
Incredible take. “Pride flags were allowed when Democrats controlled the House, and are disallowed now that they don’t. Ergo, there is no point giving them the House.”
Democrats wouldn’t shut down the government to save Ukraine from Russia - if you’re fine with that but want them to shut down the government over Pride flags, I dunno what to tell you.
After all the "pride flag missile" memes attacking liberals, this is deeply hilarious
It is but it’s also deeply sad and it tells you that these people don’t actually care about the issues they’re complaining about at all. It’s just “what can I find today to attack democrats for to get likes from edgelords”
It’s just not worth it. Just win in November
Because shutting down the government is stupid and counterproductive and would be MORE counterproductive b/c the "liberal" media will absolutely say it's all Dems fault given a single chance.
[Republicans do something]: Why did the Democrats do this! Might as well give power to the Republicans!
You can’t expect an anarchist to understand politics.
"The bad guys came to power and used it against us because too many people smugly didn't vote for enough allies, so I'm gonna smugly blame the allies and not vote for them" - a genius amongst us
But even more so, what is the minority supposed to even be doing here? A government shutdown is a threat with no leverage, the same wing of the opposition party that wants the flag down wants a government shutdown! They've been dying for a chance to blame the Democrats for the economic fallout!
And this is why a coalition party is harder than being the party of fuck everyone but straight white Christian men.
1. Joe Biden can’t do what I want because he isn’t a dictator 2. Trump will be a dictator 3. Therefore I must vote for Trump
Sometimes, Presidents have to take questionable actions to Save the country .. Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt for instance ...Trump is on the other side of that dangerous path...he wants to Destroy America and what it stands for because Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un said they liked him..Vote Biden.
logged on today to discover that it's also Biden's fault that Wyoming is passing conservative legislation aimed at the trans community
at least the Pride flags thing is a compromise Democrats participated in. when someone reacts to something done entirely by Republicans with rage about the Democrats, my block finger gets itchy
You see things like this and then hear people say both parties are the same on this.
And the Pride flag thing was just reported out as something Biden had done, so understandable people would believe it. I wish there was a way to pause this app and shout out corrected info, like on a schoolyard.
I've been blocked by a dozen people for pointing that out. Anything less than Biden becoming a dictatorship is unacceptable.
The outrage over this is by a bunch of too online idiots that need to take some remedial Social Studies classes.
Yea, Go ahead - empower Trump and his brigades of theocratic and plutocratic fascists. You'll like them so much better.
Reminder than it's the anti-biden left advocating empowering Trump.
These dumb fucks won’t pass 1 law protecting their constituents but you’ll gag on their nuts day in day out regardless. Cuckhold behavior
Yeah that’s why the filibuster is gone and abortion is legal. Oh wait no it isn’t dumbass
Blue States have passed trans protections and guaranteed youth trans care. Red States have done that opposite. Blue States have passed laws that forbid repatriation of trans youth to red States. The GOP tried to ban gender care in this budget deal, Biden got it down to a temporary flag ban overseas.
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Way to miss the point idiot.
Who said the post above Joshua's embedded post?
Taka something (he blocked me, I don’t recall his last name)
I found him. I'm mad too but there are other more important things to fight the Dems about like KOSA and Cortez Masto tanking one of Biden's Muslim judicial nominees.
Can you use the restroom without concern to your legal safety when traveling the country, Matthew?
I can't and I'm 100% with Matthew on this.
Does taking a flag down for a couple months change anything?
Not much. But also not my point. It’s easy to mock extreme reactions when you haven’t been one of the most sustained targets of the right wing hate machine. Maybe before doing that consider why people might be quite pissed and that it might not ultimately be all about the immediate situation.
Sustained action from the right wing hate machine ekes out a win. Yes, that's a reason to be pissed, but mostly at the right wing hate machine, which is delighted to have you pissed off at Biden. (It's difficult to play defense against a relentless opponent; some shots get through.)
I am glad you explained things so well to my poor little dumb trans brain.
Biden could talk to the Attorney General he appointed and use that bully pulpit he was elected to. So far he’s promised to have our back but it’s mostly just a promise. I can do math. I’ll vote for Biden but not with any enthusiasm beyond not supporting the people who want to just kill us.
I have no idea what your brain is like. I express my opinions. You are free to agree or disagree. Now go have a pity party somewhere else.
I spent much of my childhood being beaten repeatedly, harassed, neglected because gay-hating people perceived me as gay. I spent a lifetime drowning in PTSD from it, it ruined my life. Sorry I'm not getting worked up over something this fucking trivial.
I don’t give a damn about this particular thing. It is the string of things that has lead up to “pride flags are banned from embassies is actually a win” that infuriates me.
Literally no one is saying it a win. We are saying it not the end of the world, and it will hardly last the year. Sometimes you have to take a small step back to take a step forward. That's what this is.
Yeah turns out when people vote blue they dont want to compromise with homophobic racists actually. Way to miss the point.
A meaningless gesture that won't last a year and affects noone and instead the poor get to keep having food.
I'm starting to get a bit suspicious of allies whose idea of dealing with any new situation is to find a spot on our foot we haven't shot ourselves in yet and blasting away.
My understanding is this only applies to the main flagpole of the embassy. They can still have pride displays that are much more visible than just a flag on a pole.
Do you think the house of representatives controls the state department?