ستایشگر خیبر شکن 🚀🔻

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ستایشگر خیبر شکن 🚀🔻


he/him. Iranian-American. ☪️💍
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زبان فارسی تمرین می کنم
I'm not high and it's very boring to me too and the first kaiju-genre movie I ever turned off. Same reason basically, mediocre CGI and no sense of hugongous awesome monsters with weird unsettling bass-heavy sound effects. Points for wrecking a European landscape for once though
high and watching godzilla x kong. the sense of scale is just not conveyed here at all. these guys may as welll be the size of a normals gorilla and lizard
Lots of UK pro-Gaza independents won. Nice to see good people actually getting somewhere with their electoral organizing!
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Consider donating to help a family in Gaza. Less than $10k is needed to save this large family. DONATE HERE: www.gofundme.com/f/save-noor-... @sonofnoor2.bsky.social @noorhassan.bsky.social #Gaza #MutualAid #SignalBoost #Help #HelpSky
Everyone deserves some high-flying offshore bottlenose dolphins (pics taken June 30) 🐬🏺
Has Harris ever spoken about plans to address the SCOTUS corruption and overstep situation? What's her game plan?
Ali Hashem is one of AJEnglish's best reporters, has 80K twitter followers, posts only 2-3 times per day, and only seems to get <100 likes for even very interesting or important tweets. Shadowbanning is real
Effective praxis, it would seem, on the part of AnsarAllah
i drop this when folks are clicking to read a performatively bad take by a fascist in the new york times. 1—that’ll make it the best performing piece of the day 2—guy writes for national review—the mag william f buckley founded 3—i know you like wordle, but the nyt has always been like this
in 1986—peak AIDS crisis; only 6 months after reagan admitted AIDS was real—the NYT ran a william f buckley op-ed calling for all HIV+ people to be tattooed on the arm & the ass for the greater good anyone giving the NYT the benefit of the doubt about trans coverage: this is who they’ve always been
The CDC has finally acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 is not a typical “winter” respiratory virus, and COVID-19 is a threat that can surge throughout the year. Source: www.cdc.gov/ncird/whats-...
Yesterday I learned Hannah Arendt was wildly racist.
One of our 8 month-old kittens has disproportionately huge claws. She's teeny with lil rabbit-foot button paws and then she plays with a toy & these talons come out, too large to make sense in a Newtonian universe, there's just no way they can fit in that paw, viscerally upsetting, please send hel--
In response to the israeli assassination of one of their commanders, Hezbollah has launched at least a couple hundred rockets and drones at northern occupied Palestine, overwhelming the "iron dome" thoroughly.
'Mothers in Gaza are so malnourished themselves that they cannot breastfeed, and so babies are dying, literally starving to death, because they cannot get the vital nutrition that newborns need.' Yes, but does it meet the definition of genocide that I made up? news.sky.com/story/newbor...
Newborn babies now have little chance of survival in Gaza, hospital director warnsnews.sky.com Mothers are so malnourished they cannot breastfeed, so their babies are dying - literally starving to death - because they cannot get the vital nutrition they desperately need.
The FBI really has it in for this Iranian-American guy, who seems to have enjoyed small amounts of recreational drugs in his home but they're coming at him for terrorism for the most benign religious practices imaginable. Absolutely profiling.
He faced a terrorism probe, went to jail on a gun charge, and now is charged with drug possessionreason.com Although the FBI never produced evidence that Ali Hemani is a threat to national security, it seems determined to imprison him by any means necessary.
Somehow I missed this yesterday. They know it will be bloody if things keep going this way. You can get a decent AR for ~$400 these days. Don't be unprepared and defenseless in an era of fascist resurgence.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
I'll be the first to admit that I didn't think he'd win but, LOL.
Jesus. Automated enforcement advocates really underestimate the potential for abuse with these cameras. The amount of information they collect is staggering, as is the ability to piece it all together to meticulously track individual people. reason.com/2024/07/01/s...
Sacramento cops shared license plate data with anti-abortion statesreason.com Sacramento authorities are not only collecting drivers' information but sharing it with law enforcement agencies in other states without a warrant.
I saw the Stardust movie and that appears to be the extent of my exposure to that person's works
Most American Exceptionalism is exaggerated but this, I think, is truly exceptionally American
McCaysville Drug and Gun is a real place that actually exists in north Georgia
UN Special Rapporteurs are also fucking sick of pretending
I hate the man killing thousands of children by starvation and American bombs every month. And I hate the people saying "he's better than the other guy despite a literal genocide and starving 1.5 million kids!"
I think youre underestimating how much how many people absolutely unequivocally from the very core of their being despise Trump. You know what's stronger than apathy? Hatred.
The worst possible outcome would be Biden refusing to step down, which is why I think it's the likeliest: because this is the worst possible timeline.
The Faz3a campaign is a Palestinian led initiative to organize on the ground international civil protection from Israeli violence in the West Bank. A call for allies across the world to come defend Palestine!
Faz3a | About Faz3at.co An international civil protection campaign for Palestine
1. #USDA added 2 Colorado dairy herds to its list of #H5N1 #birdflu infected farms today, bringing its total to 139 in 12 states since testing first started in late March. It is still missing 2 herds, 1 each in Iowa & Minnesota. And the day is young. www.aphis.usda.gov/livestock-po...
Never gonna forget that it was his infirmness and not his genocide that shifted the national narrative on Biden.