evan n

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evan n


“lovable” simpleton. attorney. administrative law judge(?). wisconsin. marginal.
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Sending a bunch of based realtors and off-duty cops into the Capitol building to murder the speaker of the house, in my official capacity of President of the United States.
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basically every time the media describes a very rich and powerful person's crime as novel or complex the crime can be very accurately described as "fraud"
i am reading analyses of the legal argument made in the manhattan "hush money" case and i have no idea where people are getting the notion that alvin bragg was pushing "a novel legal theory."
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The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
lol eat shit Donald. lmao and I must restate lmao
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oh no my wife is getting a flag ready
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Every low level lanyard job person in DC: please don’t wear a campaign button in my house, someone could see it and I might get in trouble SCOTUS: first you take a loan from someone with business before the court and then you just don’t pay it back. Did you see my insurrection flag.
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can we skip ahead to the part where he gets found guilty, gets fined ~8000 bucks and told not to do it again, and then every lawyer on here acts like you're the asshole for expecting this huuuge trial they themselves breathlessly followed to end in jail time. sick of this
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i hold few left tendencies in more contempt than anprims. industry and human ingenuity gave us the CASE axial-flow combine and 45 foot grain header for a reason.
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never again do i need to hear the thoughts of a grad student. stop posting. write your damn dissertation
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"One thing that American craft brewers figured out in the 2010s is that people like to get drunk from drinking beer" (b roll of voodoo ranger bottling plant dubbed over with riff from Du Hast)- from my direct to camera interview for "Hoppy Ending: the Rise and Brawl of American Craft Beer"
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Every two weeks a judge in a different state bangs a gavel, announces "it is the finding of this court that the accused, Donald Trump, is an absolute turbo shithead" and then fines him an amount roughly equal to a MLB team's entire payroll. This is expected to continue for months.
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when barro, yggy et al talk like the things that annoy them online are the biggest problems our nation faces, that's narcissism. but the thing about me is that the things that annoy me online really are the biggest problems our nation faces,
imagining being named jeff and spelling it “geoff.” that would not be me, I cannot imagine a more embarrassing practice
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Jeremy Peters lied about the background of one of the Charlottesville fascist militias and if you point this out on twitter he blocks you
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"bigfoot is real" is 2 orders of magnitude more plausible a claim than "the nfl is not rigged". maybe 3. i think it is relatively likely that in my lifetime, bigfoot himself catches a wildcard game and says "oh fuck this shit the ref's getting paid". in this scenario we are friends
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broke: we should elect only women politicians because women are naturally more moral and peaceful woke: we should elect only women politicians bc men worldwide are losing their goddamn minds
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The trolley problem is simple. You find and kill the person who tied the people onto the tracks
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funniest outcome of the Trump immunity case is the court finds that the President has complete immunity and then Biden immediately kills Trump
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Looking back at a decade of tech innovations 2013: Blockchain! It's a like a database, but slower and worse! 2016: VR! It's like monitors, but slower and worse! 2021: NFTs! It's like pictures, but slower and worse! 2023: AI! It's like algorithms, but slower and worse!
If you like sci-fi, read Some Desperate Glory. I fell off reading fiction during law school. Then career, kids etc happened, and I only read stuff like Horus Hersey for a decade. I read SDG in December and I’ve been on a modern sci fi binge ever since.
you can simply ignore what Christopher rufo has to say. give it a try, Harvard people