Selena Larson

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Selena Larson

threat intelligence, dogs, and running. podcast host.
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Scoop: The US senate was just poised to implement new safeguards against potential abuse of a key NSA wiretap program. WIRED has learned that at least two Republican senators are quietly working to thwart the effort.
US Senators Secretly Work to Block Safeguards Against Surveillance Senator Mark Warner is trying to pass new limits on when the government can wiretap Americans. At least two senators are quietly trying to stop him.
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
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Who we all rooting for in the NBA finals?
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Working for the federal government is already incredibly unattractive to me as a younger person who vividly recalls the shutdowns and the constant abuse of the Trump years - and I was considering it before 2016! Stupid telework policies like this just drive even more people away.
New, from me: Senators Joe Manchin and Mitt Romney have a bill that would limit the use of telework to two days per week for federal employees. They say its about productivity. But it would weaken the capacity of the feds to recruit and retain employees.
Inflexible Return-to-Work Policies will Hurt Public Sector A new Romney-Manchin bill would shrink the federal hiring pool
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“If a former president can be convicted for breaking the law then so can anyone” seems to me the entire ever-fucking point
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This is genuinely laughable. As if a language model could pose a “Terminator-style risk.” The only inherent risk from generative AI is if people take it too seriously.
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All of the good karma for Trump being convicted was somehow siphoned directly out of the MN Timberwolves
Reading a very silly book and there is a hacker character named OSWALD WEDNESDAY! And a hacking group named BAKED POTATO!! Honestly iconic names.
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The best thing about hockey players is they all look like they wrestled a bear then returned to their cabin to cook a fresh caught salmon.
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"Broadcast equipment will be confiscated, the channel’s correspondents will be prevented from working, the channel will be removed from cable and satellite television companies, and Al Jazeera’s websites will be blocked on the Internet."
Israel to close Al Jazeera news network in the country | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on X that the operations of Qatar-based news channel Al Jazeera in Israel will be closed.
Will I see you at #SLEUTHCON on May 24?! Check out the lineup and get your tix if you haven’t yet!
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Victorian government department quits Elon Musk’s X, saying it’s no longer safe or productive Australian government sites are saying twitter (X) has become both too toxic and a place where the lack of reach and engagement, means X is no longer a productive social media platform
Victorian government department quits Elon Musk’s X, saying it’s no longer safe or Department of Families, Fairness and Housing says ‘break up is overdue’ as more agencies expected to close accounts
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NEW: At a closed-door briefing in December, House Intel officials alleged (falsely) that Americans protesting the war in Gaza had potential ties to Hamas while defending warrantless spying in the US. My story on why Republicans in particular were shook by this:
US Lawmaker Cited NYC Protests in a Defense of Warrantless A closed-door presentation for House lawmakers late last year portrayed American anti-war protesters as having possible ties to Hamas in an effort to kill privacy reforms to a major US spy program.
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HELLO I couldn't sleep last night because I was SO excited to share this news: and I are publishing our first book in September! It's called CHARACTER LIMIT and I'm sure you can guess what it's about! You can pre-order it today:
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Hey friends how is everyone doing tonight, anyone get some good wins this week?
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New: Bumblebee came back after a four-month absence with a high volume campaign, largely targeting organizations in the U.S. 2024 has really started off with a 💥 for cybercrime actors. IOCs in blog.
Bumblebee Buzzes Back in Black  | Proofpoint What happened  Proofpoint researchers identified the return of Bumblebee malware to the cybercriminal threat landscape on 8 February 2024
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A lede ripped from SciFi horror: "An Edina man who initially denied killing a small-town doctor in a hit-and-run near Lake Mille Lacs last fall told investigators that he didn't remember hitting the woman with his Tesla — but if he did, he would have been driving on autopilot and checking emails."
Tesla driver said if he did kill Mille Lacs doctor, he might have been on autopilot, The suspect in the hit-and-run initially denied hitting the small-town doctor.
I can’t think of a technology product I want less than any of the horrible face computers these companies keep trying to force on us
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FINALLY! Just in time for the winter COVID surge, the CDC now has a useful wastewater dashboard. It indicates that nationally COVID wastewater levels are HIGH and rising further. You can access the dashboard here:
Omg it’s crazy out there I’ve already got texts from my mom asking to verify if Black Friday sale URLs are legit. Spoiler: they were not. Always good to remind friends and family about how to shop safe online this holiday season! And even better, shop your local businesses in person!
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