Katherine Ward

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Katherine Ward


•desert archaeologist, semi-retired
•rainshadow farm
•scanning horizon for hope 🌿
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In Private Speech, JD Vance Said the “Devil Is Real” & Praised Alex Jones as Truth-Teller Vance gave the speech to the secretive Teneo Network. The VP nominee has been a member of the Leonard Leo-backed group, which seeks to cultivate conservative influence in business & culture. Full video here:
In Private Speech, J.D. Vance Said the “Devil Is Real” and Praised Alex Jones as a Truth-Tellerwww.propublica.org Vance gave the speech to the secretive Teneo Network. The GOP vice presidential nominee has been a member of the Leonard Leo-backed group, which seeks to cultivate conservative influence in business a...
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
This. This. This a thousand times
The reason that the language of domestic abuse and the language of authoritarianism looks the same is because it's just the same thing on a different scale.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
It is almost as if we need oversight over the judicial system.
An examination of more than 1,200 federal judges and state supreme court justices turned up dozens of judges who chose not to recuse when facing potential appearances of impropriety involving familial financial connections. www.propublica.org/article/judg...
Even When Big Cases Intersect With Their Families’ Interests, Many Judges Choose Not to Recusewww.propublica.org Ambiguous — and unenforced — recusal standards mean few checks and balances for top judges when cases involve their family members.
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Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Astrophysicist Jocelyn Bell Burnell was born #OTD in 1943. As a Cambridge grad student in 1967, she discovered an entirely new type of celestial object: Pulsars! In 1974 the Nobel was given to her advisor; she was left off. 🧪 👩‍🔬 🔭 Photo: National Science & Media Museum
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
So my take is we shouldn't get too distracted by the Appalachia debate. Hillbilly Elegy was a smokescreen. He's been a VC-funded fascist from the beginning who happened upon a very old narrative to use. Frankly we lost the battle over it bc he got what he wanted. Fight him like a normal fascist.
When you make JD Vance about Appalachia, you almost give him a weight that he very clearly doesn't deserve. Dude's a hack who had a racist, classist campaign book ghostwritten like every other politician. He's just like every other right-wing nut.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
The Forest Troop baboons are a story of hope and also what if the billionaires all accidentally got the trash meat
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
On an unrelated note, Robert Sapolsky also documented how, after poisoned meat killed off all the alpha asshole baboon males in the group he was studying, the group became FAR more peaceful and chill for multiple generations.
Personally, I’d go with Robert Sapolsky’s “A Primate’s Memoir” for insight into the GOP politician mind. Also, an extremely funny book.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
The thing I resent most deeply about modern billionaires is that the thought of humanity exploring space used to feel exciting and now it fills me with dread. It shouldn't have been the worst of us who first get to greet the stars in the sky.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
"It's important to recognize the climate benefits of having trees with #UrbanCooling. It's measurable. With more severely hot days it's important people are able to escape that heat. Streets with a canopy are much more cool than untried streets, getting back to equity & health."
#YYCCC's historic housing hearings revealed Calgarians across the political divide love their trees & care about tree canopy. Hub #NatureNode members Druh Farrell, Robert Miller, Saadiq Mohiuddin & Heather Addy couldn't agree more. What's up with trees in #YYC? www.podcastics.com/episode/3033...
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
I caught this Acmon blue butterfly at the right angle where the natural light has caused the scales to iridesce across the entire spectrum of colors, but still dominated by the indigo-blue the species is named for 📷🌈🦋
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
It’s understandably not as salient as health in people’s minds, but we’re also a lot better at the aesthetics of sustainability rather than actual sustainability.
I'm reminded again how culturally we're obsessed with the aesthetics of health not actual health.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
"We should be able to discriminate against trans kids" is a hell of a message to run on, and yet ...
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
I’ve said this a million times, but I’m genuinely frightened about what Musk’s fascist propaganda network is doing to do to our politics. I really wish someone, anyone, would come up with a collective strategy to get journalists, organizers and elected officials off the platform.
Dipping back into Twitter to lurk on assassination stuff and truly, from the bottom of my heart, unless you have massively curated lists, no one in media or politics should be microwaving their neurons on there.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
And this is how fascism wins. It convinces moderates to stop using the correct language to name what our enemy is and make no mistake. Trump and the Republicans are a fascist anti-democratic enemy to every real American who believes in the Constitution and rule of law. Do not stay silent.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
“One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward Trump, and that’s when Secret Service snipers shot him”
Local officer encountered gunman just before he shot toward Trump at rally, sources tell APapnews.com Sources tell The Associated Press that a local law enforcement officer encountered the gunman moments before he fired toward former President Donald Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
😲The court said in their decision, “the district court correctly found that Kansas does not recognize a duty by a healthcare provider to safeguard, protect, and maintain the confidentiality of a patient’s medical records.”
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Yeah I keep seeing this reaction, but it’s wholly at odds with the history of these things. The bump Reagan got was short lived and that was the exception to the rule. TR, George Wallace, Gerald Ford all survived attacks but did not win their races.
People who are assuring us that this means Trump is going to win are clearly unfamiliar with the deeply weird lore of this country's THREE mid-seventies presidential-candidate assassination attempts.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
Remember: here's the breaking news handbook. All of these are good rules to stand by at the moment.
"In secretive hearings, the University of Florida set aside recommendations to lightly punish some of the college students arrested after pro-Palestinian protests on campus and instead kicked them all out of school for three to four years."
University of Florida suspends arrested pro-Palestinian protesters for up to 4 yearswww.gainesville.com Chris Summerlin, UF's new dean of students, set aside recommendations to lightly punish some of the college students.
Reposted byAvatar Katherine Ward
This is an awesome discovery! The planet is tidally locked to its star, so the same side always faces the sun. That's why it'd have that 'eyeball' look--the sun's concentrated heat would melt the ice there that otherwise blankets the world.