
The joke that gets lost is Ford Prefect named himself after the make/model of a car because he perceived that cars are the dominant life form on Earth.
The central joke in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a race of dipshits building a planet-sized computer to answer the question of "life, the universe, and everything" and then a million years later it says the answer is 42, and somehow that has taken on a William Gibson level of prescience
God that's such a good gag
my fav (so good he titled another book about it) is the dolphins being the smart ones and leaving “so long and thanks for all the fish!” 😿😿😹😿😿😹😹
yeah, it gets a bit lost in US/Canada because we didn’t get the Ford Prefect over here
Here he'd have to have been named Honda Civic. Or, these days, Ford Expedition.
He could have picked Ford Pinto back then, for the US market.
My favorite bit is where you can fly if you learn to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
Which basically is the concept of orbital mechanics.
Yes, and a lovely, whimsical metaphor for the creative process. Gotta through yourself at it knowing you could get hurt, and allow distraction to get you accidentally airborne.
I’m want to be Bowerick Wowbagger and insult everyone in the universe individually.
A completely reasonable conclusion based on looking at our cities from space. The humans are obviously of secondary concern. At best.
It should have been nicely inconspicuous.
That gag was lost on me when I first read the book. Didn't know about the models made for the UK
no one in the UK who was of the age to read the books or listen to the radio series had heard of the Ford Prefect either; we just heard or read the joke and appreciated it - I always assumed Adams made up the model name like Aaronvitch calling the car in Rivers of London a Ford Asbo
You might not have heard of them - they were out of production by then - but I had. They weren't as common as the Anglia, but people who used second hand cars did drive them
Yeah, me too. Few of them were on the road by 1978, but grandparents had had them or similar models.
He was also a hoopy frood who really knew where his towel was.
'What's so unpleasant about being drunk?" This gag eluded me for like 10 years
My 11 year old brain completely missed this joke and when I finally understood it 20 years later, it assumed the quality of Legendary Joke in my mind.
It was a completely understandable mistake tbh.
I always enjoy the Monty Python references that Adams used. It's a brilliant bit of writing. 'You'll have a national philosophers strike!' 'And whom will that inconvenience?'