
Mary Joy
Mary Joy
Teaches (law and society, political theory at SLAC in New England) and bakes. Occasionally writes on all things related to conservative movement.
Quinta Jurecic
Quinta Jurecic
I write about law, democracy, and the internet. I'm a senior editor at Lawfare, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the Washington Post's Book World. It's KWIN-ta.
Supposedly a writer. Schizoid politics. George Lucas and Tetsuya Nomura apologist. Unironic HRE/Habsburg stan. Tieferstaat appreciator. Sulla shill. Map games.
Keishi Kumashiro
Keishi Kumashiro
ABD at UTIAS. Language and history nerd. Originally from Kyoto. He/him.


쿠마시로 케이시. 토론토 대학교 항공우주연구소 소속의 박사과정 학생. 언어•역사 더쿠. 교토부 출신.
Tucker Jones
Tucker Jones
I care about democracy in the world and in my neighborhood. Commissioner, ANC 1B09, Columbia Heights, Washington DC.

All posts are in personal capacity.
Sock puppet webcomic! The original socks
+18 only please
NO NFTS. I do not do NFTs
No non business contact thank you!
Business: [email protected]
Thomas Batchelor
Thomas Batchelor
Linguistics PhD at Uni Köln

Linguistics (Creoles, Australia, Asia-Pacific, morphosyntax, policy, endangerment), politics (Syria, Taiwan, Australia in particular ig), history and other ramblings

Anarchist at heart

@tobbinatorscw in most places
Pigouvian Taxman
Pigouvian Taxman
War Takes
War Takes
Ranting, raving, shitposts, and analysis from the Left on national security, defense, foreign policy, international relations and more

Maintained by

Can also find me at

Avatar by
Classical Studies Memes for Hellenistic Teens
Classical Studies Memes for Hellenistic Teens
The name says it all really
Kavi 🚱🌉
Kavi 🚱🌉
PhD student posting about politics while I wait for experiments to run.

endorsements != endorsements. min flow is max cut


Developer and operator of
Kevin Rothrock
Kevin Rothrock
Russia watcher supreme. English-language managing editor. Based in Portland, OR (USA). 📧 [email protected] / Find all my junk here:
Michael Horowitz
Michael Horowitz
Geopolitical and security analyst, Head of Intel at Le Beck International. Views are my own.
Dmitri Alperovitch
Dmitri Alperovitch
Geopolitics, NatSec, Russia, China, Cybersecurity
Host podcast
Founder Alperovitch Institute for Cybersecurity Studies at Johns Hopkins SAIS
Co-Founder CrowdStrike
Author of
War Mapper
War Mapper
Map updates for conflicts around the world. Mainly focused on Ukraine.

@war_mapper on Twitter
Ukrainian officer in reserves.

Founder of the Frontelligence Insight:

To support my work:
Elena Grossfeld
Elena Grossfeld
PhD Researcher
War Studies, Kings College London

Russia | Intelligence | Strategic Culture | Cold War

views own
Most of World History Substack. MA in Public Policy. Moderate Democrat. Probably thinking about the Roman Empire. @mcinthedc on Twitter.
I buongustai Italiani
I buongustai Italiani
Il meglio della cucina italiana su Bluesky

Picard Tips
Picard Tips
Wishing for a thing does not make it so.
Annoyed O’Brien
Annoyed O’Brien
I'm the Chief Engineer of this bloody station!!!
Riker Googling
Riker Googling
It’s okay, I’m in incognito mode.
Thag Simmons
Thag Simmons
Tennis-enjoyer 🌋
Former historian, current stay at home dad. just a clod of the common earth

Posting plant pics on Insta @ctznbotany
memes folder
memes folder
daily funny dose of your skyline 💫
Edin Hajdarpašić
Edin Hajdarpašić
Historian; montažer; raw onion theorist; professor. Takes notes & writes on nationalism, empire, Balkans, conversion, etc
Toby Vogel
Toby Vogel
Retired philosopher writing on EU, southeast Europe, migration, democracy, transparency. Co-founder, Democratization Policy Council.
Sins of a Swoler Empire
Sins of a Swoler Empire
millennial dad
Szabadság1956 🇭🇺✡️🇺🇸
Szabadság1956 🇭🇺✡️🇺🇸
Eastern Europe enjoyer, advocate of Magyaromanianism
Radio Free Sly
Radio Free Sly
OSINT Aggregator

Sometimes add comments

Offshore Engineer in my spare time...
Sintas ↙️↙️↙️🌹🏳️‍🌈
Sintas ↙️↙️↙️🌹🏳️‍🌈
🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼 Democratic Socialist, general nerd, and urbanist. Right wingers and authoritarians of all stripes gfy. Same @ on Twitter. he/him
Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
writer and game designer. liberal, progressive liberal, neonliberal. associate editor at liberal currents. she/her.
Classics & Virtues
Classics & Virtues
Interested in the virtuous pursuit of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful in Literature, Philosophy, Politics, Psychoanalysis, and Art.
Starfish Who Can’t Think Something Witty
Starfish Who Can’t Think Something Witty
Political science PhD student. Detective Comics Comics poster. Bit of a prick.
Computers do what I tell them to, which is more curse than blessing.
The Alternate Historian
The Alternate Historian
I use alternate history and fake maps to talk about real history. Hosted by Matt Mitrovich (he/him) of TL-185.

Email: ahwupdate at gmail dot com
Phillips OBrien
Phillips OBrien
Professor of Strategic Studies, Author, Lover of Sicily
Steven Lubman
Steven Lubman
American of Ukrainian Jewish heritage. Kyiv -> Philadelphia. Bioinformatics, data analysis, data visualization.
Raised between SJJ and DTW. Balkans, Ottomans, and deadpan humor. History Ph.D. via Columbia. Recovering academic. Twitter muhadžir.
The Shrimpening 🎩🦐☕️🫖🪸🐚
The Shrimpening 🎩🦐☕️🫖🪸🐚
oceanic wanderer. foraging. i have a tail. i aspire to command a baboon army. 18th century enthusiast. shrimp math educator.

Johanna Rodehau-Noack
Johanna Rodehau-Noack
Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford CISAC | Previously Perry World House (Penn) & LSE IR | conflict prevention, ethics, emerging tech | she/her