
Three adjacent headlines that say it all.
I was talking to someone yesterday about how, if media literacy was taught in schools, we would have a far better chance of the electorate making informed decisions, which might be why media literacy isn’t taught in schools
Choosing the day before they go to the polls to tell the grateful British electorate that he will never give them their hearts desire, knowing they will vote for him anyway because they have been reduced to desperation, is a clear sign of how Starmer will govern.
I was thinking (hoping?) his "not in my lifetime" was a nod to Thatcher's equally disingenuous take on the possibility of a woman being Prime Minister.
Isn't that more to do with the EU telling Britain that if they rescinded their "special member" status they'd have to apply for full membership through the proper channels if they wanted to return, rather than any choice by the UK government though..?
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I saved this a while ago
Yeah, there's a reason the press went in so hard on media studies in the 90s and 00s.
The media doesn't like being studied any more than viruses do, and for mostly the same reasons
I am almost grateful for having that compare and contrast question so often now that we are in a world where you're only permitted to do one or the other.
Yeah, I'm half convinced Goves 'teach kids grammar terms' focus is as much about kicking out any love of going and looking at stuff yourself and leaning like that as anything else.
I think the fact that some people did start to get taught it is one of the things that's making the establishment so scared of the young tbh.
The idea of tackling misinformation was neutered entirely by the media and politicians insisting that anything that criticised their actions must definitionally qualify as a product of misinformation 😭
Especially when the government created the Behavioural Insights Team (the "Nudge Unit") in 2010, only to then sell it off to friends of their they went to college with a decade later.
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Not only that, it’s why efforts are made to suppress things like media studies by deriding them as “not proper subjects” or, as we’re starting to see now, actually defunding them.
It's also why the press is allowed to be openly bigoted against minorities.
They're not gonna give you the education you need to overthrow them.
I'm more inclined to believe that this is 'accurate', but not 'correct'. I have studied media literacy though, so take subtle uses of language more to heart. 😄
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ok everyone just take a deep breath here
I'm writing my master's thesis on the seperation of ethics and rhetoric in higher education and its possible contribution to modern discourse. This is relatable.
That is good to hear! I only got it once I went to art school and it pretty much changed my life, and obviously my worldview
Oh "a new age of hope" is it Sir Keir? Will this bad thing get better? - No. Will this scrapped thing be fixed/reinstated? - No. Will this underfunded vital service get cash? - No. Will everyone be able to pee in peace - Of course... not.
The juxtaposition of “new dawn breaks” with “there’s no way I will ever do the thing most of you desperately want and need” is bleakly funny
I mean, the EU thing is just such an own goal. Only the Brexit headbangers don’t want much closer ties with the EU. Announcing a move to SM/CU would be a major positive step.
Saying it on THE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION really feels like grinding his boot in the face of the grateful British electorate
This is all "we told you what you were voting for, you did it anyway, fuck you if you try to complain"
I guess ‘we’ll never rejoin the EU’ is British for ‘rich people, don’t worry—we will not raise your taxes.’
Personally, if I was Labour, I’d have been noisily saying, since 2016, that the Brexit vote was going to mess up Britain and then at least it’d have credibility when Brexit was the disaster it was always going to be
Bleakly funny is exactly it. You want a vision of the future Winston? Imagine a deep resigned hollow laugh forever.
If they govern as Keith now says, this election will be such a disillusionment for a lot of the labor voters..
Nooo. What he means is "You'll all hope it'll get better"
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss
In my constituency, its snp vs liberals. Two parties who are not ashamed of being proudly pro-Europe. I feel quite lucky I don't have to hold my nose and vote for starmer, even thought things might marginally improve.
Starmer ensuring no-one will be disappointed in him, by telling everyone to expect nothing positive whatsoever.
Should we just give the keys to No10 to Mr Murdoch and be done with it? The wheels go around, and nothing really changes
Idk, it is just a "see, I always pick the winner" in a two horse race where you've watched your initial pick going around the track without a rider for the last ten minutes and think it's probably time to bet on the other horse.
Well, for what it's worth, rejoining the EU wouldn't be the UK's decision alone.
Indeed it would not and there would be substantial opposition to it but Starmer framing it as his decision is very interesting
I imagine it's more that he sees it as a distraction and is trying to cut it off early.
Dashing the hopes of his supporters on the day before they vote is an interesting choice, for sure.
Well, I have seen first hand the recoil political parties can take when they make promises that they can't (or won't) keep. Dude's party by all accounts is heading for a landslide victory already.