Evan May

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Evan May


Tiny writer. I wrote 'Easter Pinkerton and the Case of the Heretic Blood' and some other stuff. Senior programmer for Can*Con. Somehow not antisocial enough. He/Him.
Three days until the next session in @nathanburgoine.bsky.social's Star Trek Adventures game and I'm going on record as saying that if @brandoncrilly.bsky.social tries to arrest me there will be CONSEQUENCES
So I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077 lately and there are these gun vending machines around the city that you see and think 'haha, what an over the top concept in this dystopian video game' and Oh
Everyone I knew in grad school really needed their TA income. Among the many reasons that 'AI' taking over TA work will be horrible, once again money that used to go to humans is being poured into the vaults of big tech. Gross.
This will also makes graduate school much, much less accessible—because teaching helps students finance their education—and less effective, because teaching the basics patiently, over and over again, and figuring out the pitfalls, really helps cement your own understanding.
n.b. for upcoming federal election in Canada
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
Reposted byAvatar Evan May
Well this is grim
Someone on my street has acquired a trumpet and I guess the best one can hope for in these situations is that they get good at it quickly.
There's like a shit ton of alarming and/or depressing and/or revolting stuff happening right now, could we just have another hilarious Cybertruck malfunction to talk about for a lil
Reposted byAvatar Evan May
Rwanda took 240 million pounds from the Uk and that ghoul Braverman to take refugees and at the end got the money and will take no refugees. Well played, Rwanda, and also a wonderful example of how conservatives manage money while fucking citizens over with "austerity" and "spending cuts"
There are a lot of questions in and about UK politics but perhaps the most pressing: what the fuck is a secretary for levelling up, anyway
I’m just going to pick up a couple things, I probably won’t buy many plants
I mean look, yes - I still have fun with Wordle and it's about exactly the amount of 'puzzle' I want every day but it's also such a trivial thing to throw overboard when my playing benefits whatever the NYT has become to even a tiny tiny degree.
Wow, 'stability and moderation' is really the battle cry that gets you ready to fight for a new and greater tomorrow, isn't it
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Reposted byAvatar Evan May
Hello again Can*Con*clave - if you are on our mailing list, you will have received our community consultation on our COVID policy for 2024. It contains a reminder of the 2023 policy and is a chance for you to weigh in on what (if anything) you'd like to see different. Thanks in advance!
According to big meanie @premeemohamed.com, this happy little lanceleaf tickseed doesn’t even exist.
As many will know, I am a huge admirer of Neil Gaiman's writing and have (to the extent you can ever tell with celebrities) thought of him as a pretty good egg. If any part of the allegations against him are true, I will be incredibly disappointed and upset...
Reposted byAvatar Evan May
I am reading Hannah Arendt right now and she makes this point. Over and over. With a freakin hammer. There are a LOT OF PEOPLE in the world very eager to pick a group and blame it for their problems, esp when they don't have a strong grasp of where those problems really come from.
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
It's the 2th of July! Bite someone I guess.
Reposted byAvatar Evan May
Hello Can*Con fronds - if you submitted an application to be on programming with us this fall, you should have received an email with a list of proposed panels for you to indicate interest in. Please check your spam/Promotions/whatever folders if you don't see it, and email [email protected]!
None of these companies will do anything real until they are literally forced to do so. The idea that any corporation will voluntarily take action that might reduce their profits is, frankly, ridiculous.
The story is always the same: major tech companies tell us they care about the environment to silence criticism, then never actually follow through. Google’s emissions are up ~50% in 5 years, following similar news Microsoft is also blowing past its climate commitments.
Google’s emissions climb nearly 50% in five years due to AI energy demandwww.theguardian.com Tech giant’s goal of reducing climate footprint at risk as it grows increasingly reliant on energy-hungry data centres
Land of the free yo
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
Reposted byAvatar Evan May
Oh, hell. I put my surprised face in the wash.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
Not for nothing but it's a pretty shitty thing to do to sidle up to people who are expressing fears about the future in light of recent events and telling them to calm down or to stop being 'hysterical'. For one thing basically no-one has ever calmed down by being told to calm down.
I am led to believe that this cat has never encountered food in his life.
Do not, by the way, think for a moment that everything we see happening in the US is not the plan of the right wing here. They will do exactly the same shit if they're given the chance.
I'm old enough to remember when Republicans said 'activist judges' imposing their ideology on the United States would be a bad idea