Dorothy DuBois

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Dorothy DuBois

Part Bea Arthur, part Tennessee Williams revival. 100% FAFO
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
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Reposted byAvatar Dorothy DuBois
about once a week, i have to explain to someone on the phone that the police have no obligation to do anything for you and, even if their refusal literally leads to your murder, the courts have been clear that there's no case to pursue
A man has been using Facebook to terrorize his ex and their children. He brags about it: “I want her to worry about who’s waiting on the corner.” But police do nothing and nobody seems to take it seriously. Chilling story from Stacy St Clair and Joe Mahr
How one man uses Facebook to frighten his children's mother and why police do An analysis of data from nearly two dozen Illinois police departments found police rarely arrest people for electronic harassment, even as complaints increase.
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Good Sunday morning Wishing you a restful and relaxing day...
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My god, the Finns are right, sauna DOES cure everything!
This is so cool! Frog & amphibian have been dessimated by the disease chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal pathogen. Researchers have realised that the fungi is heat intolerant so little brick saunas for frogs can help kill the fungi! Recovered frogs more resistant to further infxn 🧪
These frog 'saunas’ could help endangered species fight off a deadly How a hot resting spot can help frogs survive chytridiomycosis infection, and the decades-long hunt for dark matter in black holes. Hear the biggest stories from the world of science | 3 July 2024
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Reposted byAvatar Dorothy DuBois
Any chance we can get to $2500 today? Less than $200 away.
An update on where we are: $1845 gross donations 65 total donors & about 25 new monthly donors It looks like over $650 will be recurring monthly donors!! This is such a good start! Thank you to everyone who has joined in support! Let's keep it going!
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
So hot. I'm struggling to keep breathing, it's like living in a pizza oven
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Do you like these earrings I made
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Pretty sure I am literally alive because of Twitter, given how many medical mysteries I've been able to sort out as a result of community. I'm certainly a better person because of all the people I've met. I've got more hope than I'd have otherwise because I see how hard people are fighting...
It’s funny cause people tell me *all the time* how they’ve learned from me and found community through my posts and been uplifted and connected to others and gotten tools to recognize and fight hate and felt less alone in the world. But I guess fuck that right? I’m not accomplishing anything.
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2 friends have COVID 2 others continue to deal with the life altering effects of long COVID, which isn’t new but always reminds me of the importance of minimizing risk
NYC COVID cases up 250% in 2 months — and this variant's harder to The increases is driven by the new FLiRT variant.
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Starting with the fifth artist-pack. This is a work in progress, people will get added occasionally. Featuring (yes he makes music too!) and more!
Bands, Artists and Musicians on Blue Sky Join the conversation
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just took my new wheelchair for a spin around the block w/ my dog (something i could never even dream of doing before) & i am tearing up at how much joy it brought me. it's incredible how just by having access to the right mobility aids, i already feel so much less depressed.
to everyone who took the time to boost & contribute to my mutual aid: this is what y'all got me. a motorized wheelchair to replace my manual one that i could no longer use due to hand paralysis. it's beautiful, it's fast, it's comfortable & it actually holds my oxygen. thank you so fucking much.
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This proposal to make stocking free sandwiches a requirement of every federal building is, honestly, top tier social engineering. If we had federal sandwiches and got canteens back, a lot of other stuff about food insecurity would be fixable.
POSTAL BANKING is a great idea and it leads me to my other great idea: FEDERAL SANDWICH. Guaranteed access to a sandwich to anyone who wants one at ANY US Federal Govt facility. Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up:
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Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
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A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
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Y'all continue to #prayForWaddles he's still with us, and I'm guardedly optimistic on his chances of surviving.
I got an offer of 300 6' Tposts for $3/ea. It's a phenomenal deal, but I'd need $900 today to make use of it. PayPal me/starbroken These are enough posts to secure everyone behind triple fenced areas (perimeter, electric and panel)
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Look I need my friends needs met so she can feel secure enough to come down here to help me. I didn't fall but I did hurt myself because of the uneven floor and because of limited outlets using my heating pads for example.
Click here to support Kate Kathleen's story * *spotfund is the easiest place to create beautiful and free online fundraisers. It takes just minutes to start raising money today.
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Seattle residents! Contact your City Council people before Tuesday to express support for this legislation. It waives codes that currently make it impossible to convert office spaces to residential ones. This will help with the housing crisis!
Seattle City Council to vote on converting empty office space into The legislation would waive land use code requirements for existing non-residential allowing them to be converted into residential use.
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The heat is dangerous and I'm asking for help keeping us alive. My one AC is failing and my partner has seizures made worse by heat/stress
Y'all continue to #prayForWaddles he's still with us, and I'm guardedly optimistic on his chances of surviving.
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Well, you see, Trump was *cognitively fit* when he sexually assaulted teenage girls. … … wait that makes it worse
Biden has a bad debate night: calls to step down Documents released that show two underage women accused Trump of raping them on Epstein’s island, under oath: total media silence except in a few blogs and foreign news The media double standard is incredible to see
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