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Software engineer. Mostly do C++, python and rust.

Certified boring.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
I propose that we define a banger post based on the numeral system used by the trolls of discworld: one = 1 two = 2 three = 3 many = 4 lots = 16 if you have lots of likes, you have a banger. easy peasy.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
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Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Backstory on Tesla's use of non-automotive grade screens, their subsequent failure modes, and the creation of "Dog Mode" to prevent them (but not actual dog death because it originally only held temps to 40 Celsius which is where organ failure starts to take place), here:
Tesla’s Screen Saga Shows Why Automotive Grade Elon Musk bragged that the Model S’s 17 inch screen isn’t automotive grade, but now Tesla and its customers are mired in “replacement hell.”
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
So the way the IDF chose targets was (1) an AI spat out tens of thousands of names of potential Hamas members; (2) those people's homes were made bombing targets; (3) no one bothered to review any of it or even see if the person was home; (4) the potential for civilian casualties didn't matter.
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local C...
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
The Israeli army "gave sweeping approval for officers to adopt Lavender’s kill lists, with no requirement to thoroughly check why the machine made those choices...human personnel often served only as a 'rubber stamp' for the machine’s decisions"
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local C...
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
243 aid trucks entered Gaza at Kerem Shalom yesterday. Getting it to the north is still a huge challenge.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Jared Kushner tells the press that the federal stockpile of medical equipment is "our stockpile" that isn't meant to be used by states. Text on the HHS website for the Strategic National Stockpile saying it's for states to use in emergencies is then changed to conform to Kushner's take.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Last week, a staggering record of 3.3 million people filed for unemployment. This week it's 6.6 million. That's 10 million Americans who lost their jobs over 2 weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
"I miss the camaraderie of the Gestapo."
The Supreme Court Stephen Breyer served on handed George W. Bush the White House, gutted the Voting Rights Act, overturned Roe v Wade, and invited corporations to flood our elections with cash. It was a tool wielded by America's political minority to impose their will on the rest of us. As friends!
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
On my threat assessment list, EMP attacks rank somewhere between “sharks with laser beams attached to their heads” and “dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you” in terms of likelihood of affecting me.
here it is, your cybertruck moment of zen
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Sketchbook people- watercolor, colored ink, gouache acrylic, colored pencil.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
It's been pretty clear for a while that a huge percentage of the US EV market has been driven by elite conspicuous consumption, I just didn't realize this was also the case in markets like Norway. Lots of denial about this out there, and it's not helping the cause of broad EV adoption.
This is really hurting my mind: "more than half of the households owning battery electric vehicles had three or more of these vehicles in 2022"
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
“Some of the passengers were seen leaving the car after it was hit and switching to one of the other two cars. They continued to drive and even notified the people responsible that they were attacked, but, seconds later, another missile hit their car.”
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
I've reached out to the offices of all 22 Democrats who voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib because of her comments on Israel/Palestine to see if they planned to do the same for her Republican colleague from Michigan.
Michigan U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg said the solution in Gaza “should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima” and said the U.S. “shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid”
Michigan Republican congressman suggests nuking Gaza, ending humanitarian “It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick,
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Today in "Twitter is over" news: A PR person for Lucid, one of Tesla's most direct competitors, just had a "platform manipulator" label put on his account for (get this) refuting a fake internal email from Lucid's CEO that Musk fans and stock pumpers were circulating.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Trump: I want to murder my enemies with zero consequences. New York Times: Bold move, sir.
Trump: Immigrants are vermin, and I am going to exterminate them New York Times: Mr. Trump's fascination with the science of genetics has long raised curiosity of the public.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
I'm surprised that so many people don't know this.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
One of the most striking things about social media is how it allows us to watch people lose their minds in real time. Imagine seeing a movie you like or a ubiquitous symbol and talking yourself into seething with rage.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
i’ve been trying to put my finger on what’s bothering me so much about trump going to NYPD cop’s funeral on long island and making it a tough on crime campaign moment, and i think it’s that it’s a reminder of how many people who don’t live in the city—including many cops!—try to control how we live.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
The debate last year about whether Israel would dare strike a hospital seem absolutely ridiculous now.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Capt Brett Crozier of the USS Theodore Roosevelt begs the Pentagon to reconsider a refusal to evacuate his crew of almost 5,000 as the virus rampages through aircraft carrier's tight quarters. His email leaks. The evacuation is ordered but the Navy Secretary strips Crozier of his command. 1/4
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Amazon spent more than $3 million on anti-union consultants last year in its continuing effort to keep organized labor out of its delivery network
Amazon Is Spending Big Bucks Trying To Stop The company’s labor battles have been a bonanza for a handful of “persuaders” who undermine union organizing efforts.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
Zach Weinersmith explains the distinction between "Artificial Intelligence" and "Machine Learning" in April 2022. This distinction will be back, once current AI techniques rise to the level of their incompetence.
Reposted byAvatar Bleh
I’ve reached a certain point with this where I feel like, you know what, every time he pulls this shit and a judge doesn’t retaliate tenfold then I kinda feel like the judge is enabling the behavior
Trump has just posted photos of the daughter of the judge in his hush money trial. It is beyond the pale.