ε manning (he/they)

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ε manning (he/they)


Computational Linguist. Also a fan of cross-stitching, cats, purple things, public transit, and not getting covid.

aka Emma, Ember, Epsilon
lol happy ten years to dashcon !!!!
LEXING is live! An LSA event for linguists outside academia––we'll have organized sessions, full talks, lightning talks, fishbowl discussions, sessions for linguists considering non-academic careers, and plenty of time to socialize. Join us! www.lsadc.org/content.asp?... 🐦🐦
LEXING: Linguists in Industry, Non-profits, and Governmentwww.lsadc.org LEXING: A symposium for Linguists in Industry, Non-profits, and Government (and other sectors)
One for the syntax folk 🐦🐦
If you're in NY and can sign this, please do. Masks bans will not combat antisemitism, they will just put disabled people at risk. We can and must do better. www.jewsformaskrights.com
Jews for Mask Rightswww.jewsformaskrights.com
My mathematician brother has figured out that this is 59 choose 20, which is probably how they got the number but still puzzling
Nerds of bsky, can anyone figure out how they derived this number?
Nerds of bsky, can anyone figure out how they derived this number?
These kids are both very very good, but it is not fun watching a "say letters fast" competition
ok well that was fun I guess, I'm angry right now but will absolutely forget this and tune in with just as much enthusiasm next year (also shoutout to paul for being quieter than usual and not saying anything that pissed me off? that was an actual improvement over every other year)
if we MUST have the fucking spell off can it at least be a last resort why don't we even still have a 25-word championship list first
omfg no you can't drag your feet with latin and filler and commercials for almost all of the 2 hours and they say "we have to go to a spell off" the instant it's down to two spelling
omfg no you can't drag your feet with latin and filler and commercials for almost all of the 2 hours and they say "we have to go to a spell off" the instant it's down to two spelling
YY just became my favorite with "I like explosions"
if anyone else is interested in joining me, check out www.spellingbee.com/watch for where to watch, it's on a channel called Ion and if you don't have TV there are free services to watch (at least from the US idk about elsewhere), I'm using tubitv.com/live/682634/...
hello it is almost spelling bee finals time! I have barely watched anything this year but I am here for this (there are only 8 spellers to start which is less than usual for the finals so we'll see how this goes)
Scripps National Spelling Beewww.spellingbee.com
hello it is almost spelling bee finals time! I have barely watched anything this year but I am here for this (there are only 8 spellers to start which is less than usual for the finals so we'll see how this goes)
In ongoing "Ginny the rules lawyer" news: cats aren't allowed on the counter, but if you're in the mail bin on the counter you aren't on the counter.
playing the national spelling bee preliminaries as background noise but my attention got immediately summoned by the sound of ZWIEBACK, one of the words I spelled in the quarterfinals 17 years ago
the bright side of all these google 'AI' examples going around is it makes it easier to explain to people what my new job is (trying to make sure the products I'm working on do shit like that as little as possible)
file again under "chatbots don't question presuppositions" 🥴 🐦🐦
It is sensitive to phrasing & very easily led, thus inconsistent. Kind of the opposite of what you want from an answer. It is a “Yes Man” machine. If you just ask if getting measles is good for you, it says no. Phrased slightly differently… (screenshotted just now)
I guess you can tell I'm employed again by how I'm back to mainly reposting complaints about LLMs huh
organizing the world's information and making it universally accessible and useful
thank you google ai, very cool
So many programs and courses aimed at early undergraduates list "information literacy" as part of their learning outcomes and faculty desperately need to address how the incorporation of "AI" into search results ends up returning and confirming incorrect information
Google's AI can pull together nouns that frequently appear in proximity, but it can't tell the relationship between them. "Abraham Lincoln" and "13th Amendment" often appear together and Amendments are often said to be "crafted," so the algorithm assumes that history is like math.
A world where you can't easily confirm something you saw on social media via search engines like Google because they use social media as a source for their LLMs
Unfortunately the incredible accuracy of Google's earlier search engine means everyone has been trained to do 'research' themselves online Is the info easy to find and seems plausible? Then many people will take it without digging further
The 11th annual international Gender Census 2024 is now open until at least 13th June 2024! survey.gendercensus.com It's for anyone whose gender (or lack thereof) isn't described by the M/F binary. It's short and easy, and results are useful in academia, business and self-advocacy.
Linguist friends, esp those who are employed outside academia OR those who are precarious and worry about what happens if they leave: what kind of programming would you like to see at the LSA annual meeting? What would make you attend and look forward to the meeting?
“AI is the sedimentation of the status quo” is such a great way of putting it.
Generative AI should be called Normative AI, as all it's doing is an endless rearrangement of elements according to the statistical norms it has learned from its training data. AI is the sedimentation of the status quo.
I feel like we don't need AI ethics education, we just need Miyazaki to come to CS classes and look into students' souls
This whole thread is worth reading.
And 2. When your people's ENTIRE HISTORY, up until about 70 yrs ago, was one of persecution, massacre, & repeat dispersal, you become (very understandably, IMO!) very attuned to anything that might threaten you again. And if any people knows that massacres start with hateful words, it's Jews. 27/
remarkably dangerous and bad
From the quoted article. Holy shit this is bad.
It was fascinating watching the Christians in the comments of this video about cleaning for Passover reacting to the process and rituals. So many like "but what happens if you accidentally eat grains?!" Such a punishment-centric POV. What happens? Nothing happens you just do better next time.