Edwin Black

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Edwin Black


Writer of Weird Things
Find my work in Sanitarium, Twisted Fairy Tales Vol. 2 from the Sheffield Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Group, and DRANG
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Here's my summary of the current Ai bubble from next week's newsletter
Hello #writingcommunity and #horrorwriterschat, I was wondering whether any of you would be interested in the ARC of A Poisoned Eden, my haunted house novel set to come out at the end of this year? The idea is as follows:
#WritingCommunity, describe your book poorly: A Poisoned Eden: In which a nice, functional family live out peaceful generations in a house that does not thoroughly hate them, the world, and plots the end of its own much elongated existence...
#WritingCommunity, describe your book poorly The Amelia Temple Series: A young woman on the cusp of adulthood rebels against her guardians, falls in with a bad crowd 🌈📚💙
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Life has dealt me many blows, my only desire at this moment is to be happy and be safe, I have been trying to find a home for weeks because no one wants to help me, don't I deserve to have a safe home and be happy? I don't want to continue suffering💔 #MutualAid Goal:$750 paypal.me/FrancysMatheus
Help a trans girl move somewhere safe, organised by Jane Cgofund.me Hello friends, I need your urgent help since I am in a terrible situation, I am currently… Jane C needs your support for Help a trans girl move somewhere safe
J.R.'s just this guy, you know?
Some people look at my account and say "Who is this asshole and why do so many genius authors and artists follow him?" And i'm here to tell you right now: I have no fucking idea
I have just sent the newest short story to an esteemed magazine. I hope that The Masque of Raphael will be in your hands very soon! #writing
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This is still one of my favorite pieces. It's so gross and upsetting. Gah I'm excited to make this game as scary as I can
Something lurks in the darkness beneath our feet. It grows, reaching out with distended fingers - cold, writhing, grasping. And we are the fools who would feed it. #horror #horrorwriterschat edwinblack.itch.io/a-traveller-...
A Traveller From an Antique Land by Edwin Blackedwinblack.itch.io In which an archaeological dig goes horribly wrong
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My latest novel has been described as Reservoir Dogs meets The Shining so if that floats your boat I really hope you'll give it a go. “I am foolishly late to the party on Alan Baxter, but BLOOD COVENANT makes it clear I need to catch the hell up.” – Chuck Wendig
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honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
I am rather happy with this result. My country needs a good decade of boring government quietly getting on with improving things.
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Art by • Les Edwards
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
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I can't vote because of moving house nonsense and re-enrolling on the electoral register, so as a trans person, I'm feeling pretty helpless right now. If you consider yourself a trans ally, PLEASE vote. Like Matt says here, a vote even just to increase LibDem and Green numbers helps!
Young people of Britain. Vote today, please I am *begging* you. Because you know who WILL vote regardless? Every "stop the boats" bigot wants Reform to get a foothold. Every racist family member who imposed austerity on you in 2010 and 2015, and who gleefully voted your futures away in 2016.
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My story "The Carnival is Dead and Gone" appears in this one 🤡 Out now: cosmichorrormonthly.com/store/issue-...
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Just signed my 2nd contract with Parlor Ghost Press and Watertower Hill Publishing. My short story, "The Boy From Limbo" will be published in the Hospital of Haunts anthology in October!
Hello Britain - this sort of thing must be done on the #election this week. The country cannot take more of this type of Toryism much longer.
Morning, Bluesky. Two days and a wake-up until the start of much-needed change in the UK. As there’s some confusion, here’s a tactical voting guide from The Progressive Alliance. Everywhere not mentioned, it’s safe to vote Labour.
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Lit mags open for submissions today! Cosmic Horror Monthly Inner Worlds Flash Fiction Online Small Wonders Hexagon Kaleidotrope
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I do not come in a starter pack. I am the card that is semi-legal in tournament play.
I don't come in a starter pack. I'm that one obscure card with a very situational use that you need to complete your hyper-specific theme deck
I have finished a draft of my new caper: The Masque of Raphael will one day unfold before your very eyes! Indeed, I hope you all get to meet Raphael very soon... #writing
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The absolute state of the culture.
#horrorwriterschat: Sounds like a good one!
Looking for a supernatural queer read? 🏳️‍🌈 F/F friends to lovers 💀 Evil cult serving a fallen god 🦅 Weird birds 👼 Queers with wings and claws 🌲 Cursed forest 🌎 Lesbians vs god for the fate of reality Ghost Flower by Jessica Conwell Available here: a.co/d/bufFU4f
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Another little atmospheric scene
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Penn is the first woman to be allowed into the Abbey of St Agnes in centuries. Dereliction spreads and the brothers keep their distance, watching her from afar. Something moves behind their eyes. The rot has set in. Will Penn escape before it takes her too? #horror edwinblack.itch.io/sing-the-sil...
Sing the Silent Vesper by Edwin Blackedwinblack.itch.io In which an abbey is bathed in viscera (18+)
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We've finally caught on to the fact that social media is in its death throes and got a newsletter! We're gonna bombard you with so many fucking emails you have no idea. Sign up here!
Seize The Press Newsletterbuttondown.email Anticapitalist magazine of dark fantasy, bleak science fiction, and unsettling horror. Here for a bad time.