
The whole “I’m going to leave America if _____ happens” is stupid not just because most people can’t do that but also because what, you’re going to jet into France just in time to enjoy a fascist taking over? Going to head to Italy? Canada for Québécois Trump? Argentina for that floppy haired guy?
write about the fall of the empire from my airbnb
Also like way to give up the absolute lack of solidarity. "Fuck y'all marginalized losers, I'm outta here"
Pierre Poilievre is from Alberta. Despite his French name, he is neither Québecois nor Francophone. But yes, he will be the next head of government, to my great chagrin.
He doesn't have to be, but people need to pull their heads out of their asses starting now. Also, can Calgary (and Alberta) just stop producing shite people, please? We have some really good ones, but somehow the shit seems to rise.
I'm not seeing an alternative. We're stuck with this shitty 2.5-party system unless we get electoral reform, which we won't. The Liberals (and esp. Trudeau) have overstayed their welcome. The NDP don't have the juice to become a serious contender. There's nothing we can realistically do.
We have put up with conservative dynasties for way longer than this liberal government. Could they use some juice? yes. Is the alternative heinous? absolutely. Will the NDP ever become leader? hahahaha no. People can figure out what makes sense here, even if it isn't perfect.
Hoping my Irish ancestry allows me to go where they've got the president with the cool dogs
Because nothing bad has ever happened to Ireland. What if JKR starts referring to the Irish as "Adult British Persons?"
Thank you for enlightening me, I had no idea why my ancestors came here
I can't afford it and they probably wouldn't take me but at least a lot of the other places you at least like get healthcare with the fascism
I was just talking about this to a friend. Where can one run that will remain untouched and unsullied by fascism? There is no way to outrun it forever. At some point there needs to be a stand taken.
At this point I really think that's the only thing preventing a full scale global shooting war. There's so much crisis and conflict and it's all deepening and nobody in a position of power cares. And this is all happening as we boil the world.
THIS. It sucks everywhere!!!!
it is a hallmark of privilege. 'I can make a total mess here and rather than put in the effort to clean it up, I'll just go somewhere else'. And it's delusional... you're correct. Got enough money to not work and enjoy life? Fill your boots I guess. Say hi to Leo.
Yeah, like, where the fuck is even good right now? Pointless lib bluster bullshit.
No, Mr. Smart Guy, the Principality of Sealand
At most, I will wander into the woods.
I’m sure AfD would fucking love a bunch of American liberals flooding Germany.
Britain, just in time for Tony Blair Jr.?
I had a conversation with an acquaintance from Israel a couple years ago and he said he'd never live in the US; it was too dangerous and run by dumb people. Fast forward now and he's trying to leverage his partner's dual citizenship to move here. No place is immune to fascists.
Yes Canada - imagine that’s going to be amazing pinched between Putin and Trump
“Québécois Trump” doesn’t have a hope of forming government, and he’ll be lucky if his party gets a half dozen seats in Parliament.
I think he means Poillievre (not Quebecois), not Bernier
Ha he’s barely more conservative than Biden. Still among my last choices for PM (after Singh, Ryan Reynolds, May, Trudeau, etc) but to equate him with what’s going on in the US is crazy.
Hard to compare the US and Canada and I agree he's not as bad as Trymp but he's also shown he's willing to court some far-right people and groups
Probably though, France and Italy will continue to have elections.
I hear the uk is electing a nice quiet racist
Also, a fact a lot of these ppl tend to overlook is, you cant just “move” to another country. Unless you want to rock up with your belongings in a suitcase and claim asylum,you will most likely need to go through a stringent immigration process. Not to mention how hard it is to learn a new language!
Fewer guns on the other side of the Atlantic.