
Court rules 6-3 that homeless people have a constitutional obligation not to exist, with Thomas and Alito concurring separately to point out that traditionally people froze to death and ongoing homelessness is a function of expanding into “traditionally Spaniard regions”
Supreme Court justices expressed concern on Monday about punishing homeless people for sleeping outside when they have nowhere else to go while also struggling with how to ensure local and state leaders have the flexibility to deal with the growing number of unhoused individuals nationwide.
Supreme Court divided over homeless ban and rights of the The decision in an Oregon homelessness case, to be released in June, could be the most far-reaching judgment on the rights of the unhoused in decades.
The ghost of Scalia comes back to ask 'Are there no prisons? Are there no work-houses?'
Clear precedent. Ebenezer v. Workhouses, Prisons, et al.
6-3 Counties can store the homeless in jails and it's not a deprivation of liberty because the homeless are allowed to leave if they agree to not exist or be deported to a far off colony
5-4 with the part of the decision that orders the US government to set up a colony is a country whose population is mostly or all brown. Roberts dissent that the US government must be at least nominally color blind. And it should be any poor country.
Thomas writes for himself and suggests that vagrants should be arrested and returned to a farm where they will be housed and fed in exchange for labor.
The 13th amendment solution. There is a big ole evil "except" in our slavery ban.
Well, specifically that was part of the black codes.
It's a bit of an oversight to have not fixed that.
It is bad that I thought this actually happened for a minute. Foreshadowing only...
Majority opinion writer channeling Anatole France unironically
is this originalism
Jarringly I'm watching Riverdale S5 and even they point out how mostof the homeless are military veterans. A show where the protagonist stops a comet with his abs has more compassion than SCOTUS IRL.
Agree w/your point re:SCOTUS, but veterans actually make up only 13% of the homeless population. The % has decreased a lot in the past 10 years.There's a whole infrastructure specifically for vets. No part of this "system" is adequate but the vets show that targeted housing and counseling can work.
Sure but still very much relies on the VA and state support.
Riverdale has gotten more ridiculous than I thought it could, and the last I remember of it was Cheryl rising from the dead or something.
Interesting. In a more just America, Thomas would be serving time for accepting bribes and evading taxes on them, and his ill-gotten gains disgorged, while his wife would be in prison for insurrection. Upon release, they might be facing their own housing crisis. Must be nice in their little bubble.
say what you will about rounding up homeless people and shooting them - it would be a more honest form of inhumanity than the present system
I'm sure Alito and Gorsuch will apply their deeply held Christian beliefs to tell those homeless people the need to get the heck out of decent god-fearing people's sight and that if they'd just learn to fish like Jesus maybe they would have a place to live. Thoughts and prayers.
Can't wait for the SCOTUS to uphold the argument that mass shootings are sincerely held religious beliefs because the perpetrators are merely "fishers of men".
I legitimately don’t understand how a homeless person manages to live in Grants Pass in winter without freezing to death
Truly a tough go! But also, not quite as brutal out here as elsewhere in the country. Somehow, people are managing this up and down the I-5 corridor.
"Based on a close reading of 18th century law around the time of the founding of the country, we find that the sovereign of the Iberian peninsula maintains authority over the territory known as 'California'"
Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett are sure adhering to their Catholic teachings, huh. 🙄
the Constitution makes no mention of homeless people, Ken. QED.
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” ― Anatole France
Kavenaugh asking if the homeless couldn’t be distilled into some sort of liquor.
At this point Jesus would be leading a mob to burn it all down
Pictured: SCOTUS deliberations.
"Why don't you live in your motorhome?" asks Thomas.
If a law exists that it's impossible for some people not to break, there's no physical way to comply with the law, is it a law?
Also just realized this law covers people sleeping in their cars, which seems like it's less justifiable still, why are they a threat to the peace?
We are beyond parody at this point. Throw in a zombie Scalia next time, so I don't have a heart attack! 😳
They don't vote and they don't donate to campaigns, so have they ever really existed?
Roberts' opinion shortest in Court's history: "Ew, gross, shoo!"
They need Winnebagos. Alito and Thomas need some "Trading Places" action.
I thought you were going to debrief the trump trial
Scene: Two SC justices collide while roaming the deck of a billhonaire donor's yacht. SC J #1: "Oh no, you've gotten Dikensian in my Orwellian." SC J# 2: "And you've gotten Orwellian in my Dikensian!"
This is sarcasm, right? Tell me this is sarcasm.