Doug Hanke

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Doug Hanke

I live in Portland but do not own a bike nor chickens. However, I do read a lot, wrangle Pikmin, drink coffee, and serve as a trustee of Awesome Portland.
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Time to bring back #HugOps. Today is not a fun day for tech support and SRE teams. I hope you all get free pizza and get to pet a dog today.
This is one of the worst ads I have ever seen. It's basically "Are we the baddies?" as an ad campaign. So much to unpack here, looking forward to the oral history of this in a few years to see how this ever get greenlit.
Nike's new commercial is an ode to the unapologetically competitive - Fast A new commercial, ‘Winning Isn't For Everyone,’ is an anthem for the unapologetically competitive.
So Azure outage, Crowdstrike causing a bunch of Windows machines to BSoD, and airlines grounding their fleets because nobody can talk to anybody else. Really glad I'm not on call this sprint.
Reposted byAvatar Doug Hanke
Kind of ironic that TikTok is where legitimate discussion of Project 2025 is happening while the New York Times is where you go for weird screeching bullshit
Well I WAS gonna go to bed but "The Skydivers" just popped up and I can never say no to a whole opening skit about swing choir. Also, why study industrial arts? Because I am a craftsman. And NOT a killer!
(Montage of Jimmy selling cars by walking door to door, because that is how you sell cars in 1940) Owner: "Kids today just won't WORK like we did!"
Reposted byAvatar Doug Hanke
And if you need some context here: California is the 5th largest economy in the world. Its electrical grid seems to be on a very short path to being 100% renewable. If they can do it—adding grid stability also!—others can too. If you're a climate doomer, let this brighten your sky today, just a bit
This news is incredible. 100 days this year CA's used 100% renewables to power the entire grid, & through a heat wave, there's been no significant disruption (cough *Texas*). Energy analysts are seeing a "phase-change" of the grid with the addition of 5 nuclear plants worth of battery storage, wow
Happy March 1600, 2020, by the way. Time sure flies when we're having fun.
Nobody mentioned one of the side effects of having a security doorbell is that I would spend a bunch of time deleting video of myself walking in and out of the house. Enough already. Pick one. Dumbass.
It’s like every Twitter-addicted journalist forgot how the best night on the site in YEARS was the night he got the ‘rona.
If you’ve never seen this before, this absolutely worth your time. If you have, always worth a rewatch. I still have no idea where Prince’s guitar goes at the end.
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What if, for a change of pace, literally anything good happened?
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Seems worth reposting today
Anyway I have an extracurricular meeting to go to in a bit and then I after that I have a book to read or something. Who can we point to when we see that things suck? (I mean, besides Reagan.)
Why would you be watching that trainwreck unless you were being paid to do so? This is not the life that Godzilla wants for you.
Our cat is having an adventure under the front porch after escaping the house.
Took us about two hours but we eventually got her back inside. She seems pretty OK with her excursion.
I used to listen to the Sklar Brothers podcast and they talked about how they met Richard Simmons on a plane. Their description of what that was like and how he helped them through a difficult time in their lives has always stuck with me. Thinking of them today.
Richard Simmons, legendary fitness personality, dies at Simmons was found unresponsive Saturday at his Hollywood Hills home, one day after his 76th birthday, two law enforcement sources said.
It is a bad day for 80s icons. Let us form a protective circle around Phil Donahue and Mr T!
Trying to add a new thing to my routine as of late and I think "relentlessly following upsetting news about things that depress my will to live" is what gets the axe. I am sure my brain will find ways to make up the sadness deficit.
If you're still giving any of his companies attention or money, I don't know what to tell you. It's been obvious for some time what he is.
Billionaire Elon Musk has donated to a super political action committee working to elect Donald Trump to the White House, a major gambit by the world’s richest person to make his imprint on the US political landscape
Musk Donates to Trump, Tapping Vast Fortune to Swing 2024 Billionaire Elon Musk has donated to a super political action committee working to elect Donald Trump to the White House, a major gambit by the world’s richest person to make his imprint on the US pol...
Reposted byAvatar Doug Hanke
A favorite of my childhood. For starters, here's a witty version of The Emperor's New Clothes with a typically stacked cast.
in all the (appropriate) memorializing of Shelley Duvall as a performer in the work of male auteur directors, spare a thought for her own auteur work: Faerie Tale Theatre was one of the few actually good media products aimed at children in the 1980s, but because it didn't sell toys it's forgotten
The Emperor's New Clothes #Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale With a solid cast led by Dick Shawn, Alan Arkin, and Art Carney, it tells the story of a vain clotheshorse emperor who is duped by two conmen into believing ...
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we are really pretty long past the point at which people who are still active on twitter can claim there’s anything musk could do that would ever drive them away
This is real
It has been how long since they shutdown Amazon Smile and that is STILL what I type when I want to look at Bezosmart.
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This advice is life-changing.
So did the stealing of the Spruce Goose come first in the writing room, or did you think "We need to steal a cool plane" and it happened to be nearby?