chose to use this app because we want better for ourselves and each other.
Every picture of JD Vance makes it look like he just logged off of Instagram after spending 2 hours bullying teenage girls with comments like "fatty" or "I can't believe you showed your thighs like that" from a Finsta account
Every picture of JD Vance makes it look like he just got finished furtively wiping his mouth clean after drinking a can of Hormel Chili out of a Thermos.
Every picture of JD Vance looks like it’s accompanying s news story about a former child actor who got caught in a multi level marketing scam
Every picture of JD Vance makes it look like he was the first one dumped on the latest season of Love Is Blind and he is bitter AF about it.
if we still had MAD Magazine they would’ve gotten him with “Hillbilly Allergy by JD Pantsed” four years ago and none of this would be a problem
I am begging people to block and report transphobes and racists instead of screenshotting them and showing them off to everyone like a weird bug they found by the roadside.
I was just thinking this earlier. The blocklists are all gone, and people have stopped blocking the bigots themselves, and just gone back to replying to them instead, putting them onto their followers’ skylines.
Menendez’s biggest mistake was not appointing three Supreme Court justices.
Remember, if the government can obtain a conviction against Bob Menendez for taking bribes and stuffing gold bars into his closet that he was given for working on behalf of a foreign government, there's nothing stopping them from indicting you for the same thing.
🌪️ PSA: A tornado WATCH means a tornado may be forming soon and you should prepare, whereas a tornado WARNING means it’s here and you need to take cover *now.* To help remember the difference: if it’s a tornado WATCH, you’ve got TIME ⌚️
idk how to explain this but i strongly feel that JD Vance is related to the Hamburglar
The people who pushed Jamelle Bouie off this site were disproportionately white. The same is true for Tressie. The anti-Blackness has been a problem for a while, and everyone knows it. This was an anti-Black incident. Try to swing it as something else, fine, but it was.
I'm not normally vengeful, but I want to point to Vance's nomination and ascension as the product of every purported liberal who touted his book as "revolutionary" over the objections of all the folks who knew better. That shit is partially on them, and they need to own that.
Yeah, it’s not good. The individual harassment is awful but it’s hurting the entire place. Block these people on sight.
Another Black woman’s mentions are now full of white women accusing her of being anti-trans because apparently there is a contingent of white people on here who will not rest easy until every Black person on this site has passed a purity test administered by anonymous posters.
JD Vance 2016: Trump is America's Hitler (pejorative) JD Vance 2024: Trump is America's Hitler (complimentary)
He's not fucking around.
He might be our greatest poster
Can’t lie I wasn’t immune to the mental damage accrued from having to be glad handed about how political violence should be universally condemned by the class of people that have allowed sleeping rough to become a jailable offense.