Faith Merino

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Faith Merino

Stegner Fellow @Stanford // MFA UC Davis // able to digest most things
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SomeBODY once sold me Some baby shoes and told me The little things had never been worn
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turns out my state is having a contest on "I Voted" sticker designs, and I would like to show you the most metal one by a middle schooler:
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every supreme court ruling these days
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I think it’s telling that if you search “Trump AND rape” on the New York Times website you don’t get a single article mentioning the E. Jean Carroll case but if you search “Biden AND old” you get 18,026 hits.
latest trump child rape accusation is uh pretty fucking bad and also not surprising
Never forget: Venmo held Trump to a higher standard than SCOTUS.
This just in: Chief Justice John Roberts Feels Weird About Octopuses Having Neurons In Their Tentacles Because That’s Not How a Brain is Supposed to Work. Cephalopods Now Illegal.
“As someone with a great LSAT score, here’s what I can tell you about the smelt in California’s San Joaquin Delta…”
Can't get over how much an asshole Roberts sounds like here
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Serial killer on TV: - extremely smart - also, cunning like an animal - charismatic but cold ‐ troubled childhood - operatic sensibilities - can only be caught by the greatest detective Serial killer IRL: - just a cop - a regular cop - cops won't stop him because he is a cop
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Every once in a while I’m reminded of the male colleague who very earnestly insisted that he and his wife divide up the housework equally. When asked what he does with regularity around the house, he answered: “I carry the heavy things up the stairs.”
In 1981 a proposed Reagan appointee named Warren Richardson was withdrawn after it was revealed that he was the general counsel for an organization run by a Neo-Nazi that published an antisemitic conspiracy rag entitled The Spotlight. Richardson next found work with...the Heritage Foundation.
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From my colleague Molly Redden: “Weeks before she struck down the federal mask mandate in spring 2022, U.S. District Judge Mizelle attended an all-expenses-paid retreat where a conservative group gave her a crash course in the niche legal theory propping up her opinion.”
Trump Judges Went On A Luxury Trip — And It Doomed A Major Biden The April 2022 ruling included an unusual legal theory — and new disclosures seen by HuffPost shed some light.
I finally saw Furiosa and literally nothing could’ve prepared me for the impact of finding out that George Miller also directed Babe and Happy Feet.
I got one am very confident my driver, Joseph James DeAngelo, will get me home safely.
The Kidnap Express is apparently trying to market to women in particular
Seems a little on the nose that Sam Altman, a man who has been accused of sexual abuse by his sister, is now in hot water with another woman for refusing to take no for an answer.
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More support for the theory that OpenAI is equal parts “never have an original idea” + “steal other people’s work because you’re constitutionally incapable of imagining anything on your own”—with a hefty dollop of “fetishize women and refuse to take no for an answer.”
NPR tech reporter Bobby Allyn obtained this statement from Scarlett Johansson regarding OpenAI's ChatGPT voice that sounds like her role from the 2013 movie "Her"
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can’t believe someone else is living my dream (dropping c-bombs on the Alito family)
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The myth of the abusive male genius needs to die. There are very few whose contributions to society are really worth being conflicted over in contrast to the abuse they unleashed. I promise you there was a woman or non-binary person or even a decent man around whose art was just as good
Ladies, if the choice is between a Sam Alito who blames you for the bad thing he did, and a Clarence Thomas who won’t even say you did the thing you actually did, you know the right answer. Get yourself a man who stands by your crimes.
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Spending company scrip in the company store! Tennessee Ernie Ford didn’t die for this
New from 404 Media: Amazon workers at some fulfillment centers can now purchase neck fans at an in-warehouse store using “swag bucks” earned for good behavior to prevent them from overheating on the job. “Turn the AC up you frugal bastards.”
Amazon’s Swag Store Sells Neck Fans to Prevent Workers from Employees can buy the fans at an in-warehouse store with “Swag Bucks” they earn for good behavior and team bonding activities.
Apropos of nothing, Creative Writing is the number one minor AND the most in-demand class at Stanford, with wait lists so long that most students can’t get in until junior or senior year, and yet the department had to freeze lecture hiring for the first time ever this year due to lack of funds.
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In the Spring of 1864 Twain, while working as a beat reporter for the SF Morning Call, Twain witnessed the murder of a Chinese laborer by a mob that included cops. It radicalized him. He wrote it up, one of the first things he ever authored which he thought deserved to be called “literature”… 2/
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NYPD cops searching bags and finding college level textbooks
Are there any parents who can reassure me that the Cottonmouth Joe On Loop phase ends? Because I’m pretty close to moving to a cabin in the woods to write a manifesto.
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Inside me there are two wolves. This is not enough to control the deer population inside me, which is degrading the river ecology inside me. I’m attempting to release more wolves inside me to address this, but the ranchers inside me object, and
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Cops are the kind of people who kill their parents and expect sympathy on account of being an orphan.