
I find these reasons… rather pathetic tbh. We don’t just vote for ourselves, we vote for everyone. It’s a public good, no matter the (many, many) faults of the system.
What I did think was interesting was how many feel like they didnt want to 'get it wrong'. Paradoxically, by stressing the right to vote as important *as a society* it also makes you feel YOU as an individual have to get it *right*.
Hmm. Yes, that makes sense. Although there is no “wrong”. It’s ok to be unsure, it’s ok to not know, it’s ok to write “bollocks to it all” on the voting slip. The only thing that matters is turning up and doing it.
But that's never expressed clearly is it? It's something that has got worse since the ref since I think 'got it wrong' is still pushed at people who voted for leaving for example. I get the stress now, since I'm politically homeless. Which is fucking daft.
No, it isn’t expressed. I don’t think the media wanking themselves raw over polls and staged debates helps one little bit, either. The whole system needs reform. People need to feel that they matter.
I'm not talking about the system. Its more that people give it too much stress too... look at the viterol I faced when I started saying I wasnt comfortable voting lab 'just to get the Tories out'. Apparently, it would be MY FAULT if the Tories got back in.
Yes, but that's partly because we have a system that needs to be gamed with tactical voting, rather than people feeling like they're making a positive choice. But I hear you. There's no excuse for blaming individuals for how things pan out.
100%. Whilst I passionately want rid of this tory govt and I'll vote accordingly, it's your vote to do what you wish with. It's the same as the "you can't have tories as friends" thing - I have and that's not how friendship works (although I might struggle with a rabid reform friend!).
I don't think that was entirely normal behaviour. I can't imagine having a go at a good friend or relative over the way they vote, the whole point is we all get to choose. If one of them was expressing Nazi views or something that'd be different.
I went through a phase of being angry with leave voters, but they were cynically manipulated. It’s made me a big fan of some kind of PR voting system. I want Farage’s fans to feel they have a voice in parliament, the same way that green voters should be able to feel that. FPTP causes so much harm.
But if someone you dont like says they voted leave, do you hold them up to ridicle for it? Or people that voted for Johnson? I think you do (I know I do!). Which may be valid but it also could mean people who arent sure or engaged are scared off from participating at all.
But isn't that the same as saying that it'd be your fault for not voting Lab if the Cons got in again? I see what you mean, and I keep reminding myself to separate individual voters from the politics, but my voice makes that much difference? Really?
One of the advantages of postal voting is that you can write well thought out essays on the pointlessness of crime commissioners on that voting slip. Has no effect , but relieves the feelings. I wonder if a 'None of the above' choice, an official bollocks to you all, might encourage voting.
Maybe that's the answer, compulsory voting and an option that states, none of these parties, I want another election with better policies please.
But ironically freedom includes the option not to participate.
give people a democracy sausage and i'm sure they'll change their tune.
This country needs: PR, elections on Saturdays and democracy sausage. It'll improve turnout enormously.
I'm happy to stick that down as an option, a "return to sender" on the postal vote.
I think we need compulsory voting, I've never felt like not voting. Perhaps it's a Scottish thing. Things certainly do change depending on the party in power, just look at the state of UK thanks to tories. England has one job on 4th July #GTTONOW
Compulsory voting tends to discourage extremism, and people get into the habit of voting early and take more interest. FPTP is a poor system, why would people bother if there’s no real choice? Minor parties need to be able to develop via PR
Wow, it kinda makes those people look a bit foolish, don't know if that was the BBC's intent but... oof
I suspect lots of people will find at least one of those opinions will resonate.
and it is insulting to those who fought for our right to vote.
I agree with you 100%. I have always thought it my duty to vote, people suffered and even died to give me that right.
Exactly. My grandmothers generation were fighting for the right to vote, my great aunts were suffragettes.. it’s not that long ago really. I will always vote.
Pathetic in that they elicit sadness, at least from me. These people are valid experiences of being a member of public: what has gone wrong? Not one of them believes their choice matters (& a non vote is collusion with a majority, which is how Conservatives have won).
Yes, that too. I don’t mean to discount people who find themselves in this position, but by not voting they’re choosing to disenfranchise themselves even further. Also, your point is so important: not voting always favours the incumbent. Non voters actually have huge potential to change things.
I hear you. I believe that this apathy is a result of deliberate poor education.
I was going to mention education. In a well-run society politics ought to be taught in schools but then that’s always open to accusations of bias.
I'd add the terrible state of the UK Media to that. I had to educate some work colleagues just yesterday on what a shit show Boris's time in power was and just how many lives his time at No10 cost. Oh and of course the racketeering during Covid. Memory of goldfish.
too much of people’s memory of Johnson is of him “being funny”, “a bit of a character”, or “at least he wasn’t boring”. Genuinely frightening
I read somewhere not that long ago that the average person spends 4 minutes a week thinking about politics. That explains a lot.
That's pretty much how most people I know has looked at not just Boris but politics in general... it's depressing as you know things won't get better until that mindset changes. One did say how Boris did a good job during covid which is why I went critical mass and exploded at them.
Pretty much every seat in 2019 was won with a majority less than the number of non-voters. Every vote counts, it really does.
Exactly. The non-voters are more powerful than they realise.
They need someone to make them want to vote for them though and every party is more focused on squabbling over a shrinking pool of cranks than in offering hope to people who don't feel like anyone in politics represents them.
I have voted at every election since I was old enough - national, local and European when we had them. But this is the first time I genuinely do not think I can vote for anyone standing here, because I don't believe any of them will improve things.
Quite saddening to read that. I kind of understand the young people feeling they’re not equipped to know who to vote for, but the mother of three not voting is 🤯
These are propaganda pieces to normalize not voting. Its a common ploy on this side of the pond unfortunately and sunnick seems to have a lot of them on his pay roll To them it’s a numbers game to win the 5-10% of voters that change their mind or not vote
That’s very sad if that’s what’s now happening over here.
‘Tis but best to be a realist about such matters. And it frees you from being played by such emotional ploys
Innit. Voting’s a responsibility not just a right imho.