Edo Navot

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Edo Navot


Sociologist UF & economist
US DOL 🤷‍♂️. Discrimination, inequality, labor, stratification. One foot in heterodox econ. Dad of 4. Personal account.
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You know what, Biden should go on TV and say "if the Court is going to be reviewing so many administrative regulations, it's going to need to be a whole lot larger. Going to need *puts finger in the air* idk, 5 or 6 justices"
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Supreme Court rules 6-3 that Whaddya gonna do about it? Sue us?
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The Democratic Party’s reaction to their candidate having a bad debate substantially outpaces the Republican Party’s reaction to their candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
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I don’t think we are! I think they are going to flail around, discover every plausible replacement polls as bad or worse and that doing so would violate every principle of the recently rewritten party bylaws bsky.app/profile/dana...
Well we’re about to find out what the unrealistic way to do it is
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@jbouie.bsky.social I had a convo with a student who expressed anger at Black conservatives. Lots came up obv but I mentioned that u once posted about how WEB DuBois remarked that white supremacy rewards Black ppl who are willing to say what cons want to hear. Can u point me to the quote? Thx!
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“2, 4, 6, 8, here we don’t defenestrate!”
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Happy new year! I'm catching up on academic reading and wanted to flag an important new piece from @jacobhacker.bsky.social and collaborators on the current Democratic coalition and its focus on economic vs. social liberalism. Gated link: www.cambridge.org/core/journal... 1/
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Now that they've ousted the black female head of an Ivy League university, I'm sure the far right will continue its good-faith campaign against antisemitism and academic ethics violations.
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Rayne Fisher-Quan once described the post-MeToo outrage (think Depp/Heard) as "a material backlash to a movement that was never allowed to be anything other than symbolic" and that's true of a broad swath of social change we've seen over the last decade.
My unified theory is the internet allowed marginalized groups to challenge institutions that were previously able to ignore them, but many of these institutions just got better at talking the talk rather than making the changes sought by those groups, allowing them to easily be pulled to the right.
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Sociology job in TCD:
New Faculty Position at Trinity College Dublin, Sociology! 💥 Assistant Professor in Sociology (Quantitative Sociology of Inequality and Life Course) Deadline: 9th February 2024 📣 Apply and/or share this Assistant Professorship call! Details on the call: www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DEU175/a...
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Hey #sociology folks: Do you want to share your ideas and research with students & colleagues at campuses that might not otherwise get to bring many guest lecturers? Yes? GREAT! Apply for the Eastern Sociological Society Robin M. Williams Lecturer award, deadline Dec 15! (annoying timing, sorry)
Eastern Sociological Society Robin M. Williams Lecturer Award - Dec 15th. "The individual chosen for the Lectureship will receive an honorarium and will present two lectures on campuses in the ESS region during the terms of his or her appointment." www.essnet.org/robin-m-will...
Robin M. Williams, Jr. Award | Ess Netwww.essnet.org
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That wasn’t easy, let me assure you. A lot of people said that having these Nazis on campus was dangerous and that they presented a safety concern for members of minority groups who felt directly threatened.
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if you read the post today you are a scab and a bad person! don’t be a scab and a bad person!
Remember: the Washington Post union is asking us not to read, click, stream or otherwise engage with any Post journalism (which I will not call ‘content’) today so as to support their strike.
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a note to Washington Post readers: On Dec. 7, we ask you to respect our walkout by not crossing the picket line: For 24 hours, please do not engage with any Post content. That includes our print + online news stories, podcasts, videos, games and recipes.
A letter to our readersdocs.google.com
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“Why doesn’t Disney want to advertise on my platform?”
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Has anyone analyzed changes in household purchasing power net of gov transfers? Wondering if the cash subsidies during the pandemic being stopped helps reconcile rising real wages with households' sense that there is an affordability crisis.
Consumer prices rose 3.2% over the year on average. Among Americans employed both now and a year ago: - hourly wage growth averaged 6.7%, so an hour of work buys an average of 3.5% more now than a year ago www.atlantafed.org/chcs/wage-gr...
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I am going to keep saying this because the distinction is important. This is a historically good low unemployment economy with wages rising above inflation. The cause of this is the collapse of the pandemic safety net expansion because of the GOP and Joe Manchin. A great economy is not enough.
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“Causal inference is not just a statistics problem” New article by @lucystats.bsky.social, @travisgerke.bsky.social, and @malcolmbarrett.malco.io in the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education Open access: doi.org/10.1080/2693... #Stats #DataScience 🧪
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🚨Major opportunity for those who have wanted to do research using social media data from Meta’s social media platforms. ICPSR at University of Michigan now has virtual enclave available in order to securely use this data. www-technologyreview-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.tech...
Meta is giving researchers more access to Facebook and Instagram datawww-technologyreview-com.cdn.ampproject.org
Christianity is weeeeiiiiiiiird
Just seen someone's cheese advent calendar. The 2nd cheese was cheddar, following on from that rare treat red Leicester! They are those vacuum wrapped portions you might get at a breakfast buffet. Also I presume you have keep the calender in the fridge so robbing it of it's main use as a decoration
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What article would you recommend to your graduate students for guidance on conducting effective quant social science research? For instance an article covering topic such as substantive significance, estimated, interactions, collider bias, choice of control variables etc.
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Decomposing the price level change in the nonfinancial corporate sector, through Q3 - how much went to profits vs other costs? econbrowser.com/archives/202...
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I updated the gssr package, which conveniently provides GSS datasets for R users. Now includes the cumulative 1972-2022 file, panel data (incl. the 2022 release), and bugfixes. Neat new feature: info on GSS variables is now incorporated into R's help system.
US General Social Survey (GSS) Data for Rkjhealy.github.io The General Social Survey (GSS) is a long-running, mostly annual survey of US households. It is administered by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). This package contains the GSS Cumulative Da...