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Trying to have more fun when on the internet, although I'll still reskeet stuff about politics and academic matters
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Why was Big Tech ever liberal-coded, was it just because people assume the opposite of their racist grandma who can’t open PDF must also have the opposite politics
Reposted byAvatar Donald
🧪 A CDC report shows over 1 in 4 US adults had a disability in 2022, with the highest prevalence among those 65 and older. Nearly 11% of people with disabilities experienced long COVID symptoms, compared to 6.6% of those without disabilities. 🩺🛟
CDC: U.S. adults with disabilities are more susceptible to long COVID - More than a fourth of U.S. adults in 2022 reported having a disability, which increases their potential for contracting long COVID, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control announced Tuesday.
Reposted byAvatar Donald
And if you need some context here: California is the 5th largest economy in the world. Its electrical grid seems to be on a very short path to being 100% renewable. If they can do it—adding grid stability also!—others can too. If you're a climate doomer, let this brighten your sky today, just a bit
This news is incredible. 100 days this year CA's used 100% renewables to power the entire grid, & through a heat wave, there's been no significant disruption (cough *Texas*). Energy analysts are seeing a "phase-change" of the grid with the addition of 5 nuclear plants worth of battery storage, wow
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Great read. I studied international affairs decades ago and this aspect didn't even exist at the time.
Reposted byAvatar Donald
I cannot emphasize enough that straight reporting in the NYT should be verified elsewhere if you want to be sure about it. The standards are appalling.
I’m going to start with the absolutely jaw-dropping news that The New York Times deceptively edited a quote to make it appear that JD Vance opposes a national abortion ban. —
GOP Platform Author Admits There's a National 7.16.24
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Consider this as employers (including states like NY) claw back sick leave for workees
Yesterday, HHS announced that Secretary Xavier Becerra had caught COVID-19 again and is working remotely
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Solidarity with the Teamsters social media manager, who clearly is a person who stands for the working class
Reposted byAvatar Donald
sometimes I get mad that people aren't aware of what's up with solar/batteries, and are just ignoring what is essentially a new industrial revolution; then I wonder if the reason no one is noticing is also the reason it's happening at all
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Reposted byAvatar Donald
At the most basic level, we should acknowledge how absolutely weird it is that a guy who was over 70 years old when he first learned that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican is the current emperor God of "the party of Lincoln." Same guy donated to Kamala Harris in 2013.
Trump says people didn’t know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican ‘until I came along’ During a roundtable in Florida condemning socialism and communism, Donald Trump claimed that "nobody ever heard" that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican "befor...
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Obambulate [ob-AM-byuh-leyt] (v.) - To walk in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way.
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Reposted byAvatar Donald
This book was published in 1995
At some point, y'all are going to have to stop pretending to be surprised that most Silicon Valley VCs support Trump. Y'all can't be surprised every time. No it's not a *vibe shift*. They've felt this way since way before Trump.
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Reposted byAvatar Donald
My friend Lewis co-founded the Chicago Childcare Collective in Chicago. My friend zara has revived with a couple of other people the Philly Childcare Collective. Is there a Childcare Collective in your city/town? No, consider starting one or two.
Chicago Childcare
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Flashback to the 2004 RNC where their swiftboating of Kerry led to this kind of deranged mockery. This era is when people think the GOP was “good” lol
checking in on night 2 of the RNC
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Reposted byAvatar Donald
I implore people to look at polling data on abortion in swing states
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Former DCist reporters just announced that they are launching a worker-run local news site for DC called the 51st, operating on reader donations:
A serious loss for local DC news. What's fucked up is that this is the SECOND time DCist has been shuttered, after Gothamist, the group of city-based sites which included it, was bought up & shut down by a billionaire mad that they reported on him. They stay brazenly dismantling journalism.
WAMU lays off 15 staffers, shuts down DCist to focus on The station plans to add new audio products.
Former DCist staff launch the 51st, new local news site for The 51st is a worker-run newsroom that will attempt to fill a niche its founders say opened when WAMU closed DCist.
Reposted byAvatar Donald
well, Biden just called for term limits and an enforceable ethics code for SCOTUS and a constitutional amendment to end immunity for presidents and other officeholders so I guess its officially the public vs the Business Plot 2.0 at this point
Reposted byAvatar Donald
I only read about half of The Privatization of Everything before I had to stop from sheer rage and frustration but there’s a whole section about how the attempted privatization of the NWS has already led to people dying from tornados as subscription services get weather alert priority.
It's because they want to privatize weather. They tried doing it under his last administration but many people didn't really notice beyond the weird hurricane drawing he did. It's also why they cut (or at least tried to it's been a minute since I read that stuff) a bunch of NASA Earth's funding too
Trump’s Pick to Lead Weather Agency Spent 30 Years Fighting Who owns the weather?
Reposted byAvatar Donald
Me and my son don't know nuthin' about no bank robbin', Sheriff.
Reposted byAvatar Donald
This is me, according to a local SoundCloud rapper whose stage name includes "Goku"
Reposted byAvatar Donald
If you’re listening to Taylor‘s coverage of any health issues, please reconsider. She wildly misrepresents studies to fit her own narratives (and is incredibly weird about it).
Ryan, so besmirched above, has (1) a useful & informative piece (2) taking more than one study into account, (3) on a platform that still bothers paying for stock photos instead of midjourneying “viruses in space.” I would recommend reading that instead.
here's the piece, I talked to a couple of serious scientists for it. Taylor smears them as "random quacks" espousing "crazy conspiracies" because she trusts her followers won't do any digging below the surface
Does COVID-19 Damage the Immune System? The balance of evidence strongly indicates that outside of rare cases, it does not.
Post-acute infection syndromes & their underlying mechanisms are incredibly complex. People who take them seriously and work to address them, including remarkable former labmates of mine at Yale, are some of the strongest voices *against* Taylor’s brand of oversimplification & fearmongering.