
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
So much this! It’s not that it’s not news, but how you cover and where you put the coverage tells a reader/viewer as much as the news itself.
I'm not worried about Biden because we have Kamala Harris if she is needed. She is competent and could step in. Michael Popok said it well last night that we are voting for a regime and not choosing a spouse. The Democrats are not the ones taking away women's and lgbtq rights, so they have my vote.
Project 2025 is something we don't want to get into. It is Catholic ultranationalism with the Texas energy/industrial sector ruling the country.
And 4 Chan as their spokesperson. There is no way this nation could psychologically cope with life under that type of regime. Social and economic progress would plummet.
It’s true. Most Americans aren’t groomed for authoritarian control. There would be trouble.
The problem is how to communicate this to millions of checked out voters who might only hear that he's old I don't know how to make it clear to people who don't pay attention how dangerous Project 2025 is
It's going to have to be done in a way that's both easy to understand and emotionally charged.
Very much this! Can you have doubt about the wisdom of the process? Sure! But in the end it is now about the person but about the regime. Chaos Incarnate vs Halfway Decent. Not that hard you would think.
💯⬆️ What is the alternative? I understand the concept of yellow-dog Democrat right now. Tfg turned this former Independent into one. I'm straight-ticket Democrat as long as there is an ultranationalist threat to the government.
Huh. I guess Palestinian trans lives really don’t matter. Whoulda thunk!
MAGA judges across this country have already said fuck you to the Bostock SCOTUS ruling when it comes to trans equality and safety. All of these fucks are lawless criminals and should be arrested, jailed and stripped of their judgeships for life.
IKR But apparently Biden’s not so good debate performance is more important than trans rights, women’s rights , and individual rights in general.
Tells you who is driving this bullshit: bigots
I am shocked that the same pundit class that tell the dems to stop supporting LGBTQ folks would put their own wants above more salient crisis of rights and liberties. /s
I am so fucking furious about this! This stuff directly affects my family and I am just livid seeing them turn one of the few good SC rulings of the last decade or so into a dead letter. 🤬🤬🤬
scotus just basically ruled that biden could do this so people should be taking it up with him as to why he isn’t given the threat. he could and should just declare trump the threat he is and throw him in gitmo until congress passes some constitutional amendments to curtail abuses like this.
I agree and if it's true that Biden isn't making all of the decisions right now people need to be asking what's going on.
With all this talk about fitness for office, it’s worth noting flagrant criminality, treason, and rape are not considered by the press to be relevant.
It’s all such an obvious ploy to distract people from SCOTUS and the Heritage Foundation setting things up for a future terror-filled Trump monarchy, and it is fucking maddening to see people fall for it.
I think it's as basic as: the media wants Republicans to win. Either because they agree with them or because or craven "its good for ratings" And the weird way people try to get Republicans to like them by going "we bashed Biden. Watch our show! Tee hee."
I wouldn't mind at all criticisms that were valid and constructive. Those are good. Helpful even. But there's no desire to inform or influence. It's appeasement to a gluttonous mob that will never break ranks. The media isn't misguided. But malicious.
Starting to feel like they've all got a David Pecker on the staff
Exactly. The trial reminded me that every week there'd be some new 'Hillary -- Weeks to Live' version of the Nat'l Enq. Especially when tfg needed distraction from his latest scandal which would have sunk any other candidate.
Just thinking back to the Trump years, when so many journalists were bleating about how mean Trump was to them & how frightened they were each time he whipped his followers up into a violent frenzy directed at them. I dunno how I am supposed to care about this industry ever again.
I’m still just so sorry I fell for the kayfabe in the early days of 2016 and 2017 and actually subscribed to these papers, thus helping to cement the idea for them that Trump was great for their numbers. I actually believed they were fighting all this (lol) - I will never subscribe again.
And of course there's Trump's close buddy/potential chief of staff openly threatening bloodshed if we don't acquiesce in their fascist takeover.
I missed this, do you have a story?
There is no possible conclusion except that the NYT and WaPo and most other major news outlets desperately want Trump to win and will stop at nothing to help him.
If only we didn't stop legitimizing them taking bribes and still working. We have normalized corruption and rot.
Old Dude Debate Bad has finally exceeded Butter Emails as the single most infuriating reaction to "which of these assholes is the less-harmful choice of administration".
Not to mention the child rapist head of the GOP being treated as a leader of anything…
It's going to backfire on A.G. Sulzberger and his merry band of fuckwits.
Not to mention scant coverage of Trump's insane debate performance.
He did great, for Trump. Is that the coverage you mean? The left has complained he's full of shit for 8 years and the right loves it. It's the exact opposite of news. It might be worthwhile to look into the Epstein thing again although honestly I think Trump caught the bad vibe and stayed away.
The times have proven decisively that they are not up to this even slightly. I am finally done with their shit
Thank you for letting me know my anger and frustration aren't a solitary case.
Millions of us I’m sure, maybe tens of millions. Sure wish it were 200 million or so—think that’s roughly how many eligible voters there are in the US?
I, too, will vote 🔵 no matter who. However, #Biden has little to no upside unless he uses his new #officialact powers - 😳😤which he clearly states he won't. Yes, change at this late date is risky, but so is "staying the course", 1 term loser GHW Bush's bland, ineffective strategy.
Really? That's obscene even if he is incapacitated and his egotistical staff are refusing to allow him to be replaced with someone who can win, leading donors to not want to set their money on fire? I think it's normal emergency coverage of a crisis.
That is literally what the press in Denmark and Japan are doing. That is some good conspiracy.
Democrats did it to themselves by constantly rigging their primaries. Now they’re stuck in a shithole of their own making and they’re doing nothing to get out of it. And Biden has been shit since before he became a doddering idiot.
The 2020 Democratic slate was horrible. I thought Mayor Pete was great but I don't think he really wants to be a politician. Meanwhile the rest, like, why are you people running? I don't want to sound like a jerk but they need a couple of 50 year old successful purple state governors.
that's not fair - he's not just a felon and rapist but also a bigoted fascist and insurrectionist with delusions of humanity and competence.
I’ve never seen such a marked divide between what my suburban mom friends are panicking about (SCOTUS) and what all of the major news outlets are covering (Biden Old!!)
Agreed - and *I'm* biting my nails re: the debate and I *still* think this is nuts. Priorities.
The "Rich Dems Worried" ones are negatively polarizing me into wanting him to stay in no matter what. Even if you agree with them on Biden, it cannot work that they can issue threats and then have the candidate changed. They must not even think it possible.