
This is the sound of the Biden administration throwing the trans community under the bus on the anniversary of Stonewall.
But I bet they say nothing about surgery on Intersex children. They're all more than happy to ignore what's done to us 😥
"staunch supporter" If by that they mean tepid lip service
and yet "estimates there were 203 gender-affirming surgeries performed on minors in the year, at only eleven different clinics. In contrast, 3,200 girls ages 18 to 19 received cosmetic breast implants in 2020."
More Teens Get Breast Implants Than Trans Top Despite a lack of data, anti-trans proponents often center narratives of regret to dissuade gender-affirming health care.
It's ok it's just a bit of discrimination noting to see here.
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It's a typo, you could have easily checked the table yourself from the citation in the article. It's supposed to say 13-19.
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
The article itself had that typo, dude, I copypasted from it verbatim. Then I went out of my way to clip you evidence that it was a typo. You can feel free to let the publisher know about it if you care that much.
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I've seen other people saying the NYT made this up or something? I don't know what to make of it until I see it coming from the administration directly
It's 100% real and the position of the administration. I've checked with sources in the know.
Holy shit they favor banning breast reduction for boys and banning augmentation for girls? Or are they just jumping aboard trans discrimination during this wave of moral panic and hate and lies because they suck and lack spines?
(Yeah, I know it’s been very rare for anyone under 18 to receive GA care in the form of surgery. Not the point. When it’s needed m, it is, and the goalposts and context have sucked. Thank you to reporters and experts and trans people who have educated me so I know more than I did before.)
"I did shit at the debate, let me throw some minorities in the oven to fuel the campaign"
It doesn’t make me feel better that I suspect this was the position the day before the debate too. Biden should have better people than this, and better positions.
The report advocated removing age limits I thought.
What precisely is the position? Removing age minimum would indicate there is no minimum, that's the plain English meaning. How would that be bad? (I am trans btw, not some rando dude in your mentions) And Levine is herself transgender, so this makes even less sense.
To me, a cis person, this reads like "our position is that we agree with republicans again" but I know that nuance is supposed to make it sound different than that.
Again, I don't understand how *removing* age minimums = no surgery for kids. I hope the admin issues a very clear statement because I don't trust the NYT on trans issues at all. And what would be Biden's motivation to do this while simultaneously taking TN to court over TN's ban on minor care?
It is not. He was trying to remove age limits
Worse than that, it was intentionally written to be misleading.
You gotta complete the sentence, "against the wall."
Exploring the metaphor further, isn't that more like using trans people as a convenient body shield? One that can be disposed of once shot to pieces?
Counterpoint: trans people are not without agency, it's true, so the original promise may have some validity. But policy protections need to be robust if they're to be taken at all seriously
I sincerely believe trans people are going to have to physically fight against fascist street gangs. 2022 was a preview.
I don't think that ends well Then again, I don't have high hopes for much these days. After all, I'm a misanthropic humanist
I wouldn't really trust the NYT, since they have and currently do transphobic shittake mushrooms.
This is also the NYT which has been very anti-trans and spreading loads of misinformation so... I personally don't trust shit from the NYT at this point
Yeah I saw this article when it came out the day after my comment, yesterday, when the Biden admin actually put something out. (As Erin Reed said, it was a trap and it seems they fell right into it) Someone should question if they think these surgeries should also not be allowed for cis minors.
Isn’t this in line with the current standards of care Gender affirming surgeries don’t happen for minors
true but speaking on it like it happens only normalizes the right wing goal of taking away all trans healthcare entirely. if he had said “gender affirming surgeries do not happen to minors and i support the current medical guidelines for trans healthcare” then this would not be a problem.
That's what I thought. This lines with the NYT's attacking Biden with nothing burger again. Trying to make him look bad to anyone that is considering voting for him over Trump. I don't know of any minors ever getting actual "SURGERY" and as far as I know they never have. Am I wrong?
Apparently they are very rare and only in certain cases. Still the NYT is a provocateur making shit up to mess with the trans vote. From what I can find Biden NEVER said it.
this is besides the point, but in your first reply you seemed to say NYT is trying to throw off people who'd vote for Biden over Trump, but here you're saying they're trying to mess with the trans vote. For what I know, NO trans ppl are considering Trump an option. It's between Biden and 3rd-party.
that said, I'd perfectly believe they're trying to do both, just as two separate audiences instead of being one and the same
Exactly. NYT benefits greatly from the fighting and divisions of everyone "Against Trump". It bolsters his image and keeps the Plutocrats happy. It's a win win for those keeping the populous divided and unstable. If the masses ever stopped fighting,Plutocrats would be in danger of losing everything.
At the risk of anger, (I have great respect for Trans and want to support them) I think that voting 3rd party right now is a wasted vote and empowers Trump. I hate the corrupt 2 party system but right now Christian Nationalists GOP are the greatest threat to Trans. NYT instigates 3rd party vote.
It is rare, but they do, typically around age 15-17; mainly when doctors and patients conclude it's necessary in cases of extreme mental distress, and this is something the government should not ideologically override Pretending it never happens ever does not help
Those are usually extreme edge cases and still wouldn’t affect the standard guidelines for care