Marthine Satris

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Marthine Satris

Bay Area words & book person.
No one has written about this (I will) but Project 2025 will destroy federal lands as we know it as well as any progress towards recognizing Native peoples.
I kneel in the direction of Google HQ chanting my mantra, "the electricity needs of AI supercede the human requirement of an inhabitable planet" outside the window a choir of Boston Dynamics robot dogs bark the national anthem
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
*looks directly at camera*
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
one most perilous and long voyage ended, only begins a second; and a second ended, only begins a third, and so on, for ever and for aye.
And as a reminder, please send me any food/travel writing from 2024 at [email protected]! Newsletters, zines, blogs, anything in a North American periodical counts!
Saturday was Magna Carta Day, so I missed my chance to remind you that there's some eel history lurking behind the Great Charter. Let's do it now! Famously, the 1215 Magna Carta banned fish weirs on the Thames, the Medway, & all other major rivers in England. 1/2 🗃️🧪
My field is more than 60% women. Shark Week, marine biology's biggest stage, doesn't just feature more men than women... it features more guys named Mike than women. And that's ignoring the pseudoscientific nonsense, wildlife harassment, and near complete lack of any real conservation content 🧪🦑
Beware of ‘Shark Week’: Scientists watched 202 episodes and found them filled with junk science, misinformation and white male ‘experts’ named A study offers evidence that marine biology’s biggest stage is broken, and suggests ways to fix it.
90% of being a poet is just knowing what the names of the trees and the birds and the fish where you live are. The rest is just looking at them and writing it down.
wake up babe new mustard history dropped
RIGHT. I'm taking a break from editing, so let's talk about MUSTARD: A GLOBAL HISTORY, by Demet Güzey, which I got from the University of Chicago Press book sale. This is the same series which produced the delightful CHEESE: A GLOBAL HISTORY, by Andrew Dalby. Whether grainy or smooth, spicy or sweet, Dijon, American, or English, mustard accompanies our food and flavors our life around the globe. It has been a source of pleasure, health, and myth from ancie...
they are being MUCH quieter now! i guess it kind of kills the vibe when a wooly redbearded giant leaps out of a shrubbery and hollers DANT STALE MA APPLES!!! THAR NAE GUT
Other countries have safety nets. The US has women. Their labor creates the illusion of a DIY society, making it seem like we don't need a net. Writing HOLDING IT TOGETHER was a labor of love and fury and I'm so grateful to share it with you all #PubDay
Aw fluffy grey cats are the very best
Trillie. 💚 Postcard from my collection, mailed 1922.
A very merry Guiltmas to each and every one of you.
Kinda cool CATL currently has the capacity to recycle as much as 99.6% of precious metals such as nickel, cobalt and manganese, and up to 91% of lithium... Last year, CATL recycled 100,000 tonnes of waste batteries through its subsidiary Brump to create 13,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate
By 2042, Chinese Battery Maker Will No Longer Need Mining as Recycling Takes Yahoo Finance: Geopolitical tensions must be set aside as the world faces shortages of critical battery materials such as lithium, nickel and cobalt due to surging demand, said Robin Zeng Yuqun, fo…
Did you know that we have recorded and put online 148 book talks with authors of recent #envhum books? You can also listen to the first 110 episodes wherever you download audio podcasts. Look for Greenhouse environmental humanities book talks.
The Israeli military heavily bombed Rafah early this morning, before ordering an estimated 100,000 people to leave parts of the border town ahead of a planned ground assault.
Israeli army pounds Rafah as it orders some residents Aid groups say Rafah offensive will be 'catastrophic' for civilians and make aid deliveries to Gaza even more challenging as famine spreads
It is May 1st and Berkeleyside *still* hasn’t reported on the growing UC Berkeley encampment since calling it a “sit-in” on April 22nd (they’re at 175 tents!). It’s becoming harder not to view this as an intentional choice or a silencing from somewhere higher up.
For anyone following the student protests and wondering why they haven’t seen more about UC Berkeley’s encampment, the short answer is that local news in the East Bay has dwindled to such an extent that the closest Berkeley has to a daily last posted about it on April 22nd. Anyway, here’s KRON4.
UC Berkeley protest against war in Gaza peaceful and (BCN) — The sound of buzzing surveillance drones over Gaza played from a loudspeaker on the steps of UC Berkeley’s Sproul Hall, on the very spot where Mario Salvo rallied for free speec…
For anyone following the student protests and wondering why they haven’t seen more about UC Berkeley’s encampment, the short answer is that local news in the East Bay has dwindled to such an extent that the closest Berkeley has to a daily last posted about it on April 22nd. Anyway, here’s KRON4.
UC Berkeley protest against war in Gaza peaceful and (BCN) — The sound of buzzing surveillance drones over Gaza played from a loudspeaker on the steps of UC Berkeley’s Sproul Hall, on the very spot where Mario Salvo rallied for free speec…