did:plc:wfbiax76xski7u3rtlxjxnvb follows

Dave Hutchinson
Dave Hutchinson
the littl shynin man the Addom, he runs in the wud
Simon Morden
Simon Morden
Author, scientist, maker, lefty.

Website: www.bookofmorden.co.uk
Marxist mystic. Better bread, better circuses.
Jess Nevins
Jess Nevins
Encyclopedist, college librarian, writer. Talks about Mesopotamia & Vikings a lot. Always outnumbered, never outgunned.
Michael Curry  🏴🇵🇸
Michael Curry 🏴🇵🇸
Literary agent @ DMLA. Clients incl Cassandra Khaw, Premee Mohamed, Darcie Little Badger, Nick Mamatas, Vajra Chandrasekera, and Suzan Palumbo. He/him 🏴 🇵🇸

[* Currently closed to queries *]

@[email protected]
Sarah Boon
Sarah Boon
Writer and editor. "Meltdown: The Making and Breaking of a Field Scientist" coming spring 2025 from UAlberta Press. Bylines in LARB, Science, Nature, Orion, Longreads, Terrain.org, and others. http://watershednotes.ca
gamera obscura
gamera obscura
robin sky leigh

writer | wastrel
socialist | singer
rabble | rouser

she | her
David Niall Wilson
David Niall Wilson
Author, Publisher, some awards, USA Today bestseller. Wrangler of 12 cats & chinchilla, ex-Prez HWA, trivia not fact checked. Way left. Husband & father, I'm Crossroad Press! ALT Banner: Nanbootz the Persian Cat in a Cubs T-shirt Glaring at you.
Kelly Barnhill
Kelly Barnhill
I used to be an author. But that was in another life.

Books, brain injuries, adorable animals, rhubarb recipes, nature facts, human rights, and how we can make this world safe and kind and good. You are precious to me, and I love you.

Jonathan Thornton
Jonathan Thornton
Writer for The Fantasy Hive, Tor dot com, Gingernuts Of Horror. Books reviews editor for Foundation. Entomology technician at LSTM. Lover of cats, books, music, starships, gardening
Niall Harrison
Niall Harrison
reader, critic, fan, he/him
Monica Byrne
Monica Byrne
Writer living on the road, currently in Taiwan. Buy THE ACTUAL STAR: https://www.monicabyrne.org/the-actual-star. Reps at CAA, DG&B, and Kaplan/Perrone. She/her.

Chris Bissette 🔪🐻
Chris Bissette 🔪🐻
Award winning RPG designer, writer, musician. The person behind Loot The Room and The Wretched. Stuff in Pathfinder 2, cy_borg, Hunter the Reckoning, etc. Occasional book blogger. SFWA member.
Sarah Salcedo
Sarah Salcedo
Filmmaker, author, illustrator | #SFWA | 2022 Town Hall Seattle Writer-in-Residence | Tin House Winter & Summer 2022

Gerald L. Coleman
Gerald L. Coleman
Science Fiction & Fantasy Author
Cofounder—Affrilachian Poets
Rhysling Award Nom
SFWA Member
Fellow—Black Earth Institute

“Speak, friend, and enter.”

Jennifer Crispin || Dancing Star Press
Jennifer Crispin || Dancing Star Press
Enthusiast of too many things, especially books, fungi, rainbows, MDZS, Ingress, people so hyper-focused on their interests they open a whole museum/shop/press about it.
Managing editor at Dancing Star Press. She/her
Violet Schwegler 💜🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Violet Schwegler 💜🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Writer, trans woman, wife, cat butler, gamer, KFBF, type 1 diabetic, panic haver, gen x old person, anxious as fuuuuuuck


(All fiction prior to 2023 is listed by my dead name. Working on remedying this and website. )
Jia Hui L.
Jia Hui L.
Ethnographer. Science & Technology. Rats. Malaysian. Based in Germany.
Scott Pearson
Scott Pearson
Writer of genre fiction. Editor for hire. Very occasional podcaster. Constant film fanatic. Unrepentant geek. Works on Simon & Schuster’s Star Trek novels and Modiphius’s Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game. scott-pearson.com He/Him
Nolan Void
Nolan Void
Punched Hitler on the bird site. I did other things. My name is not actually Nolan.

I’m trying a new policy of blocking people who come into my mentions hot, whether it’s pedantry, condescension, or just bad vibes. It’s not my job to deal with you.
Host of all podcasts. Independent Journalist. Top 0.001 Meme Creator and Memeology Influencer. Hollywood’s Ultimate Insider.
Pulp and comic artist. 🔗 https://linktr.ee/flinkart
Megan Chee
Megan Chee
🇸🇬 sci-fi & fantasy writer. Published in Clarkesworld, Uncanny, Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, Nature Futures, Fantasy Magazine etc. Translated in Science Fiction World.
Website: https://meganchee.carrd.co/
AJ Wentz
AJ Wentz
Writer of speculative poetry and prose | not hip, cool, or with it | words in Lightspeed, Fantasy, Dreams & Nightmares, and elsewhere | ajwentz.com
Jarrod Baker
Jarrod Baker
lapsed comedian | voice actor | pākehā | he/him | trying to be better | overalls enthusiast
Rhiannon Rasmussen
Rhiannon Rasmussen
queer horror writer ☆ illustrative printmaker ☆ eisner-nominated print director & technician ☆ relatably morbid ☆ icon by MulchMouth ☆ opinions my own
Fred McNamara
Fred McNamara
Atomic-powered analoguepunk enthusiast. 💥 Website editor at Official Gerry Anderson. 🚀

My Gerry Anderson comic blog - https://sequential21.net/
My books - https://fredmcnamara.com/my-work-print/

Anxious and aro. 💚🤍🖤 He/him.
William Gibson
William Gibson
Author of Neuromancer and, most recently, Agency (still above from “Kill Switch”, The X-Files, Season 5, Episode 11, co-written with Tom Maddox)
Mo Schoenfeld (she/her)
Mo Schoenfeld (she/her)
Published poet, writer, parent, married, works part time in the humanitarian field. #haiku #poetry #PoetryCommunity #WritingCommunity. Unless cited, writing, photos/videos are my ©, she/her, 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🧡💙🌿

(Also on Mastodon: @[email protected])
Matt Tighe
Matt Tighe
Australian Shadows Award Winner. Ditmar and Aurealis finalist. AHWA, SFWA. Tired, but trying to be kind. (he/him) https://matttighe.weebly.com/
Dr Susannah Lydon
Dr Susannah Lydon
Palaeobotany | Scicomm | Associate Prof in Plant Science, Nottingham, UK | Vogon poet | Views my own | She/her
Just a vibe, you know?
Kurt Busiek
Kurt Busiek
'round and 'round and 'round we go
through seventeen lights in a row
Jeff McMahon
Jeff McMahon
Same great taste, new packaging.
Lair Ov Thee White 🪱 Ov Darkness
Lair Ov Thee White 🪱 Ov Darkness
Scots expat in 🇮🇸. Works at Luckyrecordsrvk. DJ & host at Repeater Radio. Dilletante researcher of esotericism/occultism, technology and /acc. wrote a bunch for all them cool publications back in the day, but can't get arrested now.
Jay Besemer
Jay Besemer
poet-artist-fool. aging, trans, queer, sick/disabled, autistic. he/they. jet is the cat in this movie. i knew it was a trap as soon as i walked into it.
Gareth Watkins
Gareth Watkins
Writing in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Tribune, Vulture, MEL, Bandcamp and elsewhere I suppose. Host of Death Sentence podcast.
Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉
Madi Haab 🇵🇸🍉
your friendly neighbourhood bog mermaid 🐚 words in Hexagon Magazine and Haven Spec Magazine, and forthcoming in Augur Magazine ✒️ queer, autistic, half-MENA. she/her, elle/la.
Tom Abba
Tom Abba
Director Digital Cultures Research Centre and Pervasive Media Studio Resident. Artist, writer and publisher. Opinions are all my own. Usually making something
Tiffani Angus (Spec Fic Vol 2 is ALIVE!)
Tiffani Angus (Spec Fic Vol 2 is ALIVE!)
BFS & BFSA awards-shortlisted SFF author. Editor. SPEC FIC FOR NEWBIES 1&2: https://linktr.ee/specficfornewbies Up to other shenanigans. Leftie, feminist. she/her http://www.tiffani-angus.com
New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine
New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine
Celebrating modern authors and artists in sword & sorcery - Beating Hearts & Battle-Axes anthology coming soon!

Lev Mirov
Lev Mirov
poet, novelist, graduate student, time traveler, word gremlin. Jewish genderfluid bone wizard writing queer trans speclit in hell. no English pronouns, thanks.
Kim Z Dale
Kim Z Dale
Writer, dabbler, daydreamer. Halloween queen. Chicago by way of a lot of places. She/her
Rodrigo Baeza
Rodrigo Baeza
Understands comics… mostly…
Working on a massive book about visual communication; learn more at scottmccloud.com
Hannah Bowman
Hannah Bowman
Literary agent @ Liza Dawson Associates, prison abolitionist, MA in Religious Studies/Theology.
Let's tell revolutionary stories together
MLIS. Information behaviour theorist/knowledge visualization/internet artist/cyber folklorist/interactive fiction game designer/writer for "Hawthorn". Sensemaking, liminality, transitions. she/they

C.J. Subko
C.J. Subko
Writer of SFFH. Snarkwitch. Psych PhD. Approachable goth.
Rep: Maria Brannan at Greyhound Literary
Comics, anime, video games, books, assorted rantings and ravings. Occasional podcaster. Huge cat person.