
Let's be honest and say that the sort of person who thinks it's rude to expect a guest to comply with a polite request regarding one's home is the sort of person you don't want stepping foot into where you live, they will likely light up a cigarette and leave the door open so your cat can run out
hey, let’s check in on white people and see what they’re up to! oh.
There's a line in Logue's Iliad poems something like: The host requires the guest to make himself at home, The guest remembers he is not Apparently somebody forgot the second part.
Wow, great line. And found it, too, in War Music. It's raining and so it looks like a good read for this evening. (And you remembered it perfectly.)
I bet she's traipsed dog poop through somebody's house and spilt Mountain Dew on the sofa. This reads like a big "I'm not the one in the wrong here" rationalisation.
Some of this feels like the sort of thing that only survives within a very particular mannered set of car-to-paving-to-front-door Entertainers™ who're also maintaining norms from the mansion-and-maids set of a century ago, but (probably) without the maids.
Leaving the door open so the cat(s) can run out would be a very serious problem.
I sweat this stuff has to be rage bait. Just like I've seen posts like "Brides CRAZY rules makes guests not want to be there" 1) only gets TWO DRINK TICKETS, no open bar etc etc. I'm like damn y'all are in a different income bracket then me if you expect every wedding to have an open bar
Open bar is either RICH, insanely financially improvident, or "knows a brewer and cidermaker." I've seen the last one (kegs and enormous bottles of Good Stuff as a wedding gift).
I've seen unlimited champagne during the official reception (bc they had the place for the night to continue the fun) & I thought that was super generous. Even though we were a small group. The other craziness is why people go into debt for a wedding. Also guests seem to think the party is for them
Every time I see one of these posts, I am baffled as a Canadian. I don’t think I have ever been to someone’s house and worn shoes indoors. It’s literally not something that happens here
Definitely a cultural thing. Not all cultures are the same. I was raised to never be barefoot. 🤷‍♀️ I dislike it, but when in a Canadian's home, I take off my shoes. Because it's not my house and I was also raised to respect others homes.
Even the Bible has people washing feet after coming in for dinner. I’m convinced shoes on people either don’t understand how messy it is outside or are sociopaths.
It is admittedly a problem that solves itself
Yeah it ain’t gonna work here in Toronto in the middle of winter when you’re dragging in salt and slush. You get in the door, that footwear is coming off and being set in the rubber boot tray.
Yup. I have developed a rule that the main entrance to my home is through the laundry room and it has two doors. One to kitchen, one to garage. One of those doors must ALWAYS be closed so Sarah (my cat) cannot get out and get hurt. People with a problem with that are persona non grata.
Beautiful Sarah in a favorite hangout.
I have literal nightmares about guests letting my cats out accidentally. And also that my cats are somehow hiding a third cat they let in themselves from us
Here's my take...if you don't let me know prior to arriving at your place that this is your thing, then don't expect me to comply. If I know in advance, then I'll bring slippers. I do NOT walk around barefoot.
Then don't go to any houses in the province of Ontario.
Fun fact, I've been asked to put shoes *on* when entering, since my shoes are generally less dirty than my feet...
WTF? 😧 What's next? the demanding you not ask them to stop pissing on your rug...?
Joining in with the rest to say that if you enter a house in Canada and keep your shoes on, it will be the only time you ever visit.
Isn't it easier to slip a knife between the ribs when they openntheir arms for the hug? I mean, asking for a friend...
I wish that more houses were designed around having seats and shoe racks at the entry, and like... enough shoe racks for someone in the house to have an addiction and still leave room for guests
I guess an invitation to a guess into my home is really just a way to say "You live here too."
It's funny how you can start with something reasonable like "if you invite people over, you'll have to chill a little" and then leap to "asking people to take their shoes off is vile".
Right? I will vacuum and mop all of the floors and freshly clean the downstairs toilet to prepare for guests... and make sure that I have a selection of refreshments and snacks in, but asking people to take off their filthy shoes is too much?
Let's consider results: A. Host has to (yet again) request unshoeing yourself. B. You say "oh, nice hardwood (or whatever) floors, better get rid of these" and ditch your shoes at the door. The host squees and hugs the stuffing out of you. I dunno about anyone else, but I like B. B all the way.
How are there people who have to be asked to remove their shoes when coming into your home? Must be the same folks who walk around barefoot all day but don't wash their feet before getting into bed 🤢
"Hey, what's this? Your mom's ashes in a jar? Cool! Whoops! … Sorry. Better grab a broom."
Reminds me of a saying when it comes to hosting guests: "Fühl dich wie zu Hause - Aber benimm dich nicht so!" ["Feel like home - But don't act this way!]
Well if I still have my shoes on then I’m probably not enjoying myself and I probably don’t wanna know people who are uptight about taking them off. Weirdos.
why, why do we grant posterity to the peevish scribblings of these coastal bougies
I'd have mostly agreed with this but I've somehow been suddenly sent back 18 years to a time I was looking for a room to rent. The owner got the house in the divorce, couldn't afford the mortgage without a lodger, and was clearly very bitter, as he spent most of the tour complaining about his ex.
He invited me in, said to take shoes off (and said I could borrow a pair of communal kitchen flip flops when needed), and then double locked the door behind me. The lack of shoes as he explained how a previous (female) lodger was leaving because she'd asked for a lock really added to my discomfort.
If someone who feels entitled to wear their outdoor shoes and whatever they have walked through into our home is offended by a request to leave them in the porch, they are free to “leave now and never come back”.
I’m envisioning your cat running out the front door while smoking a menthol